Skillless Kill Streak

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by omfgweeee, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. omfgweeee

    Just posting video of 16 kill streak on my medic to show peoples that its no need to be FPS god to can kill your enemys. As u can see my aim aint very good but with right positioning everything is posible

    Lost loose hope FPS badieis use other of your qualities, and u will make it!
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  2. hawken is better

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  3. Scr1nRusher

    more like wat
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  4. Kislany

    I'm assuming is in relation to the posted thread about how horrible some of us are at FPS. For those of us who literally suck at shooting, such a video is encouragement that we can do it too. Of course for the skilled FPS guys, this video won't be of much use..
  5. Crayv

    Well... at least at least it wasn't a video of him in a Galaxy farming infantry while saying how great he is.
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  6. Plunutsud pls

    Camping win, TR fail.
  7. omfgweeee

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  8. TheShrapnelKing

    Wait...since when was positioning NOT skill? If you get a killstreak due to positioning are you not, relative to your opponents, more skilled?
  9. NinjaTurtle

    Have you tried adjusting your sensitivity so you can track your targets better.

    A number of times your placement was to the left then when you adjusted you were to the right of the same target rather than central on them
  10. omfgweeee

    I feel that i cant play with lower sens, because it will be hard for me to turn arround fast enough. Trying to addapt to this sens, as much as i can.
  11. JP_Russell

    You can adjust your aimed and/or scoped sensitivity separately from your overall sensitivity.
  12. cruczi

    Not necessarily. Due to the nature of positioning, you can force enemies to take fights that are unfavorable to them. It isn't something an opponent can simply overcome by being even better at positioning. It's unfair to judge the opponents who lose to a well positioned player as being less skilled at positioning.
  13. cruczi

    Use your whole arm to make fast 180 turns, not your wrist, this way turns can be near instantaneous. Learn to quickly reposition the mouse to the center of your mouse pad after each fast turn, so you don't run out of mousepad while playing with a lower sens. I'd recommend around 20-30 cm of mouse sensor movement per 360 degree in-game turn.

    Also, your FOV is extremely tight, you might want to consider increasing it a bit, to somewhere around 65-70 degrees vertical. Higher FOV will improve your situational awareness and compensate for the increased need to move the mouse to track targets, assuming you lower your sensitivity. Personally I get dizzy just watching your video
  14. ColonelChingles

    Then that falls to a second skill, of knowing when to pick your battles and when to wait so the enemy is in a vulnerable position. :p

    In pre-Napoleonic times some "battles" were fought where opposing sides would march up and down until one side managed to get the favorable position. At that point the side that was in the less favorable position just packed up and went home, meaning that casualties were relatively light. Then again in pre-Napoleonic times mercenaries made up a large portion of these forces, so mercs didn't feel really compelled to die pointlessly, and there was a general battlefield etiquette where one mercenary commander would try to leave the losing commander more or less unscathed, in hopes that in a future battle the favor might be returned.

    Ah, the days when warfare was literally (partly) a picnic.


    A dramatization of course, because in reality the civilians were watching the battle of Manassas from five miles away, but they did have picnic baskets!
  15. NinjaTurtle

    Play however you feel comfortable. It was just something I noticed when watching your vid so thought I'd mention
  16. cruczi

    If this was team deathmatch, you'd be right. But K/D is not a measure of skill at Planetside. Skill can be the decision to push into an objective even when you know it will be certain death.
  17. andy_m

    It wasn't much use to the "terrible" player either. All I saw was someone with pretty good (comparative) FPS skills getting the better of the enemy. I agree that positioning here did give the OP an advantage. If that was me in that room, even in that position, I would not have lasted as long.
  18. omfgweeee

    Position in that game matters a lot imo, and even if u r with mediocore shooting skills like me u can kill a lot better players than you if u position well. Whole point was to show guys that are not FPS gods that its posible for them to win too if they use their other qualities.
  19. TheAntiFish

    ^ Completely agree.

    I was genuinely interested by the pre-Napoleonic warfare tidbit, i had no idea!
    Congratulations sir, You're the first person that's ever typed something in an online forum that i've found to be educational.

    I think you may have beaten the internet.
  20. Scudmungus

    Yup, because that sounds really exciting and a practice I'd love to see developed in PS2* :D

    BRB - Charging point.... x_x

    *Fascinating tho it is, none the less - thank you for sharing. And granted, we do kinda do that now when vying for control during alerts. Still, taken to its (silly) extreme well.. obviously it'd be a little silly in terms of entertainment, within the context of a computer game. Tho, saying that, I'm sure there are folks who would enjoy it. The deviants....