Are grenades getting nerfed as well?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Thrud007, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Thrud007

    Since you don't want explosive rocket launchers to kill in the 1 inch explosive radius. How bout grenades will they just tickle as well? I mean we can't forget about these hand held explosives can we?
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  2. Leftconsin

    Not in this pass, but some day. Its got to be somewhere on the nerfmonger's agenda.
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  3. Maelthra

    Eventually, everything that can kill infantry will be nerfed.
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  4. Elrobochanco

    Grenades already don't one shot with Flak armor, ditto AI mines, which is intentional and the same as missing with a rocket launcher now.

    If you want an explosive way to bypass flak armor, better learn some aim and use sticky grenades.
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  5. Archiadus

    CTRL+ A
    OP trash nades no way to escape insta kill before you even know what happens, they should nerf them already! :/

  6. Flashtirade

    Game update 40-something:
    C4 will require direct hits to kill infantry
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  7. MajiinBuu

    Shh! They might fix it! :eek:
  8. Udnknome

    I don't for see a change in the ability of grenades to kill infantry as long as they cost resources. Rockets and tank rounds don't cost resources hence the nerf. I'm just hoping they don't reduce the blast radius to completely unusable again.
  9. Nepau

    I think it will have to wait. Now that the PPA has been nurfed, they are switching to the Lancer. I'm sure once they run out of VS weapons to complain about they will get to the Grenades.
  10. david06


    You may think that you're being clever but hand grenades are consumables(a big deal now that everything draws from the same resource and you can't stockpile 40 of them), they have a long throwing animation, a time to detonation and a bright glowing indicator showing where they are.

    Bad players don't deserve easy instagib kills.
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  11. Captain Kid

    thank god no. That was the first thing I checked. I already find sticky nades to be more useful then the rocketlauncher to take out groups so I'm not to bothered. Rocketlauncher was great for groups far away though.
  12. gregfox89

    RIP in pepperoni grenade bandolier. They were indirectly nerfed from the resource revamp. Can't sit on a supply of 40 AV grenades and spam them into crowded rooms anymore :( And I can't rocket primary hero anymore either. What am I supposed to do, shoot people?
  13. Rebornvanu

    Yeah, nerf it to a stone, you only kill someone if you hit his head directly!

    Grenades are fine.