How do you guys use the AF-4 Cyclone or any other SMG in this game?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Redwave, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. McToast

    I don't use the IRNV as often as I used to use it before the nerf, but it's perfect for SMGs or shotguns imho. You hipfire them anyway most of the time, the sway doesn't matter that much because the weapon sprays over the whole place and it's useful when playing at night or with lots of smoke around. I use a 2x reflex or ironsights on most other weapons, but in this particularly case I prefer IRNV.
  2. MartenV

    Im going for the Light Assault derective and I need to use a SMG for that. The one I'm using is the MKV because thats the only one that I don't have the auraxium on. But if you are not going for derectives I would not use a SMG on LA, carbines do the job better in almost every situation.
  3. Redwave

    Honestly, I have been looking for the perfect NC carbine (in my opinion the perfect carbine). I currently own the AC-X11, Razor GD-23, Gauss Compact S, the Mercenary and of course, the Cyclone. All of my carbines are not what I believe to be the "perfect carbine" for me as they were all lacking something I wasn't sure what it was. That something TR/VS carbines have it but the NC doesn't. And I found the Cyclone has it so I would honestly replace carbines for my Cyclone.
  4. Iridar51

    You might like the auraxium SMG - Tempest, I hear it's the best NC carbine :)
  5. Klondor

    SMG-46 Armistice
    1x reflex
    forward grip
    Soft point ammo

    Its amazingly fast, and when aimed with the 1x it's very very accurate. Its a lot of fun.
  6. Baracuda

    You would be right my good sir! :D

    As for using the cyclone on the LA, you might find it to be hard to use mainly because of it's low mag size. The cyclone works better on the infil, where as almost every carbine will preform better than the cyclone outside of 20m. If you want to use an SMG on the LA, I believe the Blitz (flash suppressor/SPA/adv laser) would work much better. However if you like the damage that the Cyclone dishes out, take a look at the Bandit, stats wise its pretty close but I personally haven't used it.

    I use the suppressor on every SMG I use (with exception to the NS7 on rare occasions) simply because I flank a lot as either an LA or Infil. While some people will say a suppressor is useless, if you flank a lot (like you should be with an SMG) you will notice you die a bit faster without a suppressor.
  7. Redwave

    Thanks I wish I had the patience to Auraxium those NS SMGs though
  8. Redwave

    I will be getting that also
  9. Iridar51

    Actually, I think it's time we do away with the whole trend "NS SMGs are baad" that I was ravenously enforcing not a week ago. They just require adjustments to your playstyle. You'll have to get close to enemies yet confront not more than one enemy at a time, but if you use the weapon properly, you'll be able to counter many CQC specialist weapons.

    If the enemy is using a power weapon, like GD-7F, you must hold him further than 10-15m so they can't conveniently hip fire. If they do hip fire, they will miss a lot of shots, while you'll have a steady stream of DPS coming from your weapon, hip firing at the center mass.
    If they do slow down to ADS, you can just hip fire at the head and take em out very fast.

    I could go on with example situations, but the basic rule is as follows: always be one step ahead in terms of mobility. If they have 0.5x ADS, you can ADS yourself and still be faster and aim for the head.
    If they have 0.75x ADS, you can hip fire and be faster because of it.

    So it's not so much about using a bad weapon, and more about adjusting your style to fit the weapon's strengths.
  10. Redwave

    You're right, they are not bad. They are really good SMGs that like you said you need to adjust, I used it when I Auraxiumed my Mercenary and didn't have any other carbine I use my NS7-PDW nad 95% of the time I fell short, it was because I was using it wrong. And speaking of guns that are not baad the T5-AMC is a beast. I just found my perfect TR carbine. Seriously I was using this gun thinking it had a 167 dmg model (knowing that it was 143) this gun has so much range, strength, rof is perfect, recoil with adv. forward grip is almost not noticeable and 40 rounds! This sums it all up I love it!
    • Up x 1
  11. Iridar51

    Yeah, T5 AMC is/was one of my favorite weapons in TR arsenal, however the best its stat is actually the projectile velocity, other stats are pretty mediocre, but velocity means T5 AMC is suppressor-friendly, and high-capacity mag means it's not a big deal if you'll need extra rounds to kill a target to compensate for lowered damage.
  12. Redwave

    It's tempting to try it with a suppressor but I'm calling them off.