Underbarrel Grenade Launcher vs Underbarrel Shotgun?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Luminiouscow

    The Smoke Launcher is useless to me considering most players have IRNV scopes on or they "tag" and they can see my name through the smoke.

    So, which one is better? The UBGL or UBSG?
  2. FateJH

    Although the nuances of spotting do not yet consider smoke as an obstruction, it is still very useful. Do not use the smoke launcher to conceal your movements after you've been spotted. Use it to conceal your movements before you've been spotted.

    When your allies need to make a push on a building, but the enemy has positioned a firing squad on the roof, lob smoke at the wall of the building to cover the field of vision of the enemies looking down. Some allies may have been spotted, but many may not, not everyone will have IRNV, and, most important, randomly spotting to find a target induces the Q-spot cooldown, which allows more allies to slip by unseen.

    The UBGL does decent damage to MAXes on explosion and minor damage to armor on contact, not to mention what it does to Infantry. I once accidentally headshotted my squad leader for 75% damage with a smoke grenade.
  3. Chipiwan

    If you intend to be a light assault, the UBSG can be a nasty surprise if people think you're using a midrange carbine and try to close the gap.

    The nade launcher works wonders with engies as a room softener, and you can also use it to take out damaged tanks and sundies. As long as it isn't running blockade a sundy will die to two c4 and two nades.
  4. Captain Kid

    Q spot cooldown?
  5. Lord_Avatar

    If you spam "Q" without succesfuly spotting anyone it will go into cooldown. I believe it takes six "misses" to incure this penalty.
  6. OldMaster80

    Imho the smoke launcher still remains the best. UBGL has been nerfed to the ground, they should leave it un-resuppliable but keep it worth the certs. THe UBSG.... I think I've never been killed by that in 2 years.
  7. Captain Kid

    that's rich since spotting doesn't work half the time.
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    they are all bad, with the smoke launcher still being less situational than others

    underbarrel shotgun launcher is very problematic to use efficiently due to the game's lag compensation and player model interpolation as well as the launcher's long reload. if you want a challenge and are willing to get frustrated a lot, go ahead though

    underbarrel grenade launcher has been nerfed to uselessness. it only really kills on direct impact (whats the point of a GRENADE launcher then?) and is only really effective for the engineer as he can spam it nonstop, but even then its mostly a waste of time
  9. cruczi

    It won't, see Iridar's Light Assault guide.

  10. TTex11

    Two words to sum up the underbarrel shotgun.

    Don't miss.

    Having said that, there is something intensely satisfying about blowing someone away with it. Just be ready that it'll punish you very heavily if you don't score a direct hit.
  11. DatVanuMan

    I had no idea what the SF could do, and then I bought the UBSG... Wonders I tell you! WONDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Do not purchase the Grenade Launcher. Sure, you can if you want to, but the ability to one-shot people in a sticky situation without killing yourself looks like the better decision to meXD
  12. Metalsheep

    It is all dependant on what range you want to use the underslung weapons at.

    UBGL has a minimum arming range and a trajectory you have to practice and learn, but oneshots on a direct hit. It is nigh usless in CQC.

    UBSG has no trajectory, and also one shots on a direct hit, but is usless at a distance.
  13. Rovertoo

    The Shotgun Attachment is absolutely amazing for LA tower stomps. Find an unsuspecting heavy to close to the spawn room to kill with regular bullets? Drop down for a split second and blow him off the ledge before flying back up. As NC, most carbines (especially the Gauss S, even though it's my favorite carbine) are pretty hard to use in close quarters. So I'll switch to the UBSG while running through buildings
  14. Axehilt

    Personally I find the grenade launcher to be worse than just using the weapon normally.

    The shotgun is situational, but definitely useful for one-shotting people up close (but like the other guy implied: don't miss, because if you fail to one-shot someone you're going to be pretty disadvantaged unless you're already ducking behind cover.)
  15. HadesR

    Smoke launcher ...

    UBGL has been nerfed into being 80% useless .. It was a great suppression tool .. Now it's a George W Bush of weapons ( Great for a tiny bit of fun but ultimately useless at it's job )