KDR and it's effect on PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Huxer, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Huxer

    KDR farming, if you've gotten into you 50s or 60s in BR you know you've done it. It just gets easy when you know what to pull to be effective in a fight, it's natural progression. One of the problems PS2 has always had is that once the flashy newness of capture the base wears off we come to realize that as soon as we leave the area someone is most likely just going to take back what we took. I'm not talking about the infux of new players that try the game out day to day I'm talking about the 'permanent' population.

    We are brothers in this game in many ways and I have talked to countless others who play the game regularly. Opinions differ of course since there's like a million alpha males for every other variety of people but that's fine. We use terms like crutch or spawn room warrior, pick your poison but at some point everyone wants to show that they have made a lasting impact in the game.

    I see some problems with the combined arms aspect of the game, so to illustrate my point I'm goign to magically change the rules of the game and see what you guys think. What if when you killed someone with anything other than small arms fire you got all the xp, everything's the same but the kill does not get recorded statistically and does nto count twords a players KDR. This rule would still have problems with the use of the spawn room shield, but I have a possible fix for this as well.

    The best fix I believe is to put all the spawn rooms underground with what maybe half a dozen tunnels leading to the surface. Can't shoot out safely, can't be seen or camped from the outside. This would also have to affect grenades, C4 and rocket kills as well. I mean the game already breaks down what was used and does have some metrics for extracting kdr from suicides already.

    KDR is already being used as a primary mover for many experienced players. It'snot about capturing bases as much as it is doing better than some other hero. The competition is plainly on another level.(That still only counts as one!) So do it like that, make an infantry kdr, a vehicle kdr and an aero kdr. As it stand now, the infantry is pissed cause they can never match the kdr of a pilot or a tanker. A tanker is pissed cause infantry constantly ask for nerfs of their equipment and Pilots are generally bored because 90% of the other pilots are just flying to LOLpod some infantry in the face to farm kdr.( Sorry guys, I know there are some great fighter pilots out there but you have to admit you are not the majority of pilots)

    Change KDR, don't take it away, evolve it, continent lock is one step but lets give more work on something the player base has already attached itself to. What say you?
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  2. Luke15g

    Or just ignore it...

    BR 72 with a 0.99 K/D and I couldn't give a ****. I'm more concerned about the games lack of depth than some arbitrary numbers.

    K/D is not Planetside.
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  3. Vikingo

    I think that the people who find KDR important would just move over to and obsess over SPM instead and use that as a dick measuring tool. If there was no SPM then they would obsess over accuracy, there will always be something gamers use for dick measuring and with it comes stat padding.
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  4. void666

    My kdr droped from 1.85 to 1.73 and it feels bad man. I try not to care. But i can't ignore it. It's there.
    It doesn't affect my playstyle though. If i have to sacrifice myself trying to blow a sunderer, take down a lib, C4 a max team i'll do it.

    But i'd be a happier soldier if kdr wasn't in the game.
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  5. Huxer

    I get that kdr is not everything and not everyone cares (at least openly) about it. I just feel that some people do care about it and wouldn't it be better if it was a better representation of success in the game? Second thing is spm currently doesn't work since all it takes is for someone to have a boost or be a member to generate imbalance . And to the third one...can't tell if serious or just trying to make fun of me :p Either way, at your level as an infantry you already know that you are good so... I get it.
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  6. Kalivix

    I'd be much happier without it as well, it encourages people to farm to try to improve it and taunts you constantly as they don't stop shoving it in your face, when you die when you press tab its just their laughing at you.

    And the worst part it means nothing anyway, if you play a heavy charging into rooms first you'll have a bad k/d, play a sniper you'll have an amazing one, again play a vehicle mostly it'll be amazing. It literally means nothing but its still hard to ignore when the game is constantly saying "oh thats not a great k/d is it.. you might wana improve that.. oh look you died again.. guess we're setting it lower now.."
  7. MarkAntony

    If you don't like the stat then just ignore it. Just don't force your ignorance on others.
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  8. Clay

    Well thats a weird argument. C4ing a Sunderer or Max doesnt affect your kdr. I do it alot, and sure sometimes you die 4-5 times in a row. But if you have played the game for a while this has only a very very small influence. Without c4ing sundies or maxes you would have a 0,991 kdr instead of a 0,99 (for example). So if you bring up this as a reason for removing kdr: nope. If your kdr dropped its probably because you played not so good (happens to everyone) so admit that you had a bad day (or week) and dont blame your heroic deeds for your faction.
  9. z1967

    I just keep mine up with vehicle farming to make me look like less of a bad player for using UP weaponry for trivial purple medals. Almost all stats lie simply because they have no meaning. Accuracy doesn't matter because it favors CQC only and discourages long range combat. KD/R slightly influences stalemates. SPM is used to judge how good of a player you are and then boosts come and **** it all up. So we end up with experience, which usually you can get a feel for a weapon after 50-100 kills with it. You don't need a purple medal on your chest to tell someone "Yeah the burst weapons suckd, hard." You need 20 mins and 100 certs at most.

