Continent locking....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arsinek, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Arsinek

    I havent played this game in ages. I know they released a new continent, have they released continent locking yet?

    If so what is the reward for continent locking? I dont know why Im asking really, Im sure its the same reward that you get for everything else but who knows maybe theyve finally done something interesting.
  2. volth

    Yes we have CL now.
    Depends if you lock Hossin (the new continent) you get 25% XP
    If you lock Amerish you get -50% infantry resource cost.
    Indar is -50% air vehicles resource cost.
    And esamir is -50 ground vehicles resource cost.
  3. Alizona

    You ask at an interesting time. This morning they just did a huge update which progressed the continent lock system, and from what I've heard, it changed it quite a bit.

    tl;dr: Come back and play and find out what's going on, just like all of us are!!
  4. Rift23

    The reward is getting off Indar.
  5. doombro

    We have locking, but not the lattice unfortunately.

    You get massive discounts from owning a continent.
  6. Arsinek


    I guess if the game is making them money no need to fix it.
  7. Nexus545

    Continent locking is in but in it's current form you will confined to two continents for a very long time. Before the most recent patch the maps rotated with each alert unless there was a draw. For the whole of today there has only been Amerish and Hossin available on Woodman. Actually Amerish got locked very recently and now Indar is up.

    In a nut shell yes it's in but needs some work.
  8. Pikachu

    For as lonc as I played today Amerish and Hossin was open on Cobalt as well. Perhaps the night venu overpop will change it.