What is your Modus Operandi?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ewokinarmor, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. ewokinarmor

    In other words, what traits do you prefer to accentuate in your infiltrator? How do you kill people? What's your personal strategy in terms of infiltrating? Do you have a distinct style?

    For me, I keep in mind that my primary objective should be to help my team in any way I can, and will forgo kills in favor of getting to a more important objective. When I do kill, I prefer to use the Artemis or the Nyx (if I'm looking for a real challenge, I use the Ghost), as they can dispose of people quickly and quietly. Even though I do play VS, damage is a very important factor in a weapon for me, and I will sometimes forgo quietness for it (eg, Underboss, unsilenced XM98) because a quick-killing weapon means less time for the enemy to react, and more time for me to run before somebody comes looking. Therefore, I do not generally feel comfortable with a weapon that does under 143 damage.

    As for cloaks, I am generally not found without my trusty Hunter Cloak. I suppose I am a but guilty of cloaking too much, but I am aware of this and usually try to mask it with loud explosions, gunfire, etc. The quick recharge time/longer cloak time allows me to use it to cover myself while crossing open ground, going from cover to cover, or clearing a possible spot. I sometimes use Stalker when I'm bored or want a change of pace. I often find that using an enemy's limited line of sight is the most effective form of concealment, because, of course, enemy not seeing you=100% cloak. I will often hide in bushes, opposite sides of rock, or in an enemy's blind spots.

    Finally: sniping. I'm not a main sniper (usually run around with Artemis), but when I do, I use the XM98 (12x), because I normally don't shoot at ranges larger than 150 meters. I find after that it's difficult for me to compensate for the not-so-amazing bullet velocity of the rifle, and the render distance is often against me. This often means I snipe behind enemy lines, and since I do not run a silencer on the XM98, I am especially cautious in picking a spot. I use waypoints liberally in all situations to gauge distance, and to guide myself to predetermined , safe, final firing positions. I makes sure NEVER to skyline myself, so I will often fire with my back towards a confusing or regular background, preferably with some cover in front of me, and an escape route. I will often not even try to hit moving targets (missed shot=person looking around for you), so anybody standing still is fair game (precedence on enemy snipers, medics, engies, and heavies). If I think you caught a glimpse of me, I will move to a different location with a similar view. If you are dangerously close, I will attempt to kill you with mines and my Underboss, but if it's not feasible, I will run away until I've lost you, and find another position.

    Well, that's my rather long modus operandi (Sorry!). What's yours?
  2. CuteBeaver

    Climb all the things?

    I use stalker primarily, and i guess for weapons force blade stabbing. Somehow I ended up with more knife kills then any of my other weapons. I think this is only going to increase as I try and auraxium all 5 crossbows...:( #Ambush addiction. I tried marksmanship rehab, but it didn't work. SMG camp was cool but its no where near as fun as poking people in the Clegg. [3GIS] has one mind so I must protect my queen from Higby at all costs.
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  3. Mustarde

    I look at the engagement ranges expected in a given base and choose my weapon based on that. If I don't know where I'm going exactly (galaxy with a squad) I carry a SOAS-20.

    Lately I just redeploy or mossie drop on the biggest farm I can find and get as many kills as fast as possible. Today I broke 140 KPH over SE Indar with a sniper rifle.
  4. _itg

    Lately I've been mainly playing Rebel stalker. I love setting up traps, like hacking a terminal and ambushing the guy who comes to unhack it. Camping shield generators is fun and profitable. Staying behind after we lose the base to set off the shield generator, maybe camp the vehicle terminal, capture a point to force the enemy to come back and deal with me. I probably won't get many kills, but I can pull half dozen or more people out of the real fight for far longer than if I just shot them.

    I like sniping, too, but these days, I play too late at night to have many opportunities.
  5. Abraham with Cheese

    Really, it all depends. I used to be a regular NC sniper, then I stopped with that and played other classes for the longest time.

    Then, as the NC, I got the Cyclone. Good lord, I love that gun. I mean, I still play sniper when it is called for, but I also have a Stalker/Commisioner combo going that I just love for smaller engagements.

    As TR, I have the RAM .50 but also use my NS-PDW alot: my sidearm for stalking is still the ridiculously-fun TX-1 Repeater. I do more Stalking than anything else, except when assaulting in force.

