Doritos are OP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by andy_m, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. andy_m

    LOL, just a joke really, but I thought I'd share the fact that I've had a couple of headshots on peeps who I can't even see through the leaves on Hossin. All I can see is a little triangle above their head and I estimate where to aim...

    I suppose the serious side to this is, could the dorito be off to the side a bit? Or why even have the dorito in the first place?
  2. vsae

    Because people like it the easy way and FPS are generally too hard for most people.
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  3. Yuukikun

    I believe the dorito is the center of the body, which i believe means that if someone is crouching the head won't be right under it. Also the dorito is for people who are spotted, it's a way to communicate the location of someone to your teammates.
  4. Ronin Oni

    welcome to FPS circa 2011.
  5. andy_m

    Either way, I'm still getting headshots when I shouldn't...

    Must be some other way of hilighting a spot?
  6. Rhumald

    Or for a crafty sniper/player that can't see you, but wants to kill you anyways, or know's there's a hotspot beyond the tree he's hiding in, even if he can't see you, he can still spot then shoot you. You might be surprised how easy it is to take a headshot even when you're crouched, if you can figure out which way you're opponent is facing (map after the spot). the head is almost always the same distance under the Doritos, all you need to do after that is take the shot. I do it often enough.

    I've always felt that map indicators should really be enough, but as long as this is a part of the game, why not exploit it?.
  7. FishMcCool

    For a futuristic setting, technology is already ******** enough, like, 300m range for a sniper rifle? 600m aircraft radar range? No gyroscopic mounts or computer-assisted targeting for tank turrets?

    Honestly, I find it reassuring in a way that there is an army-wide IFF system with target tracking.
  8. KnightCole

    Only thing this game is missing is auto aim......Ofc people use No Cof hacks, chameleon skins and other stuff to compensate, but yeah...
  9. UberBonisseur

    Except I would expect my futuristic nanite powered suit has a built-in IFF that prevents spotting.
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  10. Iridar51

    Because there has to be a reliable way to differentiate between ally and enemy.
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  11. andy_m

    The simple answer to that is to put doritos over our faction player heads only. So anyone who is enemy does not have a dorito.

    As an aside, at long distance, sometimes doritos do not always show and I have accidentally bombed friendly peeps because of that.
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  12. FateJH

    Problematic doritos are just a demonstration of issues, mostly disparities, with the spotting system. Most problems with the system lie in the fact that it's too flat and simplistic. The only real balance worked into it involves using an local audio callout that everyone hears, so that you don't call your attention for the rest of your allies absolutely freely, but that doesn't come into play most of the time. Marker and Counter-Intelligence may come into play with this somehow. There's also the deal where it sometimes fails and the normal heuristic, "something that doesn't self-identify is always X," doesn't hold up; but, that one should never be considered a true balance and always considered a bug.

    Behavior of the minimap is not entirely blameless, either.
  13. Corporate Thug

    I do think the doritos are OP. They are part of the reason it's so hard to balance vehicles versus infantry. I enjoy the Heroes and Generals approach of where you need to keep a soldier in view for a specified amount of time before he is auto spotted, and even then you will lose track of him if he is behind cover.
  14. Scr1nRusher

    Andy.... you bumped your post like 2 times 1 yesterday and 1 today....

    I'm amazed this topic exists on forumside.... but thats another story.
  15. EGuardian1

    A friend of mine ( i think it was RonJahn) put it perfectly. Planetside 2 is World War 1 IN SPACE.

    Seriously, we send masses of troops to take a point, armour is more or less useless if infantry can flank it. Our planes are slow enough and fragile enough pistols can damage them, and we have to mount night vision on a gun, instead of actually fielding night vision goggles.
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  16. Axehilt

    All the best games and movies tend to be this way, in order to be more interesting to play or watch. It's why Star wars isn't about a bunch of flawlessly accurate military space drones, but instead about close-range dogfights between fighters in space.
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  17. Zotamedu

    It's a simple solution to a complicated problem. Being able to identify friendlies and foes is very important in a FPS. If they were to remove the doritos, they would have to drastically change the character models in the game so they were so distinct that you could easily tell them apart at a glance. That works well for most FPS since they are played on small maps so you never have to watch enemies at a distance. So you can do it with some basic skin changes. Here we have a problem with scale. You engage enemies at a range where you cannot reasonably use the character model for differentiation if you still want them to look humanoid. It would have worked if we had three different races instead of factions.

    We can use the in game vehicles as an example. The ESF all have a very distinctive shape which make them very easy to tell apart from a long distance. You only need a couple of pixels to be able to tell a Reaver from a Scythe. The compare that to the liberators that all look the same except for the colour. You have to wait for them to come very close, so close that it's too late, before the colours render properly so you can tell if it's friendly or not.

    The doritos solve this problem. Now you can spot it and often know directly if it's friendly or if you are supposed to shoot at it.

    If the doritos were all removed, the game would be extremely frustrating. More realistic perhaps but no fun and that's a very important thing in game design. Game mechanics needs to be fun before they are realistic.
  18. UberBonisseur

    What if I told you, keeping the friendly doritos like every single game did before Bad Company 2 solves that problem ?

    Lo and behold, this guy hasn't killed a single ally
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  19. Ronin Oni

    Friendly doritos, good

    enemy spotted doritos, bad.
  20. Alizona

    Don't disagree at all with your post, however I often miss the dorito and end up shooting my own teammates who are wearing "oddly colored" camo (like desert yellow camo on my purple Vanu squad).

    I guess I need to look into changing my color scheme somehow to make the dorito a bit more prominent, if possible.