Vanu Directive's Pistols

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by SaucySeducer, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. SaucySeducer

    I was scrolling through the directives on the test server, and I noticed that for the reward for auraxium pistol's velocity and minimum damage is pretty bad compared to the beamer. Is this a glitch or just balancing some how?
  2. SCreech

    It has a suppressor on it, one that doesn't lower your max dmg range, min range is still affected tho.
  3. SaucySeducer

    Yeah, after thinking about it the damage makes sense maybe buff it to 50 meters but the velocity seems a little bit too much.
  4. SCreech

    buff what to 50m? The max damage?
    It's a carbon copy of the beamer with new skin and unique attachment, like all the weapons.
    Not meant to be a sniperpistol :p (sry if i misunderstood your post)

    Aaanyway, here's the sheet that Higby posted some time ago about the directive weapons.
  5. SaucySeducer

    The minimum damage, it just seems like a dumbed down, close range beamer. I guess I will have to wait till I can test it, to see how it functions on the battlefield.
  6. DatVanuMan

    Don't you think too many of the Auraxium weapons have the EXACT same statistics and attachments? I think the Brawler is the only unique Auraxium weapon on PTS right now.
  7. SCreech

    For every person wanting unique weapons/items, there would be 2 or 3 people crying that it would be op/broken/stupid etc etc. (thats my guess anyway :)). As for myself, i'm all for unique things.

    Still hoping they will add aurax version of Artemis at some point :oops: (extended mag would be nice don't you think? :D)
  8. SaucySeducer

    I would like to see the 3rd directive award be the starter primary and secondary guns, but with slightly buffed stats as in
    But, do not give all the extra attachments or the cool camo on the base gun.
    This would be what I want out of the directive system, and it will allow players to customize their weapons to fit their play style.
    It would be nice to see some "new guns" out of the directive system but the balancing would be quite annoying for the devs.