[Suggestion] Continent Locking and ****ing ZERGS.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SuperiorInferiority, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. SuperiorInferiority

    Lock one continent instead of two.o_O

    I'm not even going to rant.

    I have just had enough of the constant

    Thank you.
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  2. Maelthra

    If you don't like zergs, there are other multiplayer FPS games out there with controlled player counts for you to enjoy.
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  3. SuperiorInferiority

    I was enjoying this game until they threw us all into two continents.
    PS2 would lose a lot of players if everyone who didn't like zergs followed your advise.
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  4. Maelthra

    People that hate zergs hate Planetside. They may not realize that correlation, but it's there. If a player hates Planetside then they should not play Planetside. After all, why would anyone play a game that they hate?
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  5. Liquidrider

    Can you list some I am actually curious.... something the same size battles, but more spread out? Been trying to find something else :)
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  6. SuperiorInferiority

    There aren't any really... Battlefield perhaps but its not quite the same.
  7. PhantomOfKrankor

    Interesting, considering PS2 continues to move in the direction of controlling player counts more and more. Shoehorning 48v48 battles into bases that were never designed to have them and causing short spawncamp fights with something like a 55%/45% pop. Wow, so much fun. Some of us joined this game for massive scale, persistent global warfare, not getting crammed into a 50m area with 200 other people where the fight is over in 3 minutes.
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  8. SuperiorInferiority

    I don't hate Zergs. It was fine when it was One or two which your faction usually pulled together to push back. And i don't hate Planetside 2. But the amount of zergs are getting out of hand. Everywhere I look its just Unfair odds.
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  9. TheFamilyGhost

    Nice choice of fonts and colors. The rage adds a note of sincerity. 8/10
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  10. Whatupwidat

    Last night I had a choice between waiting 12 minutes to get onto Hossin (where the pop was level and the action was constant) or playing on Amerish, which was 84% TR controlled with about the same pop. After deciding I'd really rather not get Airzerged by BRTD for the bazillionth time ever, I went to Hossin...or tried. The queue was MASSIVE. So after waiting more than 12 minutes to get onto Hossin, I finally arrive - play 10 minutes of a a decent battle before everyone starts dissapearing. I think, where's everyone going?" - Amerish got locked, Esamir unlocked. So I went "ok, I'll go there - follow the action".

    Another 10 minute wait.

    This was an hour of gaming. An hour. And I fought for 10 minutes.

    Look, I'll agree continent locking is a good idea - but **** like this happens more often than not now in my experience.
  11. FateJH

    Project Reality and ARMA for the scope. Again, not quite the same, but it's much bigger than traditional "arena."
  12. volth

    Remove CL and add it again when it works not like now when it's still in beta.
    Or do so we can spawn on locked continents.
    Since the CL update both unlocked continents are empty on Ceres.
    Or they have some players but then the fights are 50 vs 10.

    Why have 4 maps anyway if you always have two maps locked.
    In PS1 you still could spawn on a locked continent and it was like 10 continents in that game.
    Not 3 + a beta map like it's in PS2.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    BTW the continent lock counts and depended on populations now.

    also wait for adversary alerts to come.
  14. kirinohana

    PS2 has basically broken down to running with a Zerg or being spawn camped by one, with maybe some ghost capping in between. I honestly don't think changing cont locking will change this.

    Last night there was one semi equal fight on all maps for my faction at the time, which dissolved all to quickly. This is just what the game has turned into, and yeah its not really fun.
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  15. CaptainGallows

    After today I was googling what others thought about it... Guess I'm not the only one sick of this. Hell, I hate playing heavy but spent certs just to get some AA because of this ****... Cant even get out of spawnroom to use it. Just make spawning vehicles cost certs instead of resources(Just 1-3). Problem solved. Only pilots with confidence in their skills will use them then. (And increase cert gain from having people spawn in your sunderer) .
  16. Dualice

    I got grumpy about this for a while but eventually made peace with it. Now I just go to another fight, another continent, or if I'm patient enough I kick around as an infil or light assault and see how much of the herd I can cut down before getting gibbed by a tank or something. If you can get behind the line-of-sight of the spawn campers you can wreak havoc :D

    Of course sometimes it just gets too frustrating and I log off.
  17. radrussian2

    zegs used to be pretty nice. every once in a while it seems like the entire faction would join forces to push another faction back. it was a fairly rare and beautiful sight.. not so much anymore. it kin of takes the fun out of it if that what the game is every single time you play it.
  18. [HH]Mered4

    It would be nice if we had some sort of zerg-countering weapon.

    Like a carpet bomber to spread em out. :D
  19. gibstorm

    People WANT to zerg because they know that is where there will be alot of action.

    At almost any time there are lanes with 1-12 battles but noone goes their because they is only 3 or 4 people and it will be boring so they head to the big battle instead
  20. CNR4806

    The older Battlefield titles (BF2142 and before) have some pretty big maps, all on 32vs32 max and are pretty fun in my opinion.

    You may also want to try out the more popular mods like FH:SW (BF1942), FH2 (BF2) and Project Reality (BF2) in case vanilla doesn't suit you. Those SHOULD be still fairly popular.

    Don't bother with anything after Bad Company (ie. BC, BC2, BF3, BF4, BF:HL), they all feel stupidly cramped and teamwork is not exactly existent.