As a VS, what do you think of all the hate?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ajma, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. nukularZ

    Striker was OP and game breaking for way way longer than the ZOE was.
  2. Nerd Mode

    On Emerald, the TR and NC don't hate the VS, they just see the majority of the purple zerg as pathetic since they hide behind their population imbalance most of the time and then attempt to call it skill. PPA spam is avoidable, don't care about that. Most the VS weapons are easy to use, but this game is not exactly difficult, so don't care about that. It's mainly the numbers, but that shifts depending on fotm weaponry. Just give TR back the old Striker, re-buff NC max's and we'll call it even.
  3. ata98

    I hate vanu because of
    1- magrider can dodge my ap shots very easily
    2- the sythe is thin and hard to kill and default cannon has no bullet drop
    3 - PPA is still powerful due to no bullet drop
    4- Lancer Squad on a hill is the most OP thing in this game , i mean Striker squad can't be as good as the lancer
  4. acksbox

    I hate people because they are stupid and blame their own inadequacies, as well as those of their allies, on utterly trivial differences in faction mechanics and the color of their underwear.
  5. Axehilt

    The tears are delicious. (link is Southpark so if you have ultra-fragile sensibilities I wouldn't recommend clicking.)

    It's mostly Dunning-Kruger, as mentioned early in the thread. Inept people trying to place the blame on anything but their own incompetence.

    Personally TR are still my favorite overall arsenal. Although I do plan on switching back to NC main at some point, mostly since I don't like developing an overly narrow perspective on balance by only playing one faction.

  7. ata98

    • Up x 1
  8. Sebastien

    Denial of things that are blatantly OP.
    And that they're sadistic. Although, I'm sure it's not actual sadism, just a defense mechanism the players use when nobody likes them and they need a way to feel better.

    Because, I honestly don't understand how anyone can enjoy being hated.
  9. Rift23

    I think I can't hear the hate over my PPA spam.
  10. WTSherman

    I'd say the most annoying thing about VS is their myopic view of balance discussions, which you can often see in this very thread.

    They basically go into every discussion with the assumption that all VS players are universally better than other factions (which anybody who understands statistics would know is impossible), and then based on that assumption they reject any statistical analysis of weapon or faction performance.

    All three factions' frag grenades perform roughly the same? VS grenade must be UP because if it was balanced, our MLGpro VS players would have twice as many kills as the other factions. (NC actually has a slight lead in grenade kills, but not enough to be statistically significant)

    My theory is that this attitude is rooted in the beta period where the Magrider was genuinely OP. As in doubling the score of both other tanks combined OP. VS players naturally fell back on the "Magrider drivers are just skilled L2P" defense, but then the Magrider was nerfed and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    It might have faded away and died there, but then ZOE and WDS coincided to resurrect that toxic VS attitude and pass it on to a new generation of VS players. It then carried on into the battle over the Vanguard shield, where VS players tried to use the "Magrider drivers are just skilled" argument to defend their claims in the face of the Magrider still slightly out-performing the allegedly "OP" Vanguard in overall stats.

    Hate to break it to you VS, but your skill distribution is pretty much the same as all the other factions. Most people also play more than one faction, and their skill doesn't magically change based on whether they're wearing spandex, sweatpants, or khakis.
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  11. Nexus545

    I've yet to see the whole community in an uproar about NC or TR. The only weapon I've heard people complain about that wasn't VS is the AI MAX for NC and the Marauder on the Harasser for TR (the Vanguards shield doesn't count because that was out for a year without any changes before anybody complained about it).

    It's coincidence when there's two or three issues but VS frequently gets hate in game, on here and elsewhere on the internet. I like to think that when there's trends there is truth behind it.
  12. LIKE A BOSS!

    Going by stats on emerald Vanu are more pro.
  13. ajma

    You are very right in saying this, so I'm left wondering why you don't apply it to your own argument and instead, contradict yourself. It is statistically impossible that only the VS has players who fall to the "not OP, but skill" argument to defend their OP stuff.

    And please, don't resort to the "you have no idea of statistics" "argument" if planning to reply to me.
  14. SpartanPsycho

    Personally I think its because more hackers are seen on VS in my experience. PPA spam also is enraging.
  15. SpartanPsycho

    omg its a truth speaker
  16. WTSherman

    Going by Vanu managing to lose Quartz Ridgh and Indar Ex yesterday despite having 60% hex pop, Emerald Vanu have plenty of derp to go around too. They weren't even able to push back until they got enough reinforcements to go over 70%.

    Or that time they threw roughly six platoons (no exact numbers because of how PS2's map works, but a platoon is 48 people max and they had three adjacent hexes with more than one platoon at the same time, so more or less a rough guess of two platoons per hex minimum) at the NC Amerish warpgate and still failed to gate them. Now that's what I call a target-rich environment.
  17. LIKE A BOSS!

  18. Sebastien

    Because even when Empirical evidence says you're wrong, you don't back down.
  19. WTSherman

    Actually, this one is much easier to explain than skill distribution. It's not a matter of statistics in this case, but rather psychology. In this case the faction didn't actually attract any particular kind of player, but instead normal, random players were conditioned into this obnoxious behavior due to the time that their faction spent being OP.

    This is in part a result of SOE always taking so long to make balance decisions, and then hitting so hard when they do. Long, drawn-out arguments ensue surrounding the OP item, and VS players adopt a "siege mentality" over time where they convince themselves "it's not OP, it's skill".

    Other factions actually have taken up the "OP because skill" banner from time to time. For example, TR's relatively brief reign of terror when the Vulcan Harasser, Marauder, and Striker were all OP at the same time (and to top it all off, the Striker was the best anti-Harasser weapon hands down).

    Those things were all eventually nerfed, there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth from the TR, but since then TR have generally dropped the pretense of being more skilled and admitted that those weapons were OP in hindsight. There are a few players who are still dug in and insist that, for example, the Harasser nerf never should have happened, but generally that's over with.

    NC saw it to a more limited extent with the ScatMax nerf, but since it was only one weapon and it was relatively short-lived it hasn't really become ingrained in the NC community (though some people are still bitter about it).

    As far as I can tell, the reason it's more persistent with the VS is that they went through the cycle twice, and they also still have some things that they are in denial about (the Lancer for example, AKA the portable MANA AV). Another part of the problem is that VS' strengths usually aren't in raw HP or damage output, they're usually somewhere less obvious like recoil, mobility, or being able to hit way past render range. This makes it very easy for a VS player to assume their weapon is balanced when it's OP, or UP when it's balanced, which makes it easy for them to fall into the "must be skill" trap.

    So basically all three factions attracted a more or less random distribution of players, but then the VS' experience with getting OP stuff, staying OP for a long time, getting nerfed, and then getting OP stuff again has shaped the attitude of the community into what it is today. To the point where it seems many VS players believe that if the VS version of something isn't outperforming the others by at least 30%, it must be UP.

    Edit: Or as Higby put it, "VS players are funny, they won't use anything unless it's blatantly OP." :p
  20. ajma

    You are aware all of your argument is based out of assumptions, right? Also, pelase stop with that Higby quotation, it's probably the main reason why many people hate VS.