First Time using Stalker

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Rudmed, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Rudmed

    Hey everyone! Allow me to preface this video saying that this is my first time using stalker cloak (yes it is level 1). I'm taking feedback on gameplay, the video itself, and various other things. In hindsight I probably sped the video up in too many parts, or something along those lines. This is also my first video on Emerald, and this is most definitely not a montage, just funny moments I happened to catch while I was recording (Finally! Something funny happens!)

    Hope you all enjoy!

    • Up x 3
  2. Shadoiex

    Shoulda spotted the tank for lulz

    Edit:Nice job for your first time! Make an NC and I'll teach ya even more in the way of the Knife Ninja ;)
  3. Rudmed

    Well I actually learned a lot, and there is much less pressure to run around everywhere with Stalker. You can take your time and sit in a place without worry of being discovered or detected, this allows me to pick my fights a bit better. Granted, you can do the same with hunter cloak, but that time limit really hurts it.

    Of course, I love my scout rifle, sniper rifle, and smg's too much to ever quit hunter. Though this was a blast.
  4. CuteBeaver

    Lol those fun police lines were great.
  5. Rudmed

    Thanks, I try to make up for the lack of epic maneuvers and gameplay with humor! Sometimes it falls flat -.-' other times it is a great success \O.O/ Glad to know that it was at least a success for someone. Actually an NC player, whose name will not be disclosed, started that by saying I should come up with something to tell everyone after I kill them.
  6. Xocolatl

    I have been trying Stalker, and I find it to be the most fun class I have played. It's pretty damn cool to assassinate unsuspecting targets.


    When I'm in the middle of a big teamfight, shoot-knife really isn't going to work (because there are 10 other people around). I have sitting around, spotting, using the various spying devices (dart guns and motion detectors), but it feels there is so little for me to do that would help the push. I mean, giving away enemy's position is very beneficial to your team, of course. But I just wish there's more I can do than that, and killing stragglers (who aren't going to be helping their team fight) anyway.
  7. CuteBeaver

    Your presence becomes noticed in squad play.

    Prevent backrage by camping entrances, windows, stairs and areas the rest of your group are not focused on. You have the advantage on light assaults trying to take down allied spawn beacons atop a roof as well. Consider these free beacon certs. Try to extend the life of your squads beacon by protecting it for them. Spot enemies farther away then 50 meters (if your using motion spotter) and flank enemy support right before they max crash with AP mines. EMP before you toss those mines down to ensure a single mine can kill enemies wearing flak. If you have two mines stagger them apart for larger group killing effect.

    Take up a position where you can assist high traffic killing of enemies. Reinforce a choke point without using the knife can be helpful. More often I focus on trying to prevent enemy flanks and backrage because there is always one door or window no ones defending. I hover around generally assisting locations where I feel enemies are pushing or trying to enter from.

    When I notice I have a solid spawn point, be it a sundy, jump pad, teleport, or squad beacon (and i feel my timer is good for a new drop) I will venture outside looking for enemy beacons and find a good place to take out their medics. This can help undermine their efforts at reviving failed pushes outside the control point. Its also pretty good for kills but you have to be mindful of your spawning options. Eventually you will get killed exposed like this.

    If you don't have a good squad to roll with just help your allies out in similar ways. Also using them as bait is never a bad idea <3
  8. STR1D3R109

    Get a decoy or EMP grenade, their both fun and confuse the hell out of enemies.

    There were a few times where you could of easilly got kills (Like when the engi was reloading) But i see you were trying to go for the most humiliating death routes xD

    Grab a friend of 2 and you can go alot more aggressive into pushes like taking control points etc.
  9. Rudmed

    Beaver, who has done this far more than I have, handed out quite a few good tips. She loves her stalker cloak, just ask the poor folks who have been on the receiving end. Though you do have a point, shooting and knifing may seem less effective when there is a large group of people. However, I have seen Beaver knife several people before going down. I've come to notice that people are somewhat oblivious or have tunnel vision. They don't look at the map, really the only way they will attack you is if you are in front of them. You can wreck chaos in CQC with pistol and knife. Now some say that killing stragglers isn't that beneficial, but I say it depends on the class really. The medic that I knifed when I was being so indecisive? He was a straggler, but if he died then he wouldn't be able to support the engineer supporting the MAX.

    Or you can look at the little knife chain I had before I ended the video. I saw the medic revive the engineer, whom I just knifed, I was certain that the engineer was going to come and look for me. Fortunately, he was smart enough not to. However, those medics that I ended up killing, well they were on their way to support the guys who I had planned on killing on the bridge (until one of them saw me sprinting up towards them, dumb idea in hindsight). Well they're dead, meaning those guys at the bridge have less firepower and support. Sometimes it feels like your efforts are minimal, but you just really have to expand the bigger picture.

    Also I picked this up from a person who is really good at Team Fortress 2, and offers some very insightful advice. I'm gonna leave a link here...maybe. You don't have to always kill people to be effective, if you can pull them from their roles or battle...that can be effective too. You remember that engineer who spent two to three minutes looking for me? Well he had his AV turret sitting there that entire time, so he would rather spend his time looking for me rather than blasting my faction's armor and or infantry? I'll take it! I've pulled various tanks, harassers, infantry, Maxes (they just can't catch me) away from battles to chase me. Vehicles and Maxes? I can't hurt them, but they see me as "free certs" and therefore try to get their reward. What you have AV rounds in that Prowlers? Yes, please come and chase me don't shoot at the sunderer or magriders. Granted, the more people you can distract or disrupt the more effective you are (I think Beaver has a few videos of this...I'm sure someone does)

    In the words of Star_ (the TF 2 person I mentioned from earlier), "If I were to kill you, you would have respawned by now. You would be doing something else by now, but instead your going to run around the map with me, it's going to be funtastic!" *He kills whoever chases him, "Now I kill you."

