Turn the Harasser into a heavy-weapons platform.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Frostiken, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Fighterbonehead

    Harassers are killer to lightings if they hit them in the rear or side and do not stop. Hit and run hit and run! Tis the way a harasser should be.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    If you reduced the cost and timers of Harassers they'd be far mroe replaceable.

    Particularly if you're doing behind lines strikes where the extra speed will really come in handy, and losses are inevitable. Someone losing their lightning takes them out of it till their timer is up. Happens to them a couple times in a row and they're out of resource.

    With Harassers, having cheaper cost in the first place, shorter timer, and then being able to alternate pulling on top of that, you'd NEVER not be able to replace your harasser. Truly disposable.

    They'd be the "Infantry" of the vehicle game. And still a boatload of fun to use.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    Those are still in the pipe but got put on the back burner in favor of the Valkyrie which IMO is far more important than redundany buggies (even if they are cool and add new flavor in their own right)
  4. Sagabyte

    I guess that'd be fine to reduce their cost, but I'd only go so far as to 200 res. The flash might be better suited as the infantry of the vehicle game while the harassers act like the MAXes. On that token, the harasser needs a 3/6/9/12 comp armor buff and a 50% backseat repair rate to make it more durable on the battlefield.
  5. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Why everyone want to join anti-tank forces? No one crying about 3 seats Harasser with AA gun against 3 seats Liberator.. i mean really, make Harasser > Skyguard, so 2-3 players teamwork will provide great anti-air instead of lone wolf lightnings
  6. Ronin Oni

    Flashes are more like the infiltrators.... the only way they perform as combat role at all is with cloaking. They are just waaaay to squishy without it.

    I'd drop the cost of FLashes to 50-75 and Harassers to 150-200... and reduce Harasser timer to match the Flash.

    Only thing Flashes would ever be used for then is for Wraith for the most part. Maybe some few FEW scout bikes but it's really not worth it IMO. ESF does that role far better... or just sensor dart when needed (and have your Wraith too!)

    I dunno, I'm hoping Resource overhaul phase 1 fixes some of these cost issues.
  7. Sagabyte

    The flash needs buffs and more gear anyways. It should have wraith as a passive cert under "pilot-based abilities". That way, your ability changes with your class. If you are HA, you get the over shield (750hp and 25% resist perhaps), with LA, you can glide above the ground fairly fast, Infils still get cloak, medics get amplified AoE heal or shield regen, engies restore ammo on the go and (maybe) have a passive repair over time. That's just an idea, but does it sound pretty cool?

    The harasser is the premier flanking vehicle while the flash is the premier scout mobile. Resource costs to reflect that are certainly a step forward, but the vehicles simply need buffs as they are almost too flimsy.
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  8. oberchingus

    Forgot to thank you for noticing us, so Thank you!
  9. Crayv

    Everything the Harasser can do, air can do better. If it's a transport and not a combat vehicle then why does a flying transport (Galaxy) have any guns on it all? Hell why does the Galaxy have more armor than an MBT?

    Being able to pick your fights? Guess what can picks it's fights even better because they can go 200+ kph and they even have greater firepower? Libs and ESF. Speaking of ESFs, why does a FIGHTER have any ground attack capabilities at all? Air has always been a huge threat for Harassers because a Harasser can't run from them and typically being away from your own friendly forces means away from friendly AA.

    But for some reason because it doesn't have wings or treads people think it it should be made of tissue paper and should only fire airsoft rounds.

    Harassers either need their cost to match effectiveness or buffed up to match their cost.
  10. MorganM

    They know a heck of a lot more than you; clearly. Almost nobody likes dieing to some twit camping on a hill 500+ meters away... be it sniper, 'heavy weapons', or otherwise.

    Removing, and not introductin, frustrating things like this isn't pandering to skilless pleabs... it's making the game more fun for moe people. Obviously that's at odds with your vision of how a an MMOFPS should be. That's fine; go make your own. Go dream up your own idea and get hired on as director of that project to a compnay who has the budget to make it happen.

    You wont find me at your beta test though if this is the kind of stuff you like.
  11. eatcow0

    Someone posted their auraxium with the walker for harasser a couple days ago somewhere on the forums. It made me try it out and its actually pretty good. About 2.5 clips with full extended mag takes out blockade armor sundys and one clips esfs rofl. Not as good as running a av choice for armor, but its quite entertaining.

    @OP, harassers are a lil squishy, back seat repair is still a lil terrible. For what you get the resource cost is a little high. With my saron or halberd harasser we have no issues trolling tanks, but it requires a good driver and gunner.

    Use this build: stealth, surger, fire supp, and it'll serve you well if you don't act like an idiot.
  12. KoS-1

    Umm harasser can already do what you describe. Place a burster max in back of a AA harasser and off you go!

    Frankly, AA harasser > skyguard right now.

    A harasser can do it all, with the appropriate setup. Need AI? Need AA? Need AV? It's got you covered.

    Sorry people don't want to, can't put the time or certs into one. Put a solid squad of harassers out on the battlefield and most **** gets blown up.
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  13. JonnyMonroe

    2 people driving flashes will spend less resources and do more damage than 2 people in a harasser.

    Hell, 1 flash with a heavy+decimator in the passenger seat is more effective for 1/3rd the cost. 1 rocket + ~10 grenades on a drive-by will kill most tankers.
  14. Obstruction

    actually the justification is that sales for related SC purchasable items plateaued. it was really good, and fun to use, for a while. but because it was both of those things, many players used them, and the rest cried nerf. after the sales started to plateau the nerf was brought down, and it is what it is now. so it wasn't just designed to be crap. neither was the ZOE MAX, old rocketpods, old liberator, old prowler and vanguard, ancient magrider, etc. they did what it said on the tin, and that was the crime for which they were duly punished by forumside.

    watch what happens with the Valkyrie. it takes about three months. if you don't have certs saved up for it already, start saving now. if you only start to cert it up when it comes out and proves to be really fun and a bit OP, you will still get some use out of it before it gets ruined. if you don't catch on until 1-2 months later when everyone is complaining, just join the complainers and save your certs and SC for the next new thing.

  15. oberchingus

    Depends on which two people you've got in mind and how they've fitted their harasser.
  16. Calisai

    It also depends on the tankers. I've never had a flash last more than 1 shot against me, they are literally free certs for me. I can only remember 2-3 times of being killed by a flash and they were all when I was flaming already from another target. (IE, wraith flashes vulturing a kill)
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  17. oberchingus

    That too.
  18. JonnyMonroe

    wait for tank to fire --> kill it during its reload cycle. Seriously 2 flashes (or 1 + decimator) has enough DPS to kill a tank in its reload cycle. And even if they don't, you only get to kill 1 target and the other has time to finish you off. Exception is vanshield, but there are ways to deal with that (dupe attack to make him burn it).

    When solo wraith flashing, I normally put 3-4 grenades in a tank and then take cover and wait for the driver to get out and repair. Kill him while he repairs then take as much time as you want on the tank.
  19. WarriorMe

    Just give the Harasser 1 additional turret or 2 additional rumble seats(it´s big enough). What is Speed good for if i does not move a deadly weapon?
  20. Xocolatl

    Personally, I find the harasser to be plenty tough. I fear a Harassers more than tanks, since they're faster (and extremely hard to take down without focus firing).

    The only problem with driving one--you can't reliably get a good gunner, unless you can recruit one from your outfit. When I hop into the gunner's seat, I usually get at least 3 or 4 kills minimum (unless we are pulling a suicidal charge to down a priority target). Or unless the driver goes AFK (it happens...).