[Video] SASniping No.2 - my go to loadout

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Nolyzzlel, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Nolyzzlel

    Here I have a montage about the SAS. I'm still not playing the weopon in perfektion but I really like to play this weapon.
    I can neraly play it in all distances as u see in the video.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    Subscribe for more of this vids ^^
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  2. Kalari

    1 day i hope to be this good. my best was a 5 man kill streak with the SAS-R
  3. Jawarisin

    It took me around 600 kils with the SAS-R to get the hang of it. After that, it's pure carnage everywhere. I went from 600 kills to 2000 in the time it took me to go from 1 to 600... Just to give you an idea.

    OP: I found this video to be pretty ordinary. No gameplay I don't see regularly on my own screen playing. I prefered the other one by MUCH.
  4. Rigsta

    <3 this gun, or the VS version at least ;)
  5. Nolyzzlel

    Other vid was way weaker then that ^^ No.3 will be good
  6. turingmachina

    Very nice! That poor KOPFSCHUSS guy!
  7. Jawarisin

    Other video was better. What you displayed here is something most players who got an auraxium on the SAS-R can pull off quite often. The other video was more funny and interesting.
  8. Nolyzzlel

    je well tryed my best but I think thats your opinion. Manage my gameplay much better now.
  9. Nolyzzlel