Buff Infantry Shield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan3123, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Spartan3123

    The next patch is the final nerf to all vehicle AI weapons. With the past updates it has been increasingly difficult to kill infantry with vehicles. (without being killed)

    Yet infantry on infantry ttk is ridiculously low. Even for smg, carbines and non 1hk weapons. apart of the problem is netcode and lagg....

    Because it takes time for your client to register being damaged... by the time you realise you and start to react its too late. TTK of weapons across PS2 is quite low and when the ttk of weapons is close to the level of ping and latency between clients.... people will begin to feel instagib.

    Examples include being shot behind cover

    Being killed by a carbine in 0.8sec (it may have actually taken longer but you weren’t alerted instantly as soon as u started taking damage - resulting in a instagib feeling.

    excessive lethality is frustrating especially to new players and its effects are made worse by lagg.

    Therefore I propose that the infantry have two separate resistance values

    - shield resistance value to all weapons
    - armour resistance value to all weapons

    -The shield resistance value to all weapons needs to be buffed by 80%
    - Heavy assault armour resistance value needs to be buffed by 10%

    Adjust vehicle weapons resist values to compensate for the buffs...

    These changes will effectively decrease the lethality of all infantry weapons across the board.
    I am sick of the constant buff and nerf cycle that SOE does when it balances out individual weapons one at a time.

    I think the above changes will also mitigate the effects of lag, because the higher the ttk is in proportion to latency the less of an effect. It will also make the game more fun because currently infantry is to OP.
  2. patrykK1028

    Have you ever played any fps game?
    Examples of weapons in other games:
    -CoD MW3 - P90M1 1000rpm, dmg 30 - 4 hits kill
    -Battlefield 3 - AEK 971 850rpm, dmg 25 - 4 hits kill
    -CoD WaW - MG42 - around 1000rpm, 3-4 hits kill

    And Planetside 2: Cycler TRV, GD-7F or Serpent (best TTK weapons except shotguns) - 845 rpm, 143 dmg, 7 hits kill. And you think their TTK is "ridiculously low"?
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  3. KnightCole

    We totally dont need higher TTK. between lag, hit detect, missing and w/e else, TTK can be rage inducingly high at times. Weapons like the EM1 will become utterly useless, cuz if you increase infantry shield resistance then even headshots for weapons like that will not even matter. 20 rounds due to lag and other factors will become 50-70 rounds...and Assault Rifles will only get maybe 1 kill per magazine....Pistols besides the commissioner landing 6 straight headshots wont even make a dent in the shields. 80%? You realize thats the same resistance MAX suits get and they take somewhere around 70 rounds from a 167dmg LMG from kissing range, if you split body and headshots...its more like 100 in actual game where you dont land most shots in the head...so just no...

    SoE needs to first get hit detect and other lag/ping issues figure out before we go jacking up defensive values of infantry. Plus that would be the final nail in the vehicle coffin, as its already next to impossible to kill infantry effectively wiht vehicles, aside from PPA/Dalton/Zephyr or bulldog spam....

    Then your final statement says infantry is to OP, yet you propose to buff them more? Just no....
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  4. KnightCole

  5. Duban

    TTK should be low in planetside 2. Battles are decided by the player that gets the drop on the opponent first. It makes the game center more around tactics and awareness than point and aim. Even then it's very difficult to instakill someone with an infantry weapon unless they're standing still and bring it on themselves.
  6. Akuzimo

    He didn't mean raise it to 80%, he said raise it BY 80%. So whatever it's current resistance to bullets is, almost double it.
  7. Spartan3123

    Those are all examples of low TTK even for PS2. 7 Hits to kill is not much if your gun shoots 700 rpm

    I am thinking along the lines of PS2 TTK being slightly less than halo TTK.
    So maybe 20-30 hits to kill for carbines

    Also I would consider this a nerf to infantry because its is more difficult to kill infantry while playing infantry. Vehicles will still be able to kill infantry with their current TTK
  8. Pikachu

    - CoD MW3 - P90M1 TTK = 0.25
    - BF3 - AEK 971 TTK = 0.28
    - PS2 - Carv = 0.56
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  9. Alarox

    I agree with the above users. Planetside 2 TTK is fairly high compared to most modern shooters.
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  10. JesNC

    So an entire magazine?

    Let's do some math and assume a (generous) 20% accuracy rating.

    25(hits to kill)/20*100= 125(shots to kill)

    Assuming a 700rpm (average rpm) weapon this would lead to a TTK of 20-25 sec (depending on reloads).

    That would actually be quite hilarious.
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  11. Spartan3123

    yea that would be pretty much halo...

    so yea maybe 80% increase is a bit to high so maybe around 30-50% increase in resistance value.

    And i disagree that PS2 should conform to modern day shooters like BF and COD. First because the massive scale of this game there tends to be more lag and netcode issues, therefore MUCH higher TTK will mitigate all of these issues.

    This game is also in the future with energy shields which would be more effective at stopping bullets... so there’s more authenticity with higher TTK.
  12. SenEvason

    I remember playing GR:AW 2. Three bodyshot kill for all but a few weapons, a lot with a single headshot kill, and a few that killed in one bodyshot. Coming to PS2 took some getting used to.
  13. KnightCole

    so we get like 900 shields and 500 health? that is almost like Heavy assaults are now with shields. if we kept that everything the same nad just increased shields, heavies would be like MAX suits, THEN you would hear about HA being OP.....

    Really, Ifind the health pools perfectly fine as is. Its lag and hit detect or w/e issues that cause such high *** TTK. And NWA that does something to really screwball TTK. It says just 20% or w/e, but I find low lvl soldiers to be easy to drop, compared to higher lvl guys who almost surely are running NWA. Its probably the higher lvl players who run ASC or Flak who are easier to kill and hit detect seems fine against them..
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  14. Spartan3123

    I dont see how HA would be OP, buffing the infantry shield buffs the shield for everyone.

    I admit though several weapons resistance values need to be manual adjusted to negate the effects such as
    - bolt action sniper rifles (so they maintain the OHK ability)

    It would mean the game would be come more halo/TF2 like, both of these games were pretty popular.

    I am not saying we should make so u need 50 bullets and 2 reloads to kill a single person like in halo, but I think increasing TTK across the board would see a positive effect.
  15. KnightCole

    You really dont see how the HA would be OP? Hes already insanely tough to kill at times and people QQ like mad already about the HA....if you buff everyone 80% and keep the HA shield inaddition to the buff, even though everyone else is tougher, the HA is even tougher yet....

    Really, I dont wanna see the shields buffed. It would be a series of single guys being gunned down by 10 guys for 5 seconds only to make it into cover after running 150m across open terrain, safely into cover....the OPs suggestion would just make this game miserable....it would be like BFBC2 on normal mode using a SAW LMG.....fire and fire and fire and ifre and ifre and fire and fire and nothing dies....just ugh...
  16. Cuze

    The other issue with buffing infantry like this is that it will promote range compression even more. If it takes longer to kill, then the only reliable way to kill people will be to put your gun against their chest and hope for the best. This would get infantry to bunch up even more than they do now to try to be in a range that their weapons can kill someone in a single magazine resulting in even more claustrophobic and spammy game-play.