Why do we fight?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fappy McSwag, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Fappy McSwag

    I'm confused about this. While watching all sorts of PS2 vids youtube, I keep getting more and more confused as to why we fight. I've heard K/D doesn't matter, dying doesn't matter, taking bases doesn't matter. Nothing seems to matter, so what's the point? Why do people fight? I like the game and all, but I can never keep myself playing it for too long because I lose my motivation so quickly.

    Is the key to find an outfit where I fit in or just play with some friends? What are some things that keep people fighting?
  2. doombro


    Finding an outfit helps a lot though. Teamwork is where this game shines brightest.
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  3. Phyr

    The point is to shoot people. Bases are a reason to be in a specific area.
  4. M2_Bradley

    Did you ever hear of the word "fun"?It's the reason for why we play all games.
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  5. FateJH

    At its very core, because it's fun.
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  6. ajma

    We fight for Vanu.
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  7. Pikachu

    The fight is fun an taking bases after an even fight feels good. Defeating an enemy attack and then advance and attack and their base that they came from is quite satisfying. Also the opportunities where you just mow down peple with your hacksaws or such feels good.
  8. Plunutsud pls

    Play for fun, first and foremost. This game offers more ways to have fun than any other fps. Experiment with different classes, vehicles and playstyles.

    Then there's the cert grind for new unlocks and weapons. After that, it's a grind to reach BR100 and auraxium all the guns you want to. Plus the social aspect, of course.
  9. Loco

    I kill anyone who doesn't wear spandex. Spandex is the future, even tanks should wear spandex... It keeps your body parts secure, yet it breaths well!
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  10. Nexus545

    As NC I fight for bonus checks.
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  11. Posse

    Because it's fun? I don't see any other reason to play a videogame aside from that (unless you're a pro, of course)
  12. z1967

    For the lulz (and for the cool moments).
  13. IamnotAmazing

    #redeploymeta #popwinsagain #morecamosplz
  14. Badname3073

    Questions like this are the sign that people of Auraxis gradually come to their senses. The pointless war is coming to its end, my friends. Soon we will be celebrating peace all over the continents. Former belligerents will install a joint government for the benefit of everyone. I strongly believe that the means to reopen the wormhole back to Earth will be found through combined efforts, and the people of Auraxis will finally return home.
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  15. TZK204

    The Vanu will accept this "peace" and "joint government" if you allow us to handle all manner of operations on Auraxis without consequence or restraint. Oh, and on top of that, we want the elected leader of this government to be of Vanu loyalty.

    The NC can sit in the corners and babble about bonus cheques. The TR can be the enforcers of our government.
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  16. -Synapse-

    We fight to get certs to unlock better equipment so we can fight more efficiently and get more equipment to get more certs to get more equipment. . . you get the picture. After the spectacle of large battles wears off, it becomes a bit of a skinner box.
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  17. WyrdHarper

    People fight because I tell them to. Oh the joys of leading!
  18. Tuco

    Can't we all just get along?
  19. Kn4ck3br0d37

    What a silly question. We fight for the Terran Republic - Rightful government of Auraxis, of course.

    Failing that you could always fight to record your session and make a yolo420blazeitMLG montage featuring dubstep, doritos, mountain dew and random sound bytes taken from various videos including but not limited to "MOMMY! GET THE CAMERA MOMMY!!" and "DAMN SON WHERE'D YOU FIND THIS?"
  20. Liam23490

    Killing people is fun.