What happened to TR emerald?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mekeji, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Mekeji

    About a week ago my game corrupted completely and even the launcher didn't work and I had to reinstall the whole game again. Now I started playing regularly a few days ago and everywhere I go I am hearing people calling things out on mics and organized groups running around and just general organization.

    When the merge happened it just seemed like the VS rolled over everyone but now it is becoming a constant back and forth. Much like the NC TR fights on Water were.

    What happened to the TR on emerald? Did they have a similar summit as to what the NC command had?
  2. JudgeNu

    4th Faction
  3. Heiltdo

    The overpopulated and over farmed VS from Matterson merged with the few and Elite VS from Watterson bred a new kind of redeploy monster that annihilates anything that's fun for everyone else.

    Plus PPA.
  4. Mekeji

    Yeah that is what happened on the merge and at that time the TR were a mess as we TR of Water who were mid pop all the sudden were low pop and suffering really bad. The pops aren't far off anymore with TR only being lowest by 1-2%.

    While in the battles things are much more organized.

    Like the pain from the VS caused a natural reformation of the TR player base to fight back and actually start winning again. It always seems like the TR have a cont locked even though generally the VS and NC have slightly more people.
  5. Tommyp2006

    I think it took us a while to gain traction, we seemed to have been a little lost post merge. However, it seems like recently we have settled in and are getting our act together.

    Common misconception. Matherson Vanu are master redeployers so it was a illusion of overpopulation. NC had a overpop on Matherson before the merge. They just didn't know how to use there numbers for organization.
  7. Axehilt

    They did well on Hossin Sunday largely because VS has a spurt of unexpected incompetence (defending Biolabs.)

    While VS controlled most of the continent I logged out of frustration that we weren't getting good reinforcements to the bases we were losing. A while later I came back as TR (had been playing VS all day so wanted a change in pace) and was surprised that VS just stayed in those two biolabs for another hour or two while TR gained the majority of the continent and VS lost nearly everything.

    Sorta uncharacteristic of the VS to play that badly (which is basically why I've mostly played them since switching servers.)

    I suppose even beyond that I've seen the NC/TR stop fighting each other a little more often lately (for a while they would quite frequently fight each other even while losing, which is pretty much the worst possible strategic move they could make.)
  8. Typhoeus

    I think the ex watterson TR players realized they had to step up their game and work more as a team to deal with mattherson's organized VS. I'm actually surprised they got better this fast. Way to go guys :D
  9. Mekeji

    That was a big issue I noticed with my fellow watterson guys. Before we were all just good at playing objectives and each moved as individuals who worked together as we ran into each other. It worked well but when we were faced with the organization our lines crumbled.

    I thought we would never recover and I just kept doing what I could from sneaking up on sundies as a medic with C4, spawning a lightning and rushing a sundy. Do anti-air work, repair turrets, counter hack, and just doing a lot of jobs trying to make life easier on other players in hope of gaining traction. Now all of a sudden we are back and I am no longer running around trying to do every role alone.

    I probably could have joined an outfit but I was in a smaller outfit when I first started and I quickly grew sick of them.
  10. AgentRed

    Before the server merge Waterson Tr was good but now its like chicken with their head cut off. The body can move but if no one feed and stop the bleeding that chick it will die.
  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    Like this?
  12. dasichri

    Meanwhile I experience more defeats as TR than victories by a noticeable margin.

    Which is more or less killing the fun for me as TR.
  13. SeanFree

    The Enclave left. They never recovered. As for Waterson TR, they used to run around with at least 40% population so none of their outfits had to "get gud". BTW, not saying there's no good TR outfits, there are plenty, they just tend to struggle as a whole.

    Personally I feel TR has gotten better postmerge, the factions are pretty darn equal most of the time. Good fights on all fronts.