Unbearable overpop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Noktaj, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Noktaj

    Seriously, SOE has to do something for this faction overpop thingy, how am I supposed to win against this?!?!?!1111oneone

  2. NCDaniel

    That's how Woodman looks like? Wow. That's a first for me.

    That can't be during prime time.
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  3. Quiiliitiila

    What's the world pop? I can't imagine it's good either, but a continent pop doesn't give us an adequate picture of the server as a whole. TR may have 100% on Amerish, but that could equate to a single platoon ghost capping because the other empires left.

    Show us the numbers! :D
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  4. Noktaj

    Honestly, the SS was taken like 2 secs after continent locking. :D
    First time I saw 100% though.
    I though it was worth the shot.

    Excluding occasional NCs or TRs zergs, pop balance on Woodman is adequate in my opinion.
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  5. Plunutsud pls

    VS just zerged Hossin on Emerald, I guess NC and TR were too busy farming each other on Indar.
  6. Matt0193

    That IS from Woodman, but it was shortly after an Alert where Amerish was just unlocked. It was like this for like 2-3 minutes, though. And anyway, it's not like the VS didn't just handily win the alert with 40%, or so, pop.
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  7. FateJH

    Why orange sherbet for TR?
  8. shameful

  9. Airmanator

    Made a TR on Woodman (I'm a NA player) and the world populations sway wildly. One moment, VS has 48% pop then three hours later TR is 37%. Come an alert, NC pops up out of nowhere and rolls the competition.

    Hopefully the merge with Miller with straighten out a few things.
  10. DQCraze

    We came in to stop the lock, but ya TR had world pop had Esamir locked and VS had Hossin at 79%. I went over to Indar and was like WTF guys don't throw away the lock.
  11. Huxer

    Suprise, suprise, the VS overpop zerg on Emerald was...zerging. Go figure :p
  12. vsae

    Good attempt tho
  13. Plunutsud pls

    It was bizzare, almost prime time but there was virtually no resistance, we had 50+ player zergs ghost capping several bases at once.