    Vanu? Eh, haven't gotten an SMG or "good" rifle for that, but a Stalker with a Beamer? Lord, I have fun with that.
  6. Rift23

    Try to play Overwatch by saturating an area with darts, then go somewhere high up to snipe, specifically looking for RLs, turrets, and other snipers/elevated LAs.
  7. Gleerok

    Well, Infiltrator is the only class I took the actual care of meticulously setting 4 different loadouts for 4 different playstyle sets.

    1. Stalker

    Just for screwing around, forcing people to come back to a point and hunt me, hacking turrets over and over getting aircraft kills until all of the turrets are destroyed by furious pilots xD. Most of the time I'm not doing anything useful, just pissing people off exclusively.

    2. Long Range sniper

    You get it. Rams. 50, Comss, extra ammo. Find someplace 200-240m away from a hotspot, preferably on a high location with objects to hide around, located in the middle of the frontline or slightly behind enemy lines. I usually go as a light assault with a beacon. Being conservative about how you take your shots will make you last more than 20 minutes easily. One shot, one kill, less people looking for you or whiling to get you, unless they see you shooting ofc.

    3. Hunter

    GOD, I love this thing. Speed suit, SOAS-20, Hunter cloak maxed, med kits. Thast what you need to be deadly. Hide around corners, pick targets, headshost machine, close-medium range. I love the SOAS-20 (3.4 red dot) on this set-up. I took the suppressor out of it, too much penalties for something you can make up for by cloaking and being clever about positioning; no rules here, get targets from behind, while recovering, those who think they are safe, from weird angles and from unexpected locations. I also lost count of how many times I simply stopped, crouched, deep cloaked and saw my pursuers walk by, then got one by one by the back. So, good! Will post a video soon.

    4. Ranger

    NS Rifle, for middle range encoutners /scout style gameplay. Haven't been using it in a while
  8. ZeroErrorz

    i use sniper rifle,especialy the sas-r and betty the high risk,high reward make you much more methodical instead of being a zerg scrub who charge right into the fire,and really i got unhealthy obsesion of quickscoping.

    i used to use the shadow rifle but currently auraxiuming longshot and sas-r
  9. DoomFruit

    Phantom, 4x scope, silencer and deployable scanners. I typically sit behind the rest of my squad, soak up the spotting XP and pick off the occasional straggler with my lovely semi-auto sniper rifle. At closer ranges, it's Nyx, 2x scope, silencer and darklight.

    I'm a terrible sniper and suck horribly in close combat (so no SMG), so it's mostly support roles for me.
  10. Shadoiex

    We think alike. Minus the 3GIS. -pokey poke....STABBY STAB....brb grabbing PS1 knife and buffing it.
  11. BillHaverchuck

    Be annoying, backstabbing and focus on enemy infiltrators
  12. Rikkit

    SMG style:
    surprise, burst, and kiss him with the knife
    run like crazy, and repeat.

    Stalker style:
    #1 play hide and seek on a capture point.
    #2 hide beside the rezzing medic and wait for people to reload

    Sniper style:
    climb like a beaver and pop as many heads as possible,
    run like crazy and/or pull your commie when ennemys are nearby
  13. giltwist

    I recently came back to PS2 after a year long hiatus. I had gotten sick of waiting for the infiltrator update. I currently play almost exclusively with stalker/xbow. I finally feel like an "infiltrator." I'm still a little disappointed with the usefulness of hacking, but it feels absolutely great to spend 10 minutes inching along a wall via alternating between crouch-walk and crouch just to get behind the firing line of doom on a ridge or at a well-defended sunderer. From there, it's all a matter of wait, headshot, recloak, repeat. This is also really really really good for counter-sniping. I just stroll right in to the snipers nest and off the infiltrators one by one and nobody ever hears me like they would with the Commissioner or an SMG.

    When I want to get in some honest sniping, I have been very pleased with the Phaseshift/Commissioner. It forces me to stay close enough to the action to not be boring, but it's got real killing power and I love never running out of ammo. The Commissioner lets me take care of business when I get discovered. Of course, the SMG is still very nice for up close and personal action. However, the lack of hackable targets makes me play this less than I used to. Barely anyone even repairs turrets anymore. With the SMG, I use the explosive darts for the xbow in order to be able to deal with MAXes as well as to make it easier to set off explosives.
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  14. Scudmungus

    Generally I'm trying to wipe tears from my eyes as we're sent into another meat grinder to flip the point.

