KDR and it's effect on PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Huxer, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Lamat

    In the persistent world of this game, stats and purple gun medals are the only thing that's REALLY persistent.

    I think KDR is useful for self improvement, but I also see how publicly viewable KDR negatively affects the game. KDR makes players less ballzy, and leads to people going for kills that aren't helping to achieve an actual victory. Like sniping enemies at a sunderer.
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  2. Morchai

    You can't die on Auraxis. The alien technology automatically reconstitutes and makes whole anyone who dies there. When players 'redeploy', their characters are actually killing themselves to be reconstituted at a distant location of their choice.

    Get rid of deaths and replace it with respawns, voluntary ones included. :p
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  3. Rager

    You seem to be confused let me help you. As a faction whole, having KDR means that people will not charge when needed, will sit back and farm instead of cap, Or sit in tanks at biolabs. KDR needs to ****, so that people stop being chicken *****.
  4. SiosDashcR

    That's why for those who do care about KD, we go to Dasanfall... not Player Site.


    There, it can show you your own infantry KD (doesn't discount revives/isn't padded by shotguns/snipers/MAXes but does discount deaths to unsanctioned weapons).
  5. SiosDashcR

    That's false. Player Site DOES count your revives. For comparison, use DasanFall which will tell you your actual K/D without revives. Found this out recently. So take all those revives -- just don't if you plan on looking at Recursion/DasanFall.
  6. Taemien

    Stats don't make people do stupid things. People do stupid things because they are stupid to begin with. KDR is a tool. It can be used to mark progress in playstyles. Just like SPM can be. But some will abuse or misuse it. That doesn't make it bad. No tool or stat has a conscious nor free will of its own. It has to be picked up and used properly or improperly. And it takes an individual to make that happen.

    You want to get people to act better in regards to stats? You can't make a thread like this. Its you vs them in a one on one argument. They will get defiant. Here's how you get them. Get your outfit together on the same page. Talk about it. When you see someone in the outfit KDR padding have everyone at once point and shame them.

    Instantly they feel like an outcast and will either change their ways or leave the outfit. You have to look at the cause of people misusing the stats. Its not because the stats exist. Its because they wish to feel cool and superior. But the moment 10+ people all at once jump down their throats and make them feel like crap. That little 6.4 KDR means jack squat and they feel like a piece of dung.

    Take the thunder away, and they'll stop the misuse.
  7. Fortress

    KDR was not tracked permanently in PS1, and people played exactly as they do now.
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  8. Aeflic

    Or why not do both?

    I've really pushed my guys to get on the leaderboards and improving their kds while still capturing a base and playing aggressive. It can be done but you have to nudge people in the right direction and it's rather easy.
  9. Ronin Oni

    Stats are dumb.


    They're somewhat good to help you monitor you're own progress and improve.

    But anyone who puts any serious consideration or weight to them whatsoever needs to reevaluate life.

    Real Talk.
  10. Metcal

    Ginger or MaryAnn
    Enjoy a game that offers what you looking for, if you know enough and are self reliant enough to look for it.
    Be responsible for your own enjoyment, it's your fault if you're not having fun.
    I see no need to tell you to like MaryAnn, no need to tell you to play the game my way. (and that would also be vica versa)
    Philosophical, I guess, product of the sixties/seventies, peace man.

    Nothing like the tired old "I know what you should do over freedom of choice" remove KDR argument (eh, discussion) to pass a Friday afternoon at work :rolleyes:
  11. Mustarde

    If I can't fap to my KDR, I'm going to get a serious case of blue balls. You wouldn't do that to me would you???
  12. pnkdth

    Damn straight, I'm confused, you're talking as if I'm making a case for KDR being super important or something, when I encouraged people NOT to care about it.
  13. drstrange2014

    I'm in the 90s and have never done it. KDR is essentially meaningless in this game and those who think it's important are often not necessarily good players if they think that sitting in a vehicle farming a spawn room is any measure of real gamesmanship or skill.
  14. Yuukikun

    Stats are not dumb. They are not a living thing, nor do they have a brain.
    Only people can use them in a dumb way. If you can't use them in a smart way, it doesn't mean no one can. You are not God and your opinion is not fact. Please grow up and change this immature attitude of yours.

    Also, it's your* own progress. Talking about dumb.
  15. Thurwell

    People saying hide this or that stat are missing the point. The problem is there is little sense of accomplishment or permanence from capturing bases and territory in PS2. That leaves KDR, SPM, whatever as players driving motivator. Trying to hide stats will not change that, what needs to be done is making the 'metagame' more rewarding. And I do not mean rewarding certs, I mean giving it a sense of accomplishment.

    In PS1 when a home cont was attached the entire defending empire usually dropped whatever they were doing and crushed that attack. But home continents didn't matter, you had 2, they conferred no bonus, and could be ghost capped back later. But players were convinced it was a big deal, so it was a big deal. PS2 lacks anything like that. There's around 40 bases on a continent, few offer any defenders advantage, and they shift hands constantly.