SpawnCamping Should be Extremely Unfun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klypto, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Goretzu

    Yeah lock-ons are just terrible now in that situation, although they are certainly better in more open ground and bigger battles, but low lying spawnrooms you're actually better off using your LMG.

    You've just got to let TKers wash over you (even if you did just save the base! :mad: ), otherwise it is a one-way street to an aneuysm! :eek: :D Same with no-rez medics, I guess, fortunately the MAX timers should be going with the new resource system..... although we'll have to see how affordable they are.
  2. Flashtirade

    Spawnrooms being directly accessible (read: campable) to vehicles and even enemy infantry is a mistake all on its own. The bases should be the one that are defensible, the spawnrooms should be almost out of the question.
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  3. TypicaldiotNcPlayer

    tat can happen once Vanguard HE gets buff
  4. NoctD

    I still say they should bring back cap point influence. Right now, people flip the cap points and go to spawn camp right after. There's NO reason to defend the point, you just retake/flip the point if someone manages to get to it.

    This silly horrible change due to the lattice has led to increased spawn camping.
  5. DrButtes

    I don't know what you are talking about. I already find spawn camping extremely unfun and will just leave when it gets to that point. The 2 certs you get for the cap aren't worth it.
  6. Thardus

    The reason this happened is because the players currently killing you weren't even aiming for you... they were pumping Deci rockets into your spawn tubes to destroy them outright.
  7. Thardus

    This makes no sense. Ultimately, you have to hold the enemy at a choke-point. Most bases, if you have superior forces, that choke-point is the spawn room itself. Either way, a choke point is a choke point. People aren't saying "nerf spawn camping" they're saying "nerf choke point camping"
  8. Goretzu

    The way spawnrooms are and capture points are, basically they should be right next to each other.

    Which sounds a bit daft, but then the current capture mechanics for base are basically a bit daft (at least the vanilla ones some of the newer design bases are much better).
  9. Shadowyc

    So. Decided to come back and play again.
    Guessing it's the same **** as before? Flip and spawncamp your way to victory, and the TR/VS kick NC's ***? :p
  10. Goretzu

    Not quite, in many of the redesigned bases and on Hossin it's a bit better as they've added things like dual spawn room in small bases and mutliple ones in bigger bases.

    It's mostly the older openly campable ones that are still suffering on the orginal continents.
  11. Shadowyc

    O: -gasp-
    Huh, didn't quite expect that. Should be interesting to see.

    As for the topic; anything that can disincentive spawn camping's a good idea. Maybe reduced XP if they're within X meters of the spawn point? With no XP rewarded if they're under 5.
  12. Gheeta

    I like the idea of giving like 4 seconds of damage immunity after leaving the spawn room. This would enable the camped infantry to pop out and attack the camping targets possibly reach other cover close to the spawn room thus making the fight more interesting in the long run.

    Might be a bit problematic on bases like towers tho.
  13. Goretzu

    It's not perfect by any means (with the newer designs), but it is better.
  14. lothbrook

    Yeah thats not impressive at all to me that you did it in a lockdown prowler, lol. I suggest you try it with a 3.5 or 3.25 second reload and a much slower velocity. I suppose i can't complain i mean look at that massive buff to the NC ESAI weapon, instead of taking 7 rounds to kill infantry at 40 ******* meters its only going to take 5 rounds at 40m rofl, thanks SOE, half a mag to kill 1 infantry, thats so much better.
  15. Tuco

    yay, redesign bases, turn every base into 2Fort4 where everything is perfectly balanced for a 16 vs 16 player game.
  16. Tuco

    Spawn camp like it's 1996