Alert 30sec from Ending...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jachim, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Jachim

    TR in the lead...

    And the server crashes. Emerald.

  2. Wayfar

    Why did you have to make the server:
    Rage quit
    And wasn't a dev bragging about how well the game have been performing lately? What a jinx! :)
  3. ChampagneDragon

    Seems to be a ton of NC crashed. Were you around Allatum by any chance? I was, but got back in quickly and was able to get the points. Hubby wasn't so lucky.
  4. King_Brutus

    Glad I wasn't the only one. And I was leading a damn platoon too -____-
  5. a4555in

    Cobalt crashed too.
  6. Nody

    Ok, you got us. Papa Vanu gave us some new tech that we thought would be really cool to try out but as it turned out it used a bit more power then expected and well, we blew some fuses. On behalf of the VS community all we can promise is that we'll probably do it again anyway.

    Yours sincerely,
    VS Scientist community
  7. Jachim

    No, Papa Vanu is too obvious. This is more sinister...
  8. Canaris

    I wondered why Higby had this installed on his desk ;)

  9. DatVanuMan

    Didn't you know? The devs are the ones with complete control over the servers. They may deactivate them at any time they please:eek:
  10. TriumphantJelly

    Most likely to do with Lasher/Lancer spam.
    My outfit and I once crashed the near-Allatum area of Indar with that.