[Suggestion] Deployable Shield Device

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Aeravic, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Aeravic

    This is a suggestion for the Engineer class to have a deployable shield device that will project a shield to reduce the amount of damage of enemy bullets that pass through it and tank some heavy weapon shots.

    This shield would be pretty small, only slightly bigger than a single infantry guy. It would only cover a single direction. Any splash damage weapon such as Rockets and vehicle weapons would impact on the shield and cause damage to the activation device. For balance, you can make it so that a single rocket would destroy the shield. Allies an shoot through the shield. The shield can be deactivated by destroying the activation device on the ground or the device taking enough damage from heavy splash weapons. It will also replace your turret tool.

    I got this idea after seeing the Medic's shield regeneration device and remembering some old Halo games (Covenant shields). It seems pretty weird that the shield regeneration device projects a shield dome but it does not deflect any damage.

    Also as a support class, I find Engineers pretty lacking in their ability to support infantry. If there are no Maxes or vehicles around, the only thing an Engineer can do is to drop ammo and camp corners with turrets (which prevents allies from firing as turrets block bullets).

    This new device would works well with the shield regeneration device, allowing Engineers to set up forward points with Medics to allow other infantry to fortify the position.

    How do you guys find this idea?
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  2. Neoplasia

    We had a shield generator along those lines in PS1. Was it amazing? No. But it did work.


    All they would have to do is change the mechanics around to fit into PS2 better!

    I do like your idea of the shield only facing one direction. Certing up the shield would increase its shielding power and range!

    Also certing into the shield makes it available on the ACE tool so we would be able to have the ACE equipped. Then just push B to cycle through all of our deployment options.
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  3. Problem Officer

    How about a nanite-constructed solid shield? Basically a metal plate sticking up, which can be repaired.
  4. Quiiliitiila

    Why not just bring back the cert lines for assault engineers and fortification engineers? That'd be badass :D

    Make it so your choice locks the other one out, and *GASP* can actually define a character.
  5. KingArthur

    but on a more serious note.. please give us the depth ps1 had... please.... don't just give us 1 extra gadget.. pleasee...
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  6. Noktaj

    I'd like a flak-armor shield instead of a generic damage reduction shield or a phisical barrier.

    In this case you could deploy the shield and help absorbing incoming damage to your deployed sundy, or helping friendlies getting out of a air/tank bombarded spawn point or providing a shell protected area while you run in open space.
  7. Casterbridge

    I know I would like a shield or barrier type device to help protect my team during point flips in those buildings that allow armor to just shell directly into the point area.
  8. starlinvf

    Something like this should be a function of the ACE slots (aka the Mana turrets). However, I'm leery about giving the Engineer yet ANOTHER high utility item/function thats exclusive to them.

    Given a large number of factors about how this game uses classes, I'd say delegating a Barrier device to the HA in lieu of the Rocket Launcher is a long OVERDUE step toward trying to add some dynamic to that class.
  9. SevenTwo

    Slap on a Combat Shield to use as an alternative to the Launcher in the HA tool slot (akin to the NC MAX Aegis, but only covering head, upper body and thighs) and remove the ability to use the primary weapon while having it equipped like the Stalker Cloak does for the infiltrator.

    This would give the game a proper "breaching" class that isn't just a wall of MAX units and give the HA a more support oriented role by being "that highbying guy that's in the way of my bullets".

    You are welcome. :D
  10. FallowField

    Hmm, some shield ideas:

    1. Ablative Barrier - Place a smallish shield projector (say, about the size of the turret) which then creates a relatively wide flat shield that can provide cover for multiple people. However, it has a no-deploy zone around it that prevents other engineers from placing more shields nearby (because otherwise you would have about ten engineers stack barriers like pancakes to increase the benefit). The barrier would be able to stop one shot before dissipating but the projector can restore the barrier in short order.

    Thus, the barrier would be optimal for blocking single high-damage shots like shots from snipers, tanks, or heavy weapon missiles. Since the barrier would be able to shield multiple allies, it provides benefits to all those allies (by potentially blocking that one shot). However, the barrier would be vulnerable to most infantry weapons since a short burst from an assuault rifle or SMG would break the barrier so that the other bullets can get through.

    Possible upgrades or adjustments could include making it ignore bullets and instead only block missiles or vehicle fire (or alternatly make it able to absorb a short burst of infantry fire but unable to block explosives). So the infantry can still fire through it but the barrier will be there to block one powerful attack. Other upgrades could increase the size of the barrier or how quickly the barrier can restore itself after blocking an attack.


    2. Shield Recharger - Drops an object that makes a ring of energy. Allies passing through it get their shields recharged by a certain amount (lets say 25% or so). The ring can recharge multiple people but each person can only get the benefits once per 30 seconds or something. These are primarily useful for providing an escape route or an option to quickly regain enough health to soak up one bullet or so. Multiple rechargers can be deployed in an area, but each time a person uses a charger, they have to wait 30 seconds or so to make use of another one.
  11. -Synapse-

    I like the idea of a shield, but I think a deployable would be very limiting. The current deploy system would make it very difficult to place in and around choke points due to all the people standing where you're trying to place it, and Engineers are too reliant on deployables as is.

    I think a better option would be to have something similar to the NC MAX shield, where it can be used to protect yourself and people behind you while still allowing some degree of mobility. The riot shield style would make it easier for the Engineer to put up a quick defense where and when it's useful, rather than having to either set it up before hand or fiddle with the deployment system while being shot at.

    All that said, I would still be happy with a deployable setup. It just wouldn't be anywhere near as fun as a mini aegis shield.
  12. starlinvf

    Everyone suggests that, but even the MAXs can't get the mechanics to work in their favor..... and their 10 times more durable then most infantry.