Game crashing after launchpad

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AdrianM, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. user101

    This is what the guys used to trace it. It does work....! Us this at your own risk...

  2. user101

    Well you like hunderds of others have this problem and SOE has washed there hands of it... Like I said it is a MS problem not an SOE problem. Not to be negative but 32 bit ps2 is going away soon. Only 64 bit ps2 will be working. 64 bit ps2 needs min 6gb to work.
    the error will be sort of a mute point in 4 months. I think you will find that 64 bit only works well with quad I5 & I7 processors. SOE spec will most likely change at that time. Although I can't speak for them.

    The other issue is the game engine is changing shortly they have made a lot of mods on PTS server. Don't know how that will effect you. Graphics on PTS run way better than on live, they have tons of bugs to fix.
  3. AdrianM

    im following this guys youtube video but im getting stuck at the part where you type

    depends.exe /c /f:1 /pb /pp:0 /pg:0 /ot:MinInfo.txt [NETHER_INSTALL_PATH]\Binaries\Win64\Nether.exe -AuthToken=0000 -seekfreeloading
  4. AdrianM

  5. user101

    Sorry I only found the program some other poor guy loaded it and found out that there was no fix for him with PS2. The trace stopped at the " Xinput1_3.dll" <--- that is a DirectX MS file.. .!! Not an SOE file.

    Yes the video is a little hard to follow... you have the think about what the guy is really doing... just take your time. I think you will find you get the same results.
  6. AdrianM

    i have no idea i donty see anything to do with xinput1_3.dll

    i do however see this but idk what to do with it.

    Started "PLANETSIDE" (process 0x768) at address 0x0000000000F00000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "NTDLL.DLL" at address 0x0000000077310000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "NTDLL32.DLL" at address 0x00000000774F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "WOW64.DLL" at address 0x0000000073960000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "WOW64WIN.DLL" at address 0x0000000073900000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "WOW64CPU.DLL" at address 0x00000000738F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Entrypoint reached. All implicit modules have been loaded.
    Loaded "WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION" at address 0x00000000770F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Unloaded "WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION" at address 0x00000000770F0000.
    Loaded "WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION" at address 0x00000000763F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Unloaded "WOW64_IMAGE_SECTION" at address 0x00000000763F0000.
    Loaded "NOT_AN_IMAGE" at address 0x00000000770F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Unloaded "NOT_AN_IMAGE" at address 0x00000000770F0000.
    Loaded "NOT_AN_IMAGE" at address 0x0000000077210000. Cannot hook module.
    Unloaded "NOT_AN_IMAGE" at address 0x0000000077210000.
    Error reading KERNEL32.DLL's export table. Function call tracking may not work properly.
    Loaded "KERNEL32.DLL" at address 0x00000000763F0000. Cannot hook module.
    Loaded "KERNELBASE.DLL" at address 0x0000000075400000. Cannot hook module.
    Exited "PLANETSIDE" (process 0x768) with code -2147483645 (0x80000003).
  7. user101

    The cannot hook is the problem... that starts at the top.
    All though it seems to be something with the image... module. make sure you don't have some image grabber running when ps2 starts. Or some image program over-riding that standard MS image system.
  8. AdrianM

    Would Power ISO count as an image grabber?

    i turned off power iso and it didnt make a difference
  9. user101

    I think you are going to find it is something with the video driver. Or some secondard program of the video driver.
  10. AdrianM

  11. user101

    Well that is a SOE problem....!!! And they need to fix it...
  12. AdrianM

  13. user101

    The launcher is supose to determin if you can run 32 or 64 bit... guess not in this case...
    I did find a error in that is realated to this. The regsistery in MS could be corrupted... and set to 32 bit only.
  14. anitbot

    We need an elevated command prompt.

    e.g. C:\Windows\system32>sfc /verifyonly

    To do this, click Start, type Command Prompt or cmd in the Search box, right-click Command
    Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password
    or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow.
  15. Reavenant

    Yes, those custom made OS installations are always prone to error and conflicts. Never use those if you can.

    Me to, it's just the SoE bad mojo :p They always brake this game...

    He's talking about my error code and possible fix for it. It's rather risky and probably it's not going to work. I'm going to wait once more and see if they will upload a new update to fix that error.
  16. Reavenant

    Yes, it should do that automatically, but why it doesn't do that after almost every PS2 update? Even more if anyone is able to run ANY 64bit app (like me) and it's not the system's fault! It's the game maker's fault! I've had to force the 32bit exe file just to launch this game and I have no problems with Crysis 2/3 and other 64 bit directx 9/10/11 games. SoE really sucks at quality check...
  17. anitbot

    Sorry, no,
    on 0xc0000005 error you can use the sfc command and Windows Defender Offline too,
    but first verify your files with the launchpad. If its a PS2 fault they will find it soon.
  18. Reavenant

    Nope it's not. And like I've wrote a million times already all my other programs do work, so it's not my system's problem, it's the problem with the game and more precisely with it's 64 bit client.
  19. Navrug

    go get the servers fixed
  20. anitbot

    Thank you for your visit. If your error persists please open a support ticket.