[BUG] Grenades Slot and Utility Slot not resupplying

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deuce88, Aug 7, 2014.

  1. Deuce88

    so i have nanites i can use them on vehicles but they are not working on my grenade slot or utility slot, i have auto resupply checked...its hard for me to play this game without those 2 things. any help?
  2. RaiMarie

    I am not sure of what to tell you since my auto resupply is working. I wish we could manually resupply, but I am at work so unable to check to double check myself. I just know you have to click the big green RESUPPLY button for it to function though. My only suggestion is if you cannot get a response from the support team, try doing a resintall or something. It's a last resort method, but I had to do it in the past for which did resolve my issues.
  3. Casterbridge

    My auto supply was working for my grenade bandoleer last night so it's definately not everyone having the issue, but I did hear someone say they were having issue with the auto supply in chat, I think they finally fixed it by continually clicking on and off the auto supply but I'm not sure.
  4. HadesR

    I found on a couple of load outs I needed to check the box > swap to a different class > Re-load the class I did want and resupply ...

    From that point on it seemed to work as normal ..

    But a totally stupid idea to remove manual resupply as well :rolleyes:
  5. SpcFarlen

    The only possible bug i have is that when i log out and relog it wont have autoresupply ticked. Though that may just need to be set at eat session start.
  6. LordMatt XLVIII

    The auto-resupply function is really bugged even with the recent hotfix :\

    I found that switching out the item, resupplying, then putting it back on and checking the box usually fixes it.