Best Weapons for a Person that can't aim?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThePropain, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. toastybanban

    On my Vanu alt I enjoy hipfiring with Solstice laser sight. Although not the BEST hipfiring weapon, I rack up a lot of kills with that quick reload and fairly high RPM.
  2. Argus002

    A few tips on aiming itself:

    ADSing accurately and tracking targets smoothly is largely dependent on your frame rate consistency. Having a frame rate that jumps around constantly will throw off the amount your crosshair moves every tick, making it impossible to track targets correctly. The best solution is to go into your UserOptions.ini file and set your maximum frame rate to a low value that you can maintain in normal fights. I keep it around 25-35 usually. You will be able to track targets better at a consistent 20 FPS than you will jumping around between 30-50.

    You might also try changing sensitivity to match your weapon's default zoom. I keep my ADS mouse sensitivity at a multiple of 1.5 times my regular mouse sensitivity, to keep it consistent. Otherwise, I find it is difficult to adjust between different mouse sensitivities on the fly when you go to ADS.

    And if all else fails, I find full auto shotguns work wonderfully in close quarters. I usually just resort to this when I can't maintain a consistent framerate in a large fight.
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  3. FieldMarshall

  4. cruczi

    Contrary to what some are saying, I don't think putting ALS on a weapon that already has decent hip fire accuracy is going to help a person who struggles with aim. Aiming ability has to do with how well you can keep the crosshair on the target, ALS does nothing to improve that. In addition, weapons with access to ALS are typically harder to control than weapons without it. The result with using ALS on an SMG is that if you miss, you miss everything; what you want is the weapon to be forgiving of misses, even at the expense of maximum damage output during the moments when you do hit. This comparison of accuracy vs. precision should be illustrative of the issue:


    You want a weapon that has high accuracy and low precision. Among VS weapons, both the default Carbine and the default AR have angled recoil which requires a bit more skill to control properly. I'd recommend sticking to straight upwards recoil weapons. Carbine: Pulsar C, Assault rifle: Corvus VA55. Both weapons with compensator and laser sight, no HVA. 1x reflex for when you need to ADS.

    For when you play a Heavy, use the Polaris with compensator and ADV. laser. It does have angled recoil but with the adv. laser, it has the best hipfire accuracy among VS carbines, this just brings it closer to what you're used to on carbines and assault rifles.

    Also, I recommend you to watch Matti's aiming guide, it's very informative. Perhaps it has some information that you'll find useful, some advice that isn't just "practice more". On top of what Matti has to say, I think it might be helpful to lower your sensitivity and learn to aim with the whole arm instead of the the wrist. Often aiming problems are related to poor wrist control. The wrist is controlled with small muscles that tire and get tense more easily, resulting in reduced stability; and high sensitivity further emphasizes the resulting errors in control. On the other hand, if you use the arm to aim with the wrist relatively locked in place (not forcefully, but relaxed), you'll be using larger muscles that are more stable. In addition, the movement of the mouse sensor will be caused by movement further out from it compared to if you were using only your wrist, which means that large movements of the sensor require larger movements on your part.

    As for the precise value of mouse sensitivity, I'd recommend something along the lines of 30 to 35 centimeters of sideways mouse movement per 360 degree turn; simply tune the sensitivity value in the in-game options and find the right value by trial and error.
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  5. drstrange2014

    Engineer/Light Assault/Infiltrator - Eridani, lazer sight, 2x scope,soft point ammo.
    Medic - Terminus, 2x scope, soft point ammo.
    Heavy - VX29 Polaris, 2x scope, lazer sight, soft point ammo.

    If you can only get one gun at the moment - go for the Polaris - very cheap at 250 Certs and a beast of a weapon with some practice.
  6. Captain Kid

    I find the NS SMG to be pretty accurate. Little recoil and small cone of fire. Haven't tried the other SMG's though in the field.
    The AV rockets are also a good way to get kills when firing at groups and choke points.

    Also with NS weapons you can move faster while being scoped.

    Maybe you should look at vehicles more or at least try to gun for one more often.
  7. Fenrisk

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  8. CDN_Wolvie

    Which line in the UserOptions.ini are you using to cap at 25 FpS for consistency?
    MaximumFPS or SmoothingMaxFramerate?

    Buy NS-7 PDW, and use x1 scope, soft point ammo, plus forward grip. And use maximum FOV = almost no recoil when shooting while ADS, trust me.
  10. LT_Latency

    There are other things you need to think about then just how you play.

    Do you have a high quality mouse.
    Is your mouse sensitive setup correctly for you.
    Do you have a good frame rate.
    Screen size. (I think a bigger screen makes shooting easier)
  11. Malcmodnar

    One word: Pandora.

    This little nightmare is one of my personal favorite weapons in the game. It has next to no range, but it will liquefy anything within ten yards. Aiming is largely optional; just point it in the vague direction of the enemy and hold down the trigger until things stop moving. It's also hilariously effective against MAXes; many of them run flak armor, so ten shotgun rounds to the head will do a lot of damage very quickly.

    That said, it has some downsides. Aside from the aforementioned range issues, it will burn through its magazine very quickly, so even with extended mags you can only get two or three kills per reload. It also doesn't have much in the way of ammo capacity, which can sometimes be a problem.

    However, it's still a beautiful weapon. If you can keep it pointed in the enemy's general vicinity, it will serve you well. With a little fire control and smart positioning, it's magnificent.
  12. Hicksimus

    Lasher with car battery equipped. You will hit EVERYTHING if you just hold m1 down. Poor accuracy solved.
  13. drstrange2014

    The poster does have a point here. In fact, I suspect that not being accurate is a requirement for effective use of the lasher.
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  14. Inex

    Flash/Conc + Shotgun is one of the hidden counters to MAX units. If you're within 5m or so, the Nova is actually capable of 1-clipping a Flak equipped MAX. Pandora can't quite take one out completely, but you can always follow up with your pistol.
  15. Paragon Exile


    Bro, OP, use the chain gun, use extended mags.

  16. Inex

    Oh believe me, if it was an option...
  17. Paragon Exile


    Sorry :(

    Honestly, that gun is the reason I made a TR alt.
  18. Whatupwidat

  19. Crayv

    2nd gen SMGs (Hailstorm, Blitz, and Sirius), at close range just waggle those hoses at your enemies and you will get more kills than you would with almost any other weapon. I don't mean you will win most of your fights but you will end up winning more than you would than if went with a smaller mag and higher RoF weapon (with those if your crosshairs leave the target for even a fraction of a second you just missed with half your mag).
  20. hawken is better

    Any weapon with .75 ADS. Just ADADing allows you to 'scrape' bullets across your target without having to actually be accurate, and it'll also throw off people's aim and/or exacerbate this game's poor hit detection.