  15. Biddion

    When solo I am a snake eating snake. I hunt down enemy infiltrators with one of two platforms, both as stalker cloak.

    Loadout 1 is a crossbow (x4 scope) for taking out snipers or engineers on turrets from behind. This is complimented with ammo belt.

    Loadout 2 is either the repeater or emperor with a flashlight and suppressor. Adrenaline pump is god here and this set up is recommend by me to new players since you can either get a med pack for 50 certs or a claymore for 200. Take on distracted or weakened opponents or make sure you open with a headshot. The speed will help you evade incoming fire.

    In squad I also use stalker cloak with pistol mostly. I almost always have 4 emp grenades and slowly inch up to the action. When defending I hunt for enemy sunderers and have my team drop on beacons. If the action is intense, I'll switch to smg and nano armor.
  16. Moz

    Well, i'm a very squad orientated player, so the most important thing to me is supplying frequesnt and reliable intel to my squad / platoon.

    I like to run weapons that let me engage from a covering posistion over my squad, but not on a cliff 250m away. Im loving the SAS:R and the AF6 Shadow at the moment and shall be working to aurax them both.

    One of my favorite pass times is deploying into a spawn camped base, cloaking out through the enemy lines to provide intel to my incoming gal drop on enemy spawn locations. Then i sit a pop off engineers and medics and watch the bombs rain down cleaning up after the spawn goes pop. I will then move to find the next spawn solution while the squad re-deploy to the gal for the next drop.

    Before you know it, you have the population advantage and your spawn is no longer camped.
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  17. Gemenai

    My to go weapons are silenced phaseshift(7x) with grip and the vandal(6x) with grip and flash supressor.
    I always try to hold my distance and maximise my accuracy.
    The vandal i use, if i know that the coming situations are more hectic and the risk of closer engagements is higher.
    As sidearm i use comissioner with flashlight.
    Motion spotter as detection tool.

    I don´t use smg´s and stalker cloak is quite friend with me yet.

    My priority list is infiltrator > medic/engineer > LA/HA > MAX.

    Especially infiltrator. Yesterday i could take out an ambush by following 2 infiltrators up to a mountain on hossin.
    On top of it 5 beacons were waiting. So i took out the beacons with silenced phaseshift ( even silenced this thing is way too loud and remarkable) and then one enemy after another. And so our little tank convoy were safe for a moment.

    All in all my credo is flexibility and silence on a distance.
  18. Scudmungus

    Aye, also a digital squaddie here as well. Love it, great fun - feels good working with the team even if it means playing a losing battle to win the war. I see more folks farming and stat padding over the less glorious stuff like tieing up a point conversion during the last few minutes of the alert/scouting sundies/harassing tankers as they repair/pre-hacking and deploying sundies at the next base (especially as this means missing out on the oh so valuable base conversion xp!)/providing eyes from a up-close vantage point to relay over voice comms(thanks Stalker!)/sneaking in to get the beacon behind the sundie//vantage point/running into the meat grinder to provide another target to be shot at as we bundle for the point/etc

    The good stuff is that you can do all the above - and still take out while you're doing it!

    Of course, there's never a shortage of folks to volunteer to clear a sniper/engie/gun line of clueless lowbies! :D
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  19. salembeats

    Well, I guess people know me for my Flash on my server, given they ragetell about that more than anything else.
  20. Rudmed

    Mine is mostly look at a situation, do the best that I can with that situation given my limited equipment (No Semi-auto scout/med-kits/SMG yet. It makes me a sad panda). Be flexible and adjust on the fly. Stay in the back or flank an enemy and snipe enemy infiltrators, medics, engineer's, rocket launcher wielding heavies. While not in that order, but you get my point. If I get a group of people chasing after me, I cloak and play, "Run around and try to catch me while I pick you all off!"

    Other than that I grab my closer range weapons, flank (or at least try to flank), and cause chaos by striking at targets before running off. If you turn and look at me, I might try and win, or I could just simply say, "Nope, I'm leaving"