I tried using just the default VS MAX today

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fellgnome, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. Fellgnome

    Words cannot express but this is about right -

  2. DJPenguin

    And with the low low price of 175 on Hossin Bonus Fridays! Get your 24/7 Max today!
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  3. GrandpaFlipfox

    All maxes are terrible until you put three to five thousand certs into them.
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  4. Paragon Exile


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  5. FateJH

    I managed to find a nice golden point where I could land enough Quasar on a target to drop their shield then Comet them to death. That tided me over until I could afford the second AI arm.
  6. acksbox

    I don't have a big problem with the default weapons loadout, but you really need at least a couple dots in Charge and NAR to not be C4 bait that is perpetually whining for repairs, at least outside a well organized squad.
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  7. Rift23

    Nerf ZOE
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  8. Alizona

    I pulled a MAX once, I heard it was pretty good. The first enemy I saw, I walked right at him firing. "You dummy, don't you see I'm a MAX?!?!" Next thing I know, I'm dead, not him. LOL

    That was the only time I ever pulled a MAX. I think it was 2 whole minutes out of my 41+ days of playtime. I'd much rather get the XP for repairing one than playing one.
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  9. Pootisman

    Thatswhy you get dual blueshift ASAP. I had a 75 killstreak today with them :D
  10. Axehilt

    Yeah it's dumb that they start new players with such a gimped (split-weapon) loadout.
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  11. Nexus545

    The only problem default MAXs face is the fact everyone and their uncle has an Decimator because HA is probably the most played class and SOE sold it for 1SC last Christmas.
  12. Maelthra

    Last I checked you couldn't fire an Annihilator at a MAX unit :D
  13. Frosty The Pyro

    I am going to assume you ment decimator
  14. Flashtirade

    The worst thing about the stock MAX is the average to terrible single AI arm that comes with it. Kinda like stock tanks and ESFs, uncerted MAXes are not very good and players who are looking to get into them leave with a bad taste in their mouths. Obviously, they get better with certs, but the buy-in to start at a decent level is not cheap.
  15. Nexus545

    That's the one. Got them mixed up is all.
  16. NC_agent00kevin

    I used to call it the Devastator, which I believe was a 'nade launcher from Perfect Dark.

    On topic, No Max is useful out of the box. The most effective shiny new Max right off the showroom floor would probably be the TR Max.

    I do, however, love Dual Comets against Infantry. I dont know why, but I find it incredibly entertaining to use it on them.
  17. Thardus

    You can get a second AI or AA (primary MAX uses) arm for only 250 certs. Granted, you'll have two different AI arms, but it's still not that big of an investment.

    (I might be wrong about the cost of a second Burster.)
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  18. Jetlag

    Oh man the memories
    Calipso, Farsight, Slayer, Cyclone, and that laptop gun you could deploy.
    Damn that game had some fun weapons :)
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  19. NC_agent00kevin

    Yes! Loved those laptop Sentries. So many good times chasing friends around with the Slayer on Temple, and sticking that turret reeeeaalllly high up on a wall on the huge open top floor.

    And somehow, my two favorite guns were simple. Dual Wielding Falcon 2's and the AR 34. Not sure why; but those weapons really rocked for me.
  20. Aerius

    dual comets are the only AI weapons you need
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