Press null to deploy bug

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Madd0g, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Madd0g

    So after the big patch I now have this press null to deploy bug on death screen.
    No matter what key on my keyboard I press,noting happens(unless I press I and do instant action).
    Only other way to get out of it is either get revived or alt+f4 the game(as esc and logging out doesnt even work).
    This makes the game impossible to play for me,is there any way to fix it?

    PS:I tried adding the following line to the inputprofile_user.xml,but noting happened:
    <ActionSet name="KillCam">
    <Action name="Leave">
    <Action name="Respawn">
    • Up x 1
  2. MuNrOe

    It's for the next generation of keyboards that are due to be released in the future. They have null keys on them, Marty Mcfly told me.
  3. SLOWMAN87

    I hate you Marty Mcfly, same problem here...:mad:
  4. Madd0g

    Isnt there any solution to this?
    So SOE patches the game,I get this bug and good bye planetside 2 it is than?