Rendering is ****

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by day ofm one, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. day ofm one

    It keeps happening and happening, that people, tanks and aircrafts render after they killed me or when they got 90% of my health down.

    This sucks so hard because you can't do anything to survive.
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  2. volth

    Whats the point to have massive fights if the game cant handle them. Tanks blows up from one shot because the game engine dont render the other 20 shots. You cant evade those shots too because you cant see the tanks that shot them.
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  3. day ofm one

    Oh, I get the single shots.

    It is just that the player and his vehicle, if he has one, don't appear on my screen.
  4. rhan101277

    Yeah same is happening for me on connery. It is intermittent though.
  5. sixoo

    a dev said there is a limit of how many ppl can be rendered inside a circle range. i don't remember well but if there are too many ppl inside a certain range, the server will prioritize the enemy and then the friendlies. if there are too many enemy, well it will prioritize what he can.

    if it happens in 48-48+ cells with other ppl outside, can be even normal. it should not happens with normal 24+ or something.
  6. Ripshaft

    I expect much of this is just your interpretation of what's happening - there's very few exceptions where something is able to "see" you but you're not able to "see" them, and it happens only due to special cases, such as the mana av turrets, which are prioritized lower than vehicles, and take range into account when weighing against closer infantry and light vehicle/max targets.

    Seems most people here don't have a clue how the server decides what data to send for rendering, so I'll fill in the basics - there is no "simple rule" in place to determine what renders on your screen, it's a complex algorithm run by the server, but intuitively it's very easy to understand - the server will attempt to prioritize things based on how important it is for you to know about them. As such allies will always be valued lower than enemies, vehicles will always be valued greater than infantry, things of the same type that are closer are more important than things of the same thing that are farther away, and generally people will share the same "groups" as far as what gets rendered on each client - to ensure that except under very abnormal conditions, or due to realistic shortcomings, anything that can see you can be seen by you. There is a cap on how many units are sent, based on hardware analysis - anything more and most lower end computer's cpus would melt trying to process the calculations on the additional objects. The calculations are the bottleneck NOT any rendering overhead, the rendering cost is negligible.
  7. Kirppu1

    This has nothing to do with rendering doofus. It's just that the renderer doesn't get the needed information from the network
  8. Halo572

    Learn to see things that aren't there.

    There is nothing wrong with this title, you are blaming it for your inability and laziness on not being able to see things that don't render.

    Maybe buy a new PC, get a better Internetz and then spend lots of your time learning programming to personally optimise your game files.

    Put a little bit of effort in and you'll reap the rewards and maybe overcome your shortcomings as a Human Bean.
  9. day ofm one


    Let me explain something.

    My PC is new, Intel i3 3.5 GHz, 8 BG RAM, NVIDIA GTX 750Ti -> running stable at 60 FPS, optimization done for that, high graphics for everything except particles, 100% render quality.
    Nothing needed to be optimized, 300 people fights were no problem 2 weeks ago, everything there on the same settings.
    I saw any infantry and vehicles in their game set render distance (personal is on maximum).

    Internet connection is good, 60-70 ms ping, never caused any rendering problems.

    I can't do anything to see a non rendered person 15 meters in front of me at clear line of sight.

    When I turn around a corner, can't see and hear anything, and suddenly I am shot by an invisible person, it has to be related to rendering and there is nothing I can do about it.
    I don't use cheats to tell me where persons are, so I can not see invisible persons.

    Next time please stay polite and don't be a dick, there is no need for it.

    Also make sure to have the proper information before you insult people.
  10. Gleerok

    Guys, stop killing eachother.

    APPARENTLY This is a server side "feature" to try to ease stress on peak hours and big battles. I get it too, and its annoying.
  11. day ofm one

    Self defense is not killing someone.

    I don't like to be insulted, so I tell people what they don't know to overthink their point.
  12. Foxirus

    I agree with this post entirely. Nothing pisses me off more than when you hack an enemy out of a turret only to have them not render until they have already taken 90% of your health. I am within 5m of the enemy. This crap should not be happening.

    My computer can handle this game maxed out with no problems, My internet is fiber optic with a 50 Mbps up/down. Yes, internet of the gods.
  13. ZerpyDerpDerp

    Been having this issue a lot too. People just pop up in front of you. Hallways are where it hits me hard. I'll walk in to a hall with heavy fighting and wont see a thing - then boom, everybody just kind of renders at once. Been happening to me for about 2 months now.