Who do I talk to about crosshair overlays?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sladuog, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. jadebenn

    Why don't reflex sights work like normal sights where the red dot is always accurate?
  2. Vaphell

    because they would be utterly unrealistic and out of place in this supposedly hi-tech, futuristic setting as opposed to 20th century iron sights and pieces of glass with a painted dot. Also removing the texture from the 3d model and slapping an overlay texture on top of the rendered scene is rocket science.

    but seriously, why are craptastic, confusing sights even a factor in what constitutes 'skill' in this game? They destroy suspension of disbelief of the setting, we should have fancy visors with cool fx to indicate the CoF or whatever and it's the visors that should have irnv and other visual modes you can switch to, Predator style. Also polarization filters that remove the haze on screen.
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  3. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Solution GET GOOD !! Just play the game and dont worry about how to shoot with tape on your monitor or some stupid overlay.
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  4. stalkish

    Lol @ the infantry only players of this game, you moan and whine and bi*ch to get your style of play the main focus, then whine that it is poorly implemented and not consistent with other infantry only shooters.o_O
    Not sh*t sherlock, this is a combined arms game, if they put all their focus into getting your run and gunplay perfect there'd be no time left for anything else. Combined arms MMO games try to do everything at a decent level, infantry only games with that sole focus do that 1 thing perfectly (well try to). If you want perfect gunplay.......
  5. Taemien

    Sorry to say, but this isn't why you can't hit a moving target. Moving targets need to be led. You have tracers to aid with that. Necroing this post really wasn't needed.
  6. Vaphell

    1st of all, if you get **** right from the start, you don't have waste time needlessly. The devs didn't get **** right hence the justified complaints. It's garbage that you get more reliable information about your accuracy when hipfiring.
    The difference in implementation between zooming in with a textured crosshair right on the weapon and zooming in with small overlay crosshair that doesn't lie to you is negligible programming wise (oh noes, +1small texture on the hud). WONTFIX was and still is a rtarded answer to the complaints.
    And the problem wouldn't be as annoying if people got a green light for using 3rd party crosshairs.

    2nd - take your post and substitute 'infantry only players' etc with 'tank only players' and 'zomg we want barrels aligned with the camera because otherwise we can't aim for **** and where is turret stabilization'
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  7. stalkish

    Think you missed the point, let me paraphrase it:
    • Infantry player (IP) : Why should 1 person in an aircraft or ground vehicle have more power than 1 infantry, we get pwned all day its not fair.
    • All round player (ARP) : Because its a tank / aircraft, why not get your own tank / aircraft and counter it?
    • IP : I shouldnt have to, i want to play infantry only
    • ARP : But this is a massive combined arms game, theres alot more to do than that, and it realy isnt as polished as a small session shooter or infantry focused game?
    • IP : I only like infantry combat, so thats what i want to do.
    • SOE implements powerful infantry based counters to aircraft and tanks.
    • IP : The infantry gunplay in this game isnt as perfect as the infantry only COD, or small session based Battlefield.
    Surely you can see my point.
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  8. Axehilt

    If infantry players were asking for smartguns that shot perfectly around corners then maybe this little rant would make sense.

    Instead, we just want functional crosshairs. We're not asking for fancy features or luxury -- heck, many of us asking (like myself) aren't even "infantry players". You don't have to be an infantry-only player to understand that inaccurate crosshairs have no place in a serious shooter.
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  9. LT_Latency

    I am pretty sure you can add one using mumble and it's leigit
  10. MajiinBuu

    If you can't hit easy targets, it's not the crosshair that is the problem.
    And since when was Planetside 2 considered a "serious" or "competitive" first person shooter? o_O
  11. jadebenn

    It's not that we can't aim, it's that when moving the reflex sights (and any non-overlay sight) become inaccurate and no longer show you where you are shooting.
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  12. Champagon

  13. Champagon

    It's called balance and you can't aim if you have problems aiming down sights then you can't aim. I am shocked people use "Pieces of tape" and "Crosshair overlays" really? get out
  14. jadebenn

    Ummm, what we're saying is these sights don't work like they do in real life, here is a REAL reflex sight in action: [IMG]
    Notice how the crosshairs are always on target even when the gun is moved? That's what I want.
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  15. Champagon

    I see what you are saying, but what I am saying is that a crosshair overlay of ANY type shape/ form /"rules" should not be allowed. It is completely weak and unfair to everyone else.

    A simple hack for people who can't play
  16. Vaphell

    even if it was implemented right in the game, so nobody gets his jimmies rustled due to the accuracy shenanigans and nobody is at a disadvantage against people who DO use 3rd party solutions no matter what SOE say? How does one protect players from other players using tape on screen?

    I'd say it's the opposite - the players with extensive experience with competitive shooters, who find the current state of affairs unacceptable, are motivated the most to 'fix' the accuracy problem.

    Competitive games with high skill ceiling have few things in common - they have tight controls and show accurate information to the player. PS2 doesn't really do that. In this case it requires not skill but experience - you need to deal with this BS long enough that you start to feel how much the arbitrary offset mentioned nowhere in the game is. How is a talented BR1 noob who just installed the game supposed to know that his brand new reflex sight bought with first certs is BSing him without reading forums?
    That's not skill, that's an artificial barrier to entry.
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  17. Champagon

    Cause PS2 isn't a competitive game, they already tried to go down the MLG route and it didn't quite work out. So don't pull that argument, i sincerely hope that those of you whom use crosshair overlays cheats are permabanned
  18. MajiinBuu

    If crosshair overlays were allowed people would just turn off the HUD and shoot people without an obstructing scope. You could guide a phoenix rocket with a full screen, or snipe with a fullscreen. IR/NV would be fullscreen too, since there's no reason to use the ingame HUD anymore.
    And the reflex sights are off by less than a millimeter at most times, if you can't compensate that than I feel sorry.
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  19. Champagon

    Agreed, i feel sorry for the dudes arguing for the overlays. I mean come on...
  20. jadebenn

    I just want a scope revamp so my red dot isn't lying to me. :confused:

    A few pixels makes a lot of difference at 50 meters. When I ADAD and burst fire down mid range targets with my Orion the scope becomes extremely inaccurate. I put a piece of tape on my screen and tried it again and HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT.
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