    So, yes, stats are useless other than for inaccurately measuring dicks :|
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  10. MasterCheef

    i thought i didn't care about my kdr until it started to improve. Now i have to admit i get a bit annoyed when i die a few times in a row without a kill.
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  11. Huxer

    So...I kinda like the TR burst weapon at least... Oh...oh yea! Hey when is game of thrones going to be starting back up? Right tv is pointless, stats are pointless, life in general is pointless. You live and you die and nothing can change that. Oh was I supposed to be defending the 'point' of stuff. K, enough kidding, importance is always placed without cause. We like what we like and when a group of people get competitive over something it really doesn't matter if it has a point or not, just like at the Russian border right now. People use kdr, don't be mad but it's a real thing and mines bigger :p
  12. doombro

    K/D would be more fun if it weren't a "persistent" stat. If it were just something that was there for that session rather than a cumulative thing, it might be less relevant. Same for SPM.
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  13. Kalivix

    If you kill sundies all the time though and keep leading the charge to encourage other people to push then your k/d will be affected despite you being credit to team. Snipers sit back on hills never dying but getting a stready stream of kills on people who get revived a second later anyway basically being useless but they get a good k/d, libs bomb infantry with ease and don't die but unless they kill the sundie or time it with an attack its not helpful yet they are rewarded with a good k/d

    Hell people who sit in their spawn and farm people camping outside aren't helping but they get a great k/d while the people who push for the point and constantly die doing so get a low k/d. Face it k/d is basically a worthless stat in this game, theres many many other things that are more useful.

    One final example, when I lead platoons my k/d is generally awful as I spend my time checking the map not killing people and get killed a lot while doing so as I have to do it on the fly, are you saying somebody camping in their spawn room is more useful than a platoon leader who leads the platoon the spawn camping guy is in to victory in an alert just because the camper got a better k/d? Cos that seems to be what your saying.
  14. GeneralPeragorn

    BR 76 and proud to say I've never farmed. I pull what is most fun, that could be a sniper or a Halberd Harasser. Doesn't bother me at all.
  15. Iridar51

    Maybe KDR is not the essense of PlanetSide, nor it is obligatory to care about it. But the stat is there, and it makes people do stupid things.

    Compare two MOBA games, League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth. The first one barely records any stats at all, and those that are recorded are not publicly accessible, at least not conveniently.
    Heroes of Newerth records all kinds of stats, and they are publicly accessible to anyone during a match.

    Now guess, in which game people spend half the time arguing who's got bigger **** instead of playing. Tip: in Heroes of Newerth.
    And even in League, people spend far too much time arguing who deserved the kill, and who didn't, even though the game is supposed to be about objectives, and the K/D is not recorded.

    Maybe stats are useful for monitoring your own progress, but the amount of stupid things people do to get good stats vastly outweighs this benefit. At the very least, stats should not be publicly accessible.
    Agreed. I tried leading a squad of randoms recently, and it was a helluva fun, even though I got tired quickly, but that's probably from lack of habit. But my sessional KD dropped to half of its original value, and that's a massive discouragement for me.
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  16. ronjahn

    I don't obsess over KDR and I never "farm" KDR. That said I have a 2.01 KDR right now.

    I do like to see a positive KDR on my stats though and I do choose the weapon, class, or vehicle which is most likely going to be the most effective in that scenario. Does that=farming? I'm not sure but being smart about the class, weapon, and vehicle you choose is very likely going to improve KDR.

    I wouldn't like to see it removed, but I don't think that separating vehicle, infantry, and air KDR is a bad thing at all. More stats= more information= good thing.
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  17. Huxer

    Sir, I am not saying that at all. Well not so much at all just not with such an immersive definition. What I mean is, I do not feel that KDR is the end all stat, I'm not even trying to say it is important, it's not. Please do what you feel you should every time...all the time. All I am saying is that people use KDR, many experienced players base their entire play time on KDR in fact. I agree, it doesn't have a good meaning or relation to what was accomplished. My suggestion is to enhance what KDR means, I don't know how else to put it other than how I did in the original post so I'm going to just refer you back to that rather than repeating myself.
  18. DorianOmega

    This thread in no way entails whats even potentially wrong with KDR or that there is even a problem to entail....

    2nd thread that is popped up today that's nay saying KDR.... maybe instead of change the game you change your play style...
  19. Degenatron

    What bugs me about it is that it is a missed opportunity by the devs. Simple metric scores like this are a great way to drive player behavior. Imagine having a ranking system built into the game that compared you against all of the players, but it was openly and obviously weighted towards team goals. A kill might score you one point but flipping a control point would net you 20 points. you then take those points and divide them by lives, so the metric becomes "how useful per life you were". The scoring would put infantry kills at the lowest rank, but capturing at the highest. So in the example above, a sniper who scored 20 kills on a single life would equal a heavy who charged in and flipped one console. You could even add in other modifiers, so that killing an infantry with a tank shell multiplies that 1 point by .1, so now it takes ten kills with your tank to get one point. One the other hand, killing a tank nets 5 points for most killers, but if killed by another tank, the killer gets a bonus for "doing his job" so it gets multiplied by 2, giving tank on tank kills 10 points.

    Build a system like that, and then tell everyone exactly how the scoring works. By doing that, the devs are able to say "this is what is important, this is what makes you a good soldier" and can drive player behavior.

    This is something that I had wanted to do in the form of a external site, but unfortunately, the metrics just aren't in place in the API for rewarding behaviors like healing, repairing, and flipping points.
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  20. IamNotYourGoose

    KDR means nothing in this game unless you take in account how they acquired the high KDR.
    To prove my point: https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428226580942309809/killboard

    Anyone in this game can easily rack up a high KDR. Rocket pod infantry day and night, sit in a mana turret all day.

    However, I am in agreement KDR should be separated

    Air KDR
    Ground KDR
    Infantry KDR
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