Continent Lock Reasons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OMPgaming, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. OMPgaming

    I just came back form a month long hiatus from the game (was travelling and not able to play) and just go through the new patch and all the new stuff.

    I am a bit surprised and disappointed by the continent lock feature. My two trips into the game since being back and both of the continents I prefer to play on have been locked and unable to get to them.

    I'm asking if anyone knows why this was introduced to the game, and what if any advantage it has to enjoying the game.

  2. Morchai

    Rumor has it that supposedly continent locking allows some sort of theorized metagame to maybe exist in the imaginations of some players, but little actual proof of such exists.

    The biggest draw seems to be the schadenfreude enjoyed by the hipsters over the 'ignorant casuals' being denied access to Indar.
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  3. KoS-1

    I'm one of those "ignorant casuals".

    For one, I don't like being denied access to a part of the game I had access to before. I'm a paying customer, now paying for less of a game than before. Can we get a lowered sub rate now?

    Second, 99% of the time I run a harasser. And Indar is the best continent to run solo or in squads.

    Cap it and get the bonus from owning it. I don't care. Just don't deny access to it entirely!
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  4. r4zor

    Continent locking is supposed to be step one of the intercontinental lattice, where each empire would have one home-continent and would wage war across all four(+) continents and battle-islands.

    However, typical for SOE they didnt finish part 2 of continent locking in time (BI's and intercontinental lattice) so they put this one in instead.

    Oh and btw: PS2 was never supposed to be 24/7 Indar... Deal with it.

    On the plus side: Due to 1-2 continents locked, the populations on each continent are no longer too far spread out. Right now we DO NEED THIS FEATURE! Before we had 3(with Hossin 4) continents that were permanently available, but the result was that the battles were too spread out, especially on the lop-pop servers!

    Further information on intercontinental lattice etc:
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  5. TheBossPro1

    I think contient locking is to get people playing on other continets rather than just staying on one contient like indar but now its hossin I think they added this is cause the alerts weren't working so they added the locks and welcome back bro:3
  6. TheBossPro1

    Well you got to tr toher continets some time I'm a paying costumer to (don't care for typos at the moment)
  7. TheBossPro1

    Couldn't have said it more perfectly
  8. Jachim


    How do you even come up with such nonsense!? Indar is the worst continent. It gives such a huge bonus to the north gate that it makes it stupid, southeast gate is basically boned for most of their fighting. It is the WORST CONTINENT.
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  9. OMPgaming

    Regardless of WHAT continent is the best or worst, I am a casual player and haven't been able to get to Amerish or Esamir this past week because it always seems to be locked when I log in to play. This essentially means that I am denied content in the game. It seems my faction is always on Hossin and I haven't been enjoying Hossin. Its very constrictive.

    Now, its not enough for me to go all cancelling my subscription and screaming for SOE to win the Worst Company of the Year award or anything, but it has led me to play less PS2 now, than I did before, and when I play I have less fun.

    I think its fair for a player to at least ask why something was done when a game changes something that causes them to have less fun in it.

    I definitely won't play PS2 forever, but I have been playing it since BETA and I had hoped to continue playing it for a long time still. I'm afraid this change is going to shorten the amount of time I enjoy playing this game, and so I wanted to ask if there was something I was missing about this feature that maybe would change my mind.
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  10. KoS-1

    Bonus? Really? What is that? Exp? Resources? That perceived notice the north gate is better?

    Oo ya, easier access and less interference to territory? Unlike the other 2 warpgates. Could care less, not important, doesn't detract from my enjoyment, nor access to the entire continent.

    I said I run a harasser 99% of the time. Indar offers the best bang for the buck. I don't care who owns what warpgate on Indar. I operate anywhere I chose on the continent. Generally the only barrier is oppressive air.

    I prefer the 2 southern gates and the southern half of the map. I really despise the northern half. 99% of my outfit and other harasser crews think I"m wrong. O'well.

    Easmir and Amerish has their moments. Hossin, jury still out.
  11. Rift23

    I had to go somewhere where the dirt was a different color and the trees were a different shape. Rollback cont locking please.
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  12. Bindlestiff

    I certainly love it, and will continue to love until the end of time, when Indar is locked and nobody can play on it.
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  13. DHT#

    I just wish continent locking didn't immediately destroy the fights that were going on.
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  14. FieldMarshall

    Seems like they just took a great idea from Planetside 1 and translated it into Planetside 2 without really knowing why continent locking is so good, why it worked so well or even why its needed.
    Not only did they twist the idea when feeding it through the SOE great-idea-thresher, but they didnt take into account everything else that made continent locking work.

    Like cavemen playing the piano after listening to mozart for 5mins. They like the sound, but dont know why its not the same when they do it.
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  15. Caesar_REDMIST

    The continent lock are there now mainly to keep a decent population ni the fights and to prevent people avoiding each other by ghostcapping empty continents.

    And I am happy that most of the Indar lovers and ghostcapping lovers now will nede to fight to get certs.
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  16. JesusVoxel

    I bet if we could get rid of all these Indar-only-players, we would get much more mature and healthy community. I don't really mind what those unlocked continents are as long as it's not always only Indar that has fights going on.
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  17. minhalexus

    Continent locking is necessary, until PS2 gets enough players to fill all 4 continents.
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  18. Niller

    The addition of continent locking finally shows that the game is moving in the right direction, away from the endless deathmatch, now I just hope they can get to continental lattice as fast as possible.
  19. Kislany

    Personally I hate continent locking the way it is now. I like playing on Esamir and Hossin, don't care much for Indar and I hate Amerish.. And yet often when I log on to play, the two continents I love playing on are locked. I just close the game.. Forcing me to go to a place I don't care for by locking the continents - no thanks.
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  20. GhostAvatar

    It was introduced into the game simply because Hossin was released. SOE needed to stop the player base shrinking and also try to get some of the older players back. Normally content releases wasn't going to do that. A couple of new guns, adding battle rifles, and adrenaline pump class overhauls wasn't going to be enough. So they released Hossin unfinished with cookie cutter bases and all. And that is where the problem is. Even with server merges, four continents without intercontinental lattice was just too many. And the fights would be spread out too much. So they added content locking along with Hossin to reduce the amount of continents available at any one time, but still allow all to be playable at some point by rotating them i.e. removing content without actually removing it. Its a simple stop gap measure that has its benefits and downsides. We just have to live with it until things get better. And who knows, you might actually find that there are better continents than Indar, once you actually get some people fighting there.