Anyone have fx 6300 cpu or similar?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Omie, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Omie

    Hey everyone,

    Here are my specs:

    Basically, if anyone has an fx 6300 cpu or similar to mine, I was wondering, what are the exact settings I can use to make my game look the best while also maintaining good fps in big fights, such as bio lab, etc.? I tried playing around with the settings, setting everything to medium and I can get some decent fps but it makes the game look a little bad with all the low detailed textures and stuff, like I am playing a playstation 1 game haha.

    So, if anyone has a similar cpu or the same cpu, I would like to know what settings you play on to make the game look at its best while maintaining good fps in big big fights.

    I also play at 1080p (1920 x 1080) resolution and my video card is an hd 7870. Basically, I have a pretty good video card but my cpu is a little bad for the game due to Planetside 2's amount of cpu core use and optimization.

    Thanks a lot.
  2. asdasdasd123

    hey, i got the same motherboard and a amd fx 6100 6x(4.2Ghz) with Gefroce GTX 750TI 2gb OC edition,
    running the game full high 1920x1080 flora/shadow [OFF] 25-48fights (60FPS) 48+ ( 35-45FPS)
  3. Omie

    hey, thanks for your reply. Mine is an fx 6300 but its not overclocked like yours since I don't have an aftermarket cooler, however I think it has built in turbo boost (of 4.1 ghz says on box) so it probably goes to 4.1 ghz or something in game or high loads. So you're saying that you have everything on high but shadow/flora off? And also what about your check mark boxes, such as ambient occulsion, etc and also do you vsync, framerate smoothing on too? If you can give me all your settings exactly I'll try it out and see how I do. =)

    Thanks again =)
  4. Omie

    I also noticed that whenever I'm checking my fps and it says [GPU] next to it it's very stable and good fps, however when it says [CPU] my fps is still stable but has a few drops depending on the situation. I'm not entirely sure what these mean but I wonder if there is a way to get it to stay at [GPU] for most of the time?
  5. Omie

    Anyone else have this cpu or similar setup to my rig and would like to share their settings/fps in fights please?
  6. acksbox

    The [CPU] or [GPU] comment next to the frame rate is what is the limiting factor at the moment.

    As noted in other threads, Planetside 2 is still not particularly well threaded, so benefits more from individually fast CPU cores, rather than many CPU cores. Most people will be CPU limit during large battles if they have any half-way respectable GPU, but AMD (CPU) users tend to suffer more because AMD's processors have relatively weak individual cores.

    There are only two major game settings that are primarily CPU related: shadow quality in graphics options, and number of voices in sound options. Disable fog shadows, use medium or lower shadow quality, and drop number of voices to 64.

    GPU wise a 7870 should be able to handle pretty much all other options on "High", assuming 1080p and 100% render quality, though you will probably want particles on "Medium", and textures on "Ultra".
  7. Omie

    Thanks a lot for the tips, I'll make sure to try them out tomorrow. I just have 2 questions, is it ok if I max out my view distance as well as my render view? And also what effect does lowering the sound voices to 64 do on the game?
  8. acksbox

    View distance should only really impact very low-end systems, and it's generally more demanding on the GPU than the CPU. I don't think maxing it out (with the in-game slider; ini tweaks are another matter) will be an issue, but you'll have to experiment with a few things yourself.

    Number of voices is the maximum number of simultaneous sounds that will play. Go over this limit and some thing won't make any noise at all. I'm not entirely sure how PS2 prioritizes discrete sounds, but chances are that using 64 max voices is only culling stuff you wouldn't be able to hear anyway. Again, some experimentation may be in order to see how low you can bring it before you notice any downsides (lack of footsteps, or jetpack noises, for example).
  9. Omie

    Ah ok, thanks for the explanation. I was also wondering about my render distance, it only shows up if you open the menu in game, but I have mines maxed out and I don't really know what it does. Lastly, there is an option called frame rate smoothing, I always leave it off because it tends to drop my frames and make the game unsmooth ironically even with vsync on or off. Does this have some sort of other effect to it or is it just as the name says?
  10. acksbox

    Render distance does what it says it does. The world won't render past the distance set here, but since almost none of the CPU heavy stuff even renders out to the minimum range you can set, it's probably not going to improve your situation much if you reduce it.

    Frame smoothing is supposed to smooth out erratic frame intervals, but it has a degree of overhead to it, so it's not always useful if your frame rate is low, unless you experience stuttering without it.
  11. Omie

    Oh ok. Thanks a lot for the help, I'm gonna mess around with the settings and see what happens :)
  12. pax098

    hey, i have the same processor and i use these settings that improve my fps (i got 60 fps in large battle except large vehicle battle where i got 35-40 fps but is still playable)

  13. Omie

    Hey, thanks for your useroptions. I tried them out and the game feels so much more smoother now, and it looks amazing compared to before. There is like more ffects going on and looks more polished overall. I still get fps drops to 30's and sometimes 20's in fights, but that's when there is 48+ in biolabs and stuff. When vsync is off I get some screen tearing though but its bearable as it goes away once I get into fights and stuff. I also disabled the framerate smoothing since it seems to drop my fps for some reason.

    Thanks for your help though, the game looks better and runs better than before.