
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by miraculousmouse, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. norsewarlord

    We need full beards for all factions.
  2. ZoSoGetsu

    More customization period would be nice. Don't even make it cost anything, just give us some rudimentary editor to give our avatar something of a customized look, much like we come to expect from any MMO. Just allow a few different styles to be an option at character creation. Just charge SC to players that want to modify their appearance after character creation..
  3. Isendretta


    NC could have scraggly biker gang beards, braided beards, and mutton chops.
    TR could have uptight military-style beards.
    VS could have futuristic hipster beards and villain-staches.

    For the girls, I would love a Rosie-the-riveter bandana or a Lara Croft braid poking out my helmet. :)