    Be a pest, be annoying, and if you manage to pull two to three support classes or vehicles, well my hat's off to you then sir.

    I know, I'm trying to get all the equipment I can, but 1000 certs is a lot of certs. Also I know I could have gotten a few easy kills, but my aim with the beamer seems to be off, or sometimes my aim is just off in straight up engagements, I don't know why. I just have odd days. Also the real reason I was using the knife is because my beamer isn't suppressed. Though I really did want to humiliate that engineer at the beginning. I hope he sees the video......I'm so mean. I don't have Beaver's mercy to spare people from their moments of failure.
  10. Xocolatl

    I think I can feel your pain. I just jumped server (I just found out that AU server is in Cali, so I figured I'd go there and at least play with a much larger crowed for the same latency). Anyhow, I'm currently using a Magshot (hate that gun..I never liked NC, but their MAXes are so cool), and I have 26 certs under my name. I usually don't mind just running around and being a general pain (love that, in fact), but right now I need the certs. Any possibility of a compromise?
  11. Xocolatl

    Rats, it won't let me edit the my post above anymore.

    I was in the game earlier and was doing much better being a general annoyance as you guys have suggested. And it works wonderfully. My problem was running out of ammo (I really wish you can steal people's ammo), at which point I did went on to knife 2 people (separately). In the bigger fights, I just creep in and attempt to drop Motion Detector (TM) in key areas (just outside of choke point so that my team can see if there are people attempting to run in), and I got some nifty flanking action done (which was awesome, because I have always loved flanking to begin with..I just couldn't do it very effectively with an LA because I can't win against multiple people).

    I have some question though:
    1) Do motion detectors have vertical range? If I put one on ground floor, does it detect people above as well?
    2) For various mines--do they disappear if you walk out of range?
    3) Why the heck does the crappy NC pistol have to be blue?!?!??!??! Seriously, who wants to use a blue gun?
    I much prefer the faction pistols (I like spammy stuff), and I find that the revolvers without laser sight is just horrid for dancing around and shooting. What are your opinions on the crossbows?
    4) How do I stop myself from buying all the dang helmets and armor?!? They look 3x as awesome on an Infil as other classes.
  12. Rudmed

    Well it is good to hear you are doing better now that you are taking a few tips! Always glad to help people who want to get into being an infiltrator. As for your questions,

    1) I believe they do, but I'm not certain. Our map is 2D, so it is hard to say where an enemy is and on what floor. Though, I would like to think they expand in a dome shape where anything that walks into that area is detected by these sensors.
    2) I have no idea, I don't use mines, but I don't think they do. I believe you can only set 2 down at most though.
    3) Actually many people would disagree and say that the Magshot is a very nice starting pistol, but everyone has their own opinion. If you like spammy stuff, perhaps try the Desperado? I have never tried it, but it might be something that you like better. Make sure to trial it before you buy it. As for the crossbow, I haven't personally handled it, Beaver would likely know more, but from what I've gathered it has a massive drop, it can only OHK infiltrators with a headshot, limited ammo, but I believe it is silent (not 100% sure though).
    4) Because they make you different and more likely to get shot in the face? (says the man with the shoot me here symbol on his helmet) Though in all honesty it is up to you on whether or not you spend money on this game.

    Also another tip, you can avoid motion spotters/recon darts by crouching and moving. This helps you remain undetected from the few people (most likely infiltrators) who actually look at the map. However, this does not work against scout radar, which vehicles have so keep an eye out for any antenna's on vehicles and then steer clear.

    Also for your ammo issue, you can hack enemy infantry terminals that are outside the spawn to restock on ammo or switch to medic to heal yourself. Furthermore, if an enemy ammo pack is on the ground you can get ammo from it!
  13. Xocolatl

    Haha, yeah. I just tend to forget that it is possible to run out of ammo. I noticed that you have to be uncloaked to use the ammo box though, correct?
    I'm usually not very aware of my ammo since I used to main Engineer. I kinda learned the hard way that pistols only carry a very small amount of ammo when I rushed out at a Heavy that was shooting my squad mate, but heard "click-click-click" instead of saving the day... (luckily he was stuck reloading afterward so I knifed him).
  14. Moz

    1. Yes they do. I always place my detector on a floor under the actual battle (where possible ofcourse) to avaoid early detection.
    2. No they will not disapear due to your distaqnce from them. You can however only have 2 of any mine type planted at once, even if you switch to your engi and place more the two previous will go bye bye.
    3. Camo is gooood.
    4. You dont!! BUY ALL THE THINGS!! Lumifiber is a must for any self respecting blingfiltrator! :)
    • Up x 1
  15. DatVanuMan

    Nice video, man! Shreking them tryhards with your force blade. You didn't fail Vanu, you made Vanu proud:D
  16. CuteBeaver

    Actually the scout radar on flash and ESF has changed recently to work the same as other sources of radar. Meaning crouch walking and remaining still will not give you away like it used to.

  17. Rudmed

    I believe so, but I'm not 100% sure. Test it out and find out!

    Thank you, and what can I say sometimes we have to enlighten the NC about the glory of vanu with force. I will continue to try and make Vanu proud with my well decorated face design that screams, "shoot me here!"

    Thank goodness! I was a little concerned since Vehicles are pretty much a hard counter to us already, I didn't want it to be an even harder counter.


    Also that picture is adorable.