[Suggestion] How to fix everything

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DaveyJ, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. DaveyJ

    Only spawn at Tech Labs/Bio Labs/Amp stations/large outposts and move Tech lab spawns Inside with only having access through shields as well as other bases having moved spawns. The lattice would be moved to only include major facilitys.

    • With this you would add logistics through sunderers or galaxys
    • You would lose redeployside
    • Vehicles would have a purpose to escort infantry
    • Most major bases aren't that bad spawn camped
    • Up x 1
  2. FateJH

    This does not stop platoons from being able to defend a Tech Plant on one side of the continent then pulling everyone out and mass redeploying to resecure (with only a few seconds on the clock) an Amp Station on the other side of the continent.
    What you need to do is severely cut back on the range that you can redeploy to make any of that really matter, or make it take a very long time to redeploy somewhere else other than "where you are," regardless of what logistics hardware is on the ground. Until you do that, redeploying remains immensely abusive and will always been more flexible than Vehicles, short of a Galaxy drop of MAXes.

    Now, it would be easy to argue at this point that vehicular transport is better because it gives you physical structure to maintain a pressure; and, that is true. The problem is that you could make most of that appear by magic at the location where you spawn in. Before the resource revamp, and definitely after.

    You want to give logistics, you need hard choices. You want to get rid of redeployside and make Vehicles worth something at least as troop transport, you greater reduce the flexibility of redeploying.
  3. Astealoth

    Redeployside is here to stay. If a platoon wants to move, the platoon is going to move. You can get a platoon to the warpgate and in Galaxies in like 30 seconds. What's next, demand 90 second respawn timers to make sure platoons can't move? Try to outplay them not whine for massive game play changes to try to make them stop playing.
  4. KenDelta

    But what about the people that simply want to deploy and enjoy a good fight ? why force them into playing something they don't want to play ?
  5. DaveyJ

    Apply Wrels changes to instant action and we have a system

  6. DaveyJ