Redeployside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darsh, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Darsh

    I actually like the idea of resource cost to redeploy and higher cost the further you go. He's right.. Right now, ppl can just teleport at no cost and it doesn't make sense to pay resources for a vehicle which is slower. Redeploying, if allowed, should cost more resources for the convenience.
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  2. Darsh

    I think its quite unfortunate that the "Official Forums" gets less recognition than Reddit.. :S Maybe we need more ppl to post on this thread?
  3. LibertyRevolution

    I have completely given up on caring about who wins or loses bases.
    I just redeploy from base to base killing dudes.
    You should try it.
  4. Darsh

    Don't you think its sad tho that PS2 is only a shadow of what it could be? Heck.. I bet you that the ONLY reason PS1 isn't gone F2P yet, is because SOE knows it will destroy PS2... :S
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  5. ProfessorHobbes

    The only single problem I have with the current redeploy system is that when you are attacking a base, the defenders will seemingly spam their entire population on the hex and end up successfully defending the base. This is incredibly frustrating.

    However adding logistics or strategy does not automatically equal fun for every player. This is why completely trashing the redeploy mechanic is a very bad idea. Consistently having to drive/fly to where you want to fight is going to get old for a lot of people very fast.

    I've seen people making assumptions both ways about what people want or what type of players play this game. Guess what?Everyone does not want to trash the redeploy mechanic. And guess what? Everyone does not want to keep the redeploy mechanic either. There are people in this game who seemingly have a hard on for strategy, and there are people in this game who are lazy as all heck and just want to jump to a fight and shoot stuff. You HAVE to find a balance that pleases both sides.

    I think it is a good thing letting players redeploy to a base in need of reinforcements. However I think any easy thing to do would make it once you reach the same pop as the attackers you can't redeploy there anymore unless you are fighting in that hex. It allows your faction to get defenders there without spamming your entire faction.

    I can't see adding a long timer or a resource cost to the redeploy working in my opinion. They seem more like clever designs that claim to keep the redeploy for the people who want it, but make it so costly it might as well not be there anyway.

    I find the fights in PS2 to be very fluid, always changing. I'm jumping around the map a lot. What happens if I see a good fight across the continent, but I have to pay a lot of resources because it's far away? In order to get their quickly, I likely severely hurt my ability to pull a tank or ESF or use infantry resources. This would be made even worse with proposed changes to combine the 3 resource types into one. I wouldn't want to give up resources I could use for other things, and would essentially be forced to fly/drive there.

    There are a lot of ways to change the redeploy mechanic though, and the only way we will ever really know how effective it will be is when it changes and we actually use it. Maybe some of the proposed changes people have will work great, who knows.
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  6. Darsh

    The problem with the Redeploy system is that it was poorly designed from the getgo and now, players are used to being spoon fed with a golden f**king spoon. So if we take it away, the COD kiddos will cry because they can't Jump magically across a continent anymore.

    Initially, when this game came out.. SOE boasted how AMAZING and HUGE it was going to be. "CONTINENTS are 64 SQ KILOMETERS!" They said. Lots of territory to fight over! AWESOME!. Do these continents feel massive to you now? No.. they don't. There is no longer a sense of scale and massive world when you can simply teleport to whatever fight you see on the map. This is where PS2 failed to deliver. They took something that could have felt like a massive Large scale WAR, and turned it into MANY smaller meaningless battles with a large number of players. And most of the time, you're fighting the same players over and over, because when you redeploy to the next fight.. so do they..
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  7. Icedude94

    Some things of the re-deploy mechanic could stay in.

    Redeploying backwards along the lattice lane to the nearest large outpost and major facility allows the dedicated vehicle users to stay in action and lets you fall back when a base is lost. It also gives you free reign to attack a spawn camp from some place other than the spawn room. Redeploying forwards into contested bases is a major reason why spawn camping exists. It's just absurd that you can surround a base with everything imaginable and infantry can just magically get through all that.

    Squad deploy can stay in up to the point that you should be able to log in, join a squad, and quickly join up with them. Spawning at the nearest base or AMS sundy to the squad leader is fine.

    Squad spawning in vehicles is something not often used by casuals but is often exploited by non-casuals. Outfits that are really fast at pulling galaxies and sunderers typically are really fast at filling them up as well. A lot of casuals don't use this feature because they don't know and therefore don't trust the driver or the pilot to not run over a bunch of tank mines or not crash into a mountain. At least before squad vehicle spawning, you knew which outfits had good pilots and drivers and you had a chance of hopping on board. Now they just take off after spawning.

    Let instant action be the go-to for redeploying into a fight and give it a longer cooldown.
  8. Stopper

    Another problem with massive redeployments when a base is about to be captured is that it creates stalemates and reduces the combat zones / theaters on the same areas, preventing us, most of the times, to have fights in some bases (the ones near the warpgates).

    I mean : in one and a half year, I have played hundreds of times in Crossroads, but almost never in the NS salvage yard or Ceres biotech. On the Amerish, maybe one or two in ARX reserve ; on Hossin, where I am everyday, lots of time in PMC Bravata, but never In Halcyon watch...

    If the logistic had a sense in this game, and people were forced to move like a real army, the combat would probably not be petrified in always the same areas...
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  9. axiom537

    Do not NERF Redeploy = Planetside ceases to exist. See I can make completely outlandish & unsubstantiated claims as well, but I will actually back mine up...

    Players do not like organizing an attack, only to have that attack thwarted at the last minute, because the other side is able to look at the map see the base has 12-24 players, so the command calls for 3X that number to redeploy and completely over run those attackers, needing little to no organization or logistics to counter an attack, just 10 seconds and a Zerg.

    This has nothing to do with 2003 game mechanics, not that that would matter anyways, if the mechanic makes sense and improves the in game experience, then it should be utilized. People are becoming frustrated, with defenders flooding contested bases with mini zergs through the redeploy system and it needs reworked.
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  10. maxkeiser

    All that 'nerfing' the redeploy will do is hand a MASSIVE advantage to those groups who can get their forces into one place at the right time.

    An outfit like KOTV, for example, is more than capable of (for example) just redeploying to the WG, pulling 8 galaxies and having 2 platoons drop on any base on a given continent. You don't need to redploy to near the base or hop around etc.

    So it will be lone players and the unorganised who suffer. Those who can organise - even if it is just to herd their members into one place with precision and good timing - will be aided. Massively.
  11. DatVanuMan

    You know exactly what should happen. I happen to be one of those "Lazy as heck" players (It's actually called Brave Fight Addicts), and I say that one way to improve the whole logistics and strategy game is to make it far more rewarding.
  12. axiom537

    I do not agree it would give a massive advantage, but agree it would give an advantage and IT SHOULD.

    Yes an Outfit can redeploy and grab 8 Galaxies and fly to any base and I am perfectly ok with that. That took organization and logistics and it should be rewarded and it can be countered. However, as the currently re-deploy mechanics work, there is no need for KOTV to pull 8 Galaxies and fly 2 Platoons to a base, they can simply place a defend or attack marker on the base or have the squad leaders fly or redeploy to those bases then have the entire 2 Platoons redeploy there without needing to spend time, resources or even risk.

    Lone players and the unorganized will not necessarily suffer, if anything it would probably be to their advantage. It is not the Lone and Unorganized that utilize the redeploy tactics for great advantage. It is the organized, that use it as a fast deploy method, reducing time and risk to get from one fight to the next. Dropping in on bases under attack with full platoons to overwhelm the attackers on the point and rush the one or 2 spawn points being utilized and then redeploy out, rinse and repeat...