New cloak bugs, deep cloak not working, weapon visible,

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Captain Kid, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Captain Kid

    I have been playing stalker cloaker today and noticed two bugs at least visible on my screen,
    I do not know if this is visible to the enemy as well.
    1 Switching weapons while crouched and motionless sometimes puts you out of deep cloak and in to walking cloak.
    2 Sometimes my pistol does not cloak at all.

    Been talking to some other players and there seem to be more cloaking bugs. As in crouching not always putting you in deep cloak.

    Obviously it is pointless in making this thread since the developers do not visit this forum but I had to vent,
    I'm getting really really annoyed with all those bugs.

    Speaking of bugs, everything has a delay now. Equipment terminal, getting in a vehicle, even voice macro's.
    And that's on Emerald right now at very small fights so not during prime time.

    Forgot another bug.
    3 Sometimes you can't cloak. You hit the button but you get an error sound and nothing happens.
  2. RobotNinja

    Actually, one of the devs Margaret Krohn acknowledged on Twitter that there were both bugs and render issues with Infiltrator cloaking and she said the devs were "working on it." She posted that in April 2013. I mean, c'mon guy...have a little patience.
  3. ShortRovnd

    I observed an enemy infiltrator while I was stalker cloaked who was cloaked except for parts of his helmet.
  4. Captain Kid

    That.. would be even more annoying because I can't see that on my screen myself as cloaker..
  5. Captain Kid

    Ah did not know that. I will wait a few years then. Sometimes I'm to quick in berating SOE.
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  6. JP_Russell

    It's a remnant of an old bug that has existed since they first made deep cloak almost invisible. Used to be for a little while after that your helmet and weapon would not render as being in deep cloak at all sometimes. Now it appears to only occur sometimes when you change weapons while cloaked, and I've noticed you can always see when this happens on your own viewmodel, even, if you pay attention for it. So for now, avoid switching weapons while trying to remain hidden.

    Just FYI, though, deep cloak isn't perfectly invisible even when it's working correctly (though it's pretty close), so if someone knows where you should be and looks for you very carefully, they can spot you.
  7. Captain Kid

    Thanks. But how can you see if your helmet does not cloak like it should?
  8. JP_Russell

    As far as I'm aware, your weapon and helmet always do or do not cloak properly in unison.
  9. Stigma

    I've experienced all of these.

    The most common bug by far is that I cloak and the energy starts draining but simply nothing happens. I stay visible (for the enemy too) and then I either have to uncloak/recloak, or wait for about 3-4 seconds before the cloak actually starts working. This happens so frequently that it really sort of kills the ability.

    the partial cloaking issue is also a fairly frequent one.

  10. Captain Kid

    Weird, haven't had that myself yet. What does happen pretty often is that the pistol does not cloak.

    And is it me or does going from sprint cloak to deep cloak take much longer then before?
    It takes 1.5 seconds now..
  11. Pseudo Neo

    I've dealt with the partial uncloak/deep cloak bugs for quite some time now, well before the latest patches. I've learned to work around them since they first appeared and until they're fixed I can only offer some small suggestions.

    1) Only change weapons while cloaked when nobody is looking at you directly.
    2) After swapping weapons make sure you do a small shimmy. I tap W then S or A then D to reset my cloak state. It takes you from walking cloak to deep cloak. You can accomplish the same thing by uncrouching and crouching again but it's not as reliable and also makes you larger and easier to spot over railings, walls etc.

    The 2 steps can also fix the partial cloak bug from my experience as well. It's not 100% of the time however and I usually have to stutter the cloak to make it fix.

    If they can fix this bug and the "Press Reload to Uncloak" bug I'll be the happiest invisible man ever!
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