Cant get into the game!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jackplays17, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Jackplays17


    That is the error message i get when i try and install an update. iv tried 10-13 times, every time getting this error message. was on vacation for the last week and came home to this. heard that the update screwed up some people being able to play, and that the people this happened to would get 200 certs if they didnt have premium membership. I REALLY want to play! any way to remedy this?
  2. Jackplays17

    It just fixed itself. YEEESSSSSS! I should be getting those 200 certs tho... if not im gonna be mad
  3. Jackplays17

    Got into game, didnt get my 200 certs. Fix plz
  4. Librux

    i have the same error i opened a support ticket WTF is going on SOE
  5. Kanjzo

    Same here
  6. Librux

    Hmmmm at least im not the only one thank god
  7. Librux

    According to they are having many issues liek this with Planetside and their other game launchpads and that they are working on a fix for it.
  8. Jackplays17

    Actually, supposedly (VIA game devs) They forgot to pay the bills for there servers. No lie.
  9. Legend-

    watch this video, I had the same problem it's working properly for me now.

  10. Flyaxl