What base you dislike the most and why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Noktaj, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Yuki10

    Stupid timers and delays on everything....Redeploy - timer, deploy a mine/switch a weapon... delay...

    Its like these people trying to make the game suck on purpose.
  2. Noktaj

    Ye but what's the point? I mean, it's not like the attackers are passing through your two spawns and you'll catch them in the middle.
    Let's take any of those Hossin's "construction sites" for instance. Attackers will usually come from the other side of the base, what's the point in two spawns exactly in the same positions 10m away? What are you gonna xfire in there? Imo one spawn should be underground or at ground-level so to mitigate the air-spam on the exits.

    Again, why?
    I could understand the "routing" concept in a hardcoded 10vs10 max FPS where the levels are designed to maximize the encounters, but in Planetside 2 creating mandatory routes to a cap point is insane when you have 100vs100 people shooting in a corridor.

    I agree with the idea of "flow", it's just that sometimes it's limited to 1 flow. Attackers from 1 direction, defenders from the other. This again is creating massive spamfest in big fights.

    Did not know. Will check 'em out. Thanks for the tip ;)
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  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    AMP stations

    just cannot stand the overall design of the base

    the court area too open for snipers and aircraft to kill infantry but too cramped for ground vehicles

    the capture points make the entire station feel like a small call of duty map

    the roof area perfect for campers

    and finally the interior with the plethora of shields that will just turn the base into a campfest until it is taken over
  4. Alizona

    Please allow me to clarify.


    The old style Amp Stations were fine (they were and still are my favorite base). But they added all these walls, barriers, roadblocks, and assorted stuff to them and turned SOME (thankfully, not all) Amp Stations into glorified rat mazes. Where's the cheese? :)
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  5. MajiinBuu

    I like all the bases. If a base is defended easily than it sucks for the attackers. If a base is taken easily than it sucks for the defenders. You can't have a base that is easily defended while being easy to capture, that is impossible. Just fight and have fun.
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  6. Jur270

    Old AMP STATIONS combat for both sides are awful, tottally chaotic in the bad way,lag fest zerg fest
  7. Stopper

    The new style amp station (Freyr, Zurvan, Sungrey...) : a maze that disturbs only the defenders because you never remember where to respawn exactly to go where you want. With different styles of Amp station, it's never the same way to go to the ESF pad...

    I have no problem with more complex bases (like many of Hossin and Amerish bases) because they are all unique (so you can remember them better IMHO) and their complexity can be tactical and "stylish" ; but the amp station... I have never understood the change... This and the fact that they are build with spawn for the attackers...

    Other than that, I like all other bases.
  8. Boildown

    Everything on Esamir that is walls without turrets or good ways to get to the top of the wall, where the enemy tanks can sit on a hill and fire into base from above, where if it were a real base it would have been completely destroyed long long ago, and never re-occupied. Which is nearly everywhere on Esamir. Worst Base Design Continent Revamp, Ever.
  9. Nurath

    Any base which is pretty much indefensible.

    A base that you can't protect and which has a layout that does things that an army digging in wouldn't, is a shoddy poor base to me.
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  10. Cest7

    I hate the construction sites. So linear. Point in middle, stairs on one side, spawn on the other.

  11. jadebenn

    West Pass, while not as bad a subterranean Nanite Analysis it is almost impossible to attack unless you have a LARGELY SUPERIOR numerical advantage.
  12. Unsp0kn

    That's why they are construction sites, they are placeholder bases.
  13. LodeTria

    The amp stations that give attackers spawn points for capturing a point which takes less than 30 seconds.
  14. Tcsisek

    i love amp stations there great for sniping and tanks are also good there but you have to be cautions.
  15. Titan6

    Andvari South Bank. The spawn in surrounded by hills that are almost impossible to walk up, and you're funneled across a bridge just to get to the point.
  16. Canno

    The bases I hate the most are Esamir and Hossin.
  17. zombielores

    Eisa tech plant on Esamir, 1 tech plant on a continent just makes the battle extremely one sided, either make 3 tech plants or remove Eisa hopefully the first.
  18. BanthaFodder

    - Crimson Bluff and Indar Excavation, both have really long cap timers.
    - That one mountain base on indar where the only way in is a Gal drop or those 2 jump pads
    - Subterranean Nanite Analysis, it's a meat grinder.
    - Walled Bases of Esamir
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

  20. Pikachu

    Most satellite bases. They are are just an annoyance to reach the base that is actually fun to fight over.

    Many Hossin bases. Too complicated terrain.

    Biolabs for all the meargrind and they annoying running to the teleporter everytime you die as an attacker. Some bSes doesnt even allow sunderers to pRk outside the teleport building which makes me think SOE wants it to be annoying to attack them. Biolab-4 is the only fun one.

    Regent rock gRroson
    Too difficult to attack because you have to move past the base. The control points should be rotated 90 deg around the tower.

    Vanu archiveS
    A normal base mixed with a biolab. Same meat grinding.

    Howling pass checkpoint
    Annoying to move around and too difficult to TtCk.

    Too enclosed. One big main entrance and a small hole for only infNtry to gi vfough.

    The octagon
    Ugly bases that spits on the memory of Glacier Station. Way too restrictive with the walls. Openings Hould be fR away from each othet, not next to one another.

    The tower base near SE Indar wg with a bridge nearby
    That base akways ends up in boring stalemates.