hornet missles are too powerful against tanks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fleech, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Flag

    Tangent time:

    You know what's funny though?
    Some of the complaints I've been given from non-VS through tells (no, I'm not abusing the PPA) is that the PPA is taking part in psychological warfare... In essence they're saying the thing needs a sound nerf.

    Your comment reminded me of this, and it amuses me to no end.
  2. lawn gnome

    psychological warfare is the primary reason i love my lasher.
    • Up x 2
  3. turingmachina

    The point is you're taking a risk for a maneuver, the price you pay is AA hunting you down. They are flying machines and yours is on the ground. You will have a disadvantage, no its not unfair. While I agree tanks should be quite a bit scarier and less rolling glass cannons, its no reason to nerf yet another anti-tank weapon. I'd much rather tanks get a buff and infantry stop complaining so much.
  4. turingmachina

    Btw, that ****** really isn't as bad as it seems... it wont let me edit that to fix it, so sorry for the double post.
  5. Flag

    So basically make sure that tanks are forever more secondary citizens in vehicle town?

    This isn't RL, this is a game. There shouldn't be this kind of "superior" or "inferior" just because of vehicle affiliations (IE ground and air).
  6. GaBeRock

    Eh. I don't really get killed enough by PPA to fear it's noise. Tankbuster scares the sh*t out of me, though, since libs can kill me with just have a clip of that stuff if I'm an ESF, and full mag upgrades oneclip my lib as well. I understand that tankbuster is scary enough for ground troops, for air units its absulutely terrifying. What makes it worse is that the reaver rotary sounds very similar, and I share a server with [PREY] and [QRY] so I've conflated the sounds for max terror.
  7. lawn gnome

    you also have to consider the fact that you focus on the magrider, which is probably the vehicle in this game that is the most vulnerable to air. lowest shot velocities on main gains, the most drop, and the brightest most easily visible shots. in ground combat the magrider relies on being able to outmaneuver enemies for survival, but pretty much any aircraft can easily outmaneuver and outrun a magrider so their primary advantage is completely nullified. top down magriders are the largest target of all of the tanks. the PPA can spam shots at ESF, but even the most incompetent pilots will figure out how to escape those shots before there is any real danger of you killing them. the saron is pretty good, but limited clip size makes it hard to use against any form of fast moving air. magriders are super specialized, and as a result are often found in situations where they have no realistic way to respond.

    i think ESF are mostly fine, but i think magriders could use a little love in the AA department.
  8. Flag

    To give you some perspective, the hornets (as a recent example) have driven people such as myself and Peter2 into the air, (ab)using other tanks to vent frustration.
    If you don't know who Peter2 is (but maybe you know who Alarox/Klypto are), check DA lists for Vanguard Titan Guns.

    It's not just because I like my magrider. Not even close.
  9. DrBash00

    It is just... everything* you can do with hornets, you can do with lolpods just better.

    *exeption the nice burst of hornets, but because of the range, and no way to make them dumbfire, you are most times better of with lolpods.

    And please dont get angry, but maby show a little video, what exactly you think you can ONLY do with Hornets or what you can do better with hornets as with lolpods.

    EDIT: I even asket a guy who killed me with hornets, if he play them for another reason as auraxium... the answer as auraxium... but i continue asking ;-)
  10. RigelDominar

    Hornets are fine as is. Just keep AA around.
  11. Mooveoverbrt

    Hornets are a pain, I usually boost and turn around. Most of the time they don't see that coming and take an FPC to the face. (since they are hovering low)
  12. Flag

    Hornets are "quicker" to fire compared to lolpods (you can fire them before you've aimed and then steer them to target). And personally I find I'm able to move more freely with them than the pods.