T9A "Butcher"

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by hawken is better, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. minhalexus

    I kinda wanted to see the opposite of what we get at start.

    So after getting 5 auraxiams on ______ weapon class, I get the default weaponry that is a sidegrade that looks good. - BS

    Instead, NC should get a gun like Orion/Carv ( with NC taste to it)
    And VS/TR should get a gun like GoDSAW (with slight VS/TR taste to it)
  2. Bankrotas

    Personally, would be fine by me. Considering the "GODSAW" is worse than Gauss Saw.
  3. hawken is better

    I wouldn't mind that at all. As a matter of fact, I was one of the few non-NC players on Reddit campaigning for the NC to get a 750/143 LMG.

    That said, my personal request is for TR to get a light machine gun that adheres to a damage model/RoF combination of the Cougar and the TRAP. IE: 550/184 (which comes out to about 1,686 DPS, nearly the same as a 600/167 weapon). I had originally wanted a Lynx/TORQ-type LMG, but we honestly don't need it; we already have 2 CQC LMGs.

    EDIT: It could also have a model that follows the same style as the TRAP and the new AMP pistol, although I think a SABR/Cougar-styled weapon would be nice, too.
  4. Pie Chasm

    Extended magazine on a CARV? Really? Now I have an incentive never to auraxium the bull. This is actually great news.
  5. BluescalesNZ

    While I like the camo idea, more distinctive, original models and unique sound effects for them also would be nice to really make them stand out.
  6. Bankrotas

    Hell I'm fine giving you 125 ammo Gauss Saw ^^
  7. Posse

    It's called Anchor
  8. minhalexus

    Or how about they bring in a new gun that is similar to the Bandit, like the Anchor is to the Mercenary.

    I really could use that fast ADS speed on an LMG.

    I would be much more happy if such a gun was the reward for that 5 auraxiams.
  9. KnightCole

    I want a gun like this for a nice fat Aurax...perhaps it would be cool if we got to pick between 2 different weapons

    V Recoil: 0.45
    H: 0.185
    FSM: x1.85

    Moving Cof: 0.37
    Initial Cof: 0.02
    CoF Bloom: 0.03
    Recoil Reduction: 13
    Recoil angle: ^ <=>

    Fixed Attachments:
    x2 Optic
    Compensator/Foregrip combo thing

  10. miraculousmouse

    Dont forget the .75x ads speed..
  11. Bankrotas

    Anchor doesn't have best bloom per shot damage, DPS and TTK combo.
  12. KnightCole

    Thats not a huge deal to me. Ive pretty much become totally accustomed to the .5x ADS speed. It actually throws me off when I use a gun that has .75x....

    The 143/698 Alternate that we should be able to choose from should have it though.

    Just like how the TR and VS should get\

    V: 0.44
    H: 0.195
    FSM: 2x

    Moving CoF: 0.39
    Initial Cof: 0.04
    COF bloom: 0.03

    ADS MM:0.5x

    Fixed Attachments|
    comp/foregrip thing

    This as their more NC version of the Auraxiam weapon.

    While the NC version is

    H: 0.2
    FSM: 2.2x

    Moving COF: 0.39
    Initial COF: 0.04
    COF Bloom: 0.035

    ADS MM: 0.75x
    comp/FG thing

    This as the NC more TR/VS version of their Auraxaim weapon.

    BOth weapons share moderate traits of their counterparts, but in no way mimic, copy or compete or outclass their TR/VS versions...which is how it shoulda always been when cross factioniong weapon traits....such as the GR22, GD7F, TMG50 and the like....which is also why the NC should have damage deg at 85m on all weapons, but no RoF over 720RPM....or even 698...
  13. Bankrotas

    There is not CoF bloom lower than 0.05 and wanting to have a lower CoF bloom on 143 dmg tier weapon would need to sacrifice a lot.
  14. Posse

    If you land ALL headshots it has a lower TTK than any other LMG in the game, as for the bloom, it has the same bloom as any other 167 damage LMG, lol. The guy asked for something that fills the same niche as the Orion but with the NC flavor, well that would be the Anchor. Otherwise you're asking for a LMG with similar stats to the Carnage, which doesn't have any NC flavor at all.
  15. miraculousmouse

    is the anchor's headshot ttk lesser than the SAW's?
  16. miraculousmouse

    I wish they also gave this to someone who gets the equivelant of 3 more auraxium medals on any one lmg. I already auraxed the anchor and saw but would love to stick with the saw and get like 3480 more kills insteqd of dealing with the em1.
  17. Posse

    Yep, the magic of the 167 damage weapons :p

    The SAW has the same headshot TTK as the Orion or the CARV, the Anchor needs the same amount of bullets as the SAW to kill with headshots (167*2 = 334, 334*3 > 1000).
    • Up x 2
  18. Bankrotas

    I'd say Anchor is NC version of MSW-R though on that topic and Orion is in same role maybe but different beast (don't argue it's better or worse, but doesn't really feel same as MSW-R). Oh and I do have mixed feeling for Carnage personally, so no, I wouldn't like Carnage LMG.
    Though I won't argue, that Anchor is bad, one of best performing LMGs (heavy AR in disguise) can't be bad :D

    However, what I am saying is that 143 with 0.05 bloom is golden standard of good bloom, bullets per CoF increase and damage per CoF increase and NC does lack weapon like that that would be competitive (EM1 is not competitive IMO).
    It's just my personal belief in that and theory, why I am doing bit to way better with my alt weaponary compared to most of my NC weapons.

    Theory goes like this. To achieve a standard kill of an infantry man with 1k hp you need 7 shot with 143 weapon, it's bloom is 0.05, it will bloom 6 times for the kill reaching 0.3 extra CoF on your weapon and will send 7 bullets to hit the target. 167 with 0.06 bloom will do same with 5 shots and gain same bloom. 125 will need 1 extra shot, so 0.35 bloom for a kill with 8 shots.
    Now here's where I see the issue. Each shot is a chance to hit the target. 143 gets 7 chances for came CoF to hit the target, 167 dmg tier gets 6 and 125 gets same 7, but needs 1 more shot mandatory to kill it.
    Now I don't say it's bad, it's just flavour. 167 trades it's chances for better headshot TTK and 125 tier has same headshot amount needed as 143, but usually has way higher rate of fire. So all I'd like is more competitive option of golden CoF bloom damage standard that 143 dmg tier provides.
  19. Posse

    But the Carnage is the Orion made Assault Rifle :p
  20. KnightCole

    Really? I seriously thought I read COF bloom on the EM6 was 0.03...or something was. Very well then. Guess both those guns would be 0.05 bloom then.