Still no options for customizing reticle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MisterBond, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Danath

    Your Google search results depend on your previous searches.
  2. MisterBond


    Untouched screenshot


    Five second edit

    Look how drastic the change is, before I can barely tell where the middle of the reticule is, and now its easy to tell where the center of my screen is in freaking milliseconds

    Dark colors for reticules makes ZERO sense, they're supposed to be easy to see so you can overlay them to your target
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  3. MisterBond

    Keep this thread going mates, this needs to finally be addressed by SOE
  4. Enchman

  5. Alizona

    I appreciate the fact that Sony makes everyone use the same reticle. It is entirely possible that some reticles may be better than others, and thus if you allow customization then you allow the better, smarter players who install one to have an even greater advantage over the "average joe" type of casual player. That isn't what we want, IMO.

    One size fits all. Let a player's skill sort it all out, not who has the better reticle installed.
  6. MisterBond

    Then why not just make the reticule good by default? Then everyone can use it?
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  7. Pineapple Pizza!

    I was using a mumble crosshair overlay a few months ago, but then it randomly broke and I dunno how to fix it / don't want to reinstall everything. Look here:

    There's also this bizzare doohickey that looks like it was made in the 90's that lets you place an SVG image on your desktop of whatever transparency you'd like. If you run your game in windowed mode and center both the window and the image, you effectively create an overlay.
  8. MisterBond

    Come on SOE, we're tired of being ignored here
  9. MisterBond

    Not letting this thread die, I like this game too much to let such a gross negligence in game design carry on any longer
  10. MisterBond

    Hey SOE? Did you forget about this thread?

    Cause I sure as bloody hell didn't!

    Why can we not customize our reticles?
  11. MisterBond

    Haw, so apparently as I've learned through Reddit, and a post here on the forums, the dev's have abandoned the forums en masse and do all their posting on reddit now.

    Meaning these forums are essentially useless as we're all just talking to a wall.

    Whelp, that takes care of that!


    You want to know whats aggravating? I started this thread over 30 days ago, and not one dev response, I made this post on Reddit, and a dev answered it in less then 10 minutes.

    I feel really insulted as a forum users here to be honest, that crap ain't cricket.
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  12. Strottinglemon

  13. Wafflepancake

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  14. DK22

    I'd at least like to see a few choices in the game.
    I'll pay SC, nudge, nudge...
  15. NinjaKirby

  16. baka

    This has been asked for since beta and ignored. If you want to go the money route, you could buy an Asus Rog Swift PG278Q monitor.
    Pricey, but it can render a colored cross hair onscreen itself. If you are really lucky, the center of the cross hair sort of relates to the game center (assuming full screen or a centered window). The rest of us peons will just have to deal with graphics that can vanish against backgrounds.
  17. Elrobochanco

    Does nobody watch higby pls? this is coming soon.
  18. Hatesphere

    Yeah the red dots piss me off in this game. they are a reflected LED, they should be bight dots that you can see over everything. the ridicule should be completely separated from the model as well. since right now they are not all ways in the center of the screen when moving, but the bullets still come from the center of your screen (very confusing for new players)

    with the ridicule separated from the model it should always stay centered. it would also allow you to have an interchangeable overlay file that could be easily changed to give the basic shape (simple bit map). it would be easy to apply colour to any basic shape you input as well as simple shaders that could adjust the contrast/ hue of your ridicule based on the average background brightness of the screen.

    its funny that a game like mine craft actually has a more in depth useful cross hair then planetside when it comes to visibility in different light settings.

    I haven't watched the video, but if that is the FOV "fix" that gives you higher FOV then the game options allow, its not sanctioned by SOE so use it at your own risk.
  19. Halo572

    I read this thread yesterday and have to say that it is 100% right.

    I knew the RDS was broken, but having poked around a bit more I have actually identified where you do aim with all sights and the feedback from them and the ease of which they are visible is FUBAR.

    Quite simply every unproven but reasonable theory I had before yesterday about anything - programming, connection, PC, internet, me, 1337 h4x0r - is practically gone. It is and has always been the sights.

    I can now see myself missing instead of wondering where my bullets went. There are no disappearing bullets any more there is me missing.

    Veni, vidi, vici - if they fix the sights/improve the visibility of the sights I think a lot of the technical accusations and h4x0r cries will reduce dramatically.

    People will see where they are aiming and missing, which is so stark when you realise where you were aiming before you knew it is quite ridiculous.

    Which makes you wonder on the competency of people that can't make the fundamental mechanic of their title to work 2 1/2 years later.
  20. Klypto

    They are going to release the change in a month or two.