New Alert 65% Seems Too Low

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kalgram, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Kalgram

    Having the alert end at 65% seems more like a game mechanic now than true conquest. I found enjoyable and goal-oriented objective play through teamwork, equipment unlocks and continent locking. Additionally, having the thresh-holds of 51% to start and 50% to deny, might instate the trading of alerts - with a potential stalemate - as each faction reaches equilibrium around highly contested territory.

    That said, I understand how the previous alert effectively caused a 2v1 engagement since 35% did not require fighting a war on two fronts. Additionally, since population levels vary a lot across server and across continent, this system was subject to significant bias (reviewed elsewhere).

    Three Potential Solutions?:
    1) Continue to Iterate the current model until an acceptable solution is achieved.

    1) Give different objectives to each faction defined by % territory acquisition after an alert starts (it's very difficult to manage a three-way conflict). The two lower % territories may have a similar objective. Maybe have an alert start on one continent but take two continents to complete (with different objectives for each continent, but only locking the original continent?)

    2) Use the numerous statistics you acquire to assign objectives after an alert starts. Use population levels, territory quality, # enemy territories held, the time certain territories have been held, geometry of the front lines, etc, to assign specific and manageable territory objectives for each faction. These assignments would be made through a weighted, randomized and iterated fashion once a certain threshold is met.

    Three requirements. 1) no more than 25% overlap of these territories across factions; 2) The assigned territories must not have the topology of a circle (must be a solid block); 3) Success = the territory that started the alert completes their assignment, Deny = 1.5 of the total objectives for the two opposing factions are accomplished, Draw = Neither Success or Deny is met.
  2. khai

    If they would add some of the old random alerts they could go back to their original numbers. Or add other objectives. When you take all of one type of major base you must hold them for 1 hour type of thing. except tech plant on esimir of course. There are so many options the major downside of the current ones is its the same every time and your right the number does seem low I think they overcompensated they should try 65 and 75 or 60% and 70% see how that feels. (the previous was 75 and 85% or am I mistaken?)