T7 Mini Chaingun changes... You thought you could get away without a rant could you :P

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Owen W., Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Owen W.

    I'm going to get this out of the way: I don't mind the changes made to the T7 Mini Chaingun. In fact, I don't really care, as I still am able to play the same way as before with it: spin up, turn corner, RAMBO, profit.

    My main problem with the changes is the fact that so much community feedback was ignored, and in the end the changes to the T7 Mini Chaingun were so minimal in the end. To illustrate, I'm going to present the key changes made to the T7 Mini Chaingun on PTS over the last 3 weeks.

    1) The "F.A.R.T" attachment increased the firerate of the weapon to 920 RPM, reduced its damage to 125 @ 10 meters and reduced the spool up time. The main problem with this was the speed at which we ran out of bullets in the magazine and most people who tested the Chaingun asked for a larger default magazine size, or that the F.A.R.T attachment occupy a different attachment slot. THIS WAS IGNORED.

    2) You (the developers) scrapped the entire RoF increase concept a week later, by changing the F.A.R.T into the B.R.R.T, which only increases the firerate of the Chaingun by 44 RPM (but keeps the 143 damage model). Lots of people disagreed with this sudden change of mind, yet THEY WERE IGNORED.

    3) The only thing which you DID listen to about was the accuracy of the gun. Many players thought that the fixed ADS CoF was a bit to large, and thankfully, you listened and reduced it from 1.5 to 1, which is what it is on the live servers right now.

    My main problem here is not so much the changes themselves, but rather the immense amount of player feedback which was ignored. Loads of people were hoping to finally get a proper MCG revamp, but all we really got was a tweak, a good one overall, but just a tweak nonetheless.


    PS: I guess we'll have to wait a year for another chance at getting the T7 under slung right ?
  2. Titan6

    They were ignored because they're bad ideas. SOE is not obligated to fulfill your wishes. Otherwise the Vanguard shield wouldn't be nerfed, ZOE would still be OP and the Harasser Vulcan would still be around.
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  3. Hatesphere

    so you are angry they didn't give you the option to have faster fire rate, spin up and ammo all as one package? yeah I dont think you know what balance is.
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  4. Owen W.

    *Sighs*... You are mistaken. As I clearly said above, I don't mind or even care about the changes.
    I don't think you have read this post properly.
  5. Owen W.

    And how we're they bad ideas ?

    "God forbid ! Giving the Terran Republic something unique ? No ! We can't have that happen !" comes to mind...
  6. Titan6

    Unique =/= Balanced.

    If you had 200 rounds, plus the incredibly high ROF, you think that would be balanced?
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  7. Echo277

    The cross-hairs have been changed and it is very hard to line up shots with a huge circle. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK.
  8. Paragon Exile

    Dude, really? This isn't even relevant anymore, and the MCG was improved massively with its alteration.
  9. MrMackey

    a lot of ppls issues with balancing are ignored.. much better ones than you have listed. everyone wants their faction guns to be better.. like i would luv to see the lasher accuracy buffed.. and there is no reason why it cant be or shouldnt be.. but i really dont expect that to happen.. ever.

    and someone should probly say that these ideas may not really be ignored. more like, didnt make the cut.
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  10. Person7man

    So the MCG gets several buffs that allow it to fill a specific role (support/suppressing fire while having high kill potential) and people still complain???? Excuse me while I jump off a cliff into a pile of garbage... Oh wait, I meant the lasher, my factions heavy gun.
  11. minhalexus

    Not garbage in Biolab fights at least.

    Although it can use an attachment like the MCG for better killing potential.