PPA, Banshee, Air Hammer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zuka7, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. zuka7

    ESF's anti infantry nose guns with splash damage. These nose guns are extremely effective against infantry with decent pilot. However VS magrider has access to PPA which is better then scythe version. To be fair TR and NC MBT's should also have access to these "better versions" of infantry farm weapons.

    I play all three factions and own all three AI nose guns. All three are very easy to use do to splash damage. I don't play MBT's except for strategic suicide runs. I play solo, but when Emerald went live I invested some certs in to a magrider and unlocked the PPA. 20000 SPA without any boosts or membership with conservative play. As soon as I spawn the magrider someone jumps in to use the gun and usually go on a 30-40 kill streak in 30 minutes and many times more then that (depending on the hills around the base), and to make it sound worse with little to no communication between me and the gunner.

    PPA has decent cone of fire, decent velocity, large magazine for sustained fire. When you combine all that with splash damage you have one awesome AI setup which other factions do not.

    This is not my video but it is a perfect example

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  2. z1967

    Do you really want the best hit and run weapon in the game on the statue tank that never moves?
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  3. Jeslis

    Banshee instead of Maraduer (sp?) on a tank would be awesome..
    Cannister is kinda like airhammer?... but no *explodey* grenade effect... wonder why it doesn't have that...
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  4. gnometheft

    I just wish the C85/Airhammer would be changed from their shotgun models
  5. DevDevBooday

    It is funny how the canister and the AH are the same.
    The Mag PPA and the scythe PPA are the same.

    But we have an explosive chain gun on our ESF but suddenly a super suck fury on our tank.
    Why DONT we have a proper ES tank AI secondary?
    We just have a sucky NS equivalent.
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  6. novicez

    you do have a chain gun, but TR engineers are so dumb they put AP rounds on it instead of explosive rounds.
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  7. Hoki

    The banshee would be incredibly OP on a tank or harasser.
  8. Matti

    The banshee is an effective AI weapon but it needs the splash. If it was mounted on a ground vehicle
    I think some of it's potential would be lost. I think this video illustrates the differences a bit better.

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  9. CrashB111

    Which was a perfectly valid weapon choice back before it was senselessly nerfed into oblivion over kneejerk reactions to the Harasser not the Prowler.

    The Vulcan used to be a fine weapon in a good place, weaker at long ranges, but redeeming itself by shredding other armor at close range. Now its just a steaming pile of ****.
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  10. EGuardian1

    The C85 and the Air Hammer are NOT the same weapon. One fires a canister of .45cal buckshot that bounces off heavy armour, and the other fires 12 20mm shells.

    Both have the accuracy of a blunderbuss.

    My Air Hammer is STILL one of my favourite weapons - though the Duster is coming close, because of the ludicrousness of mounting a shotgun on a plane, and yet somehow it works so well, two factions cry for two years that it's overpowered. (Yeah it was a bit OP, but the latest nerf was unnecessary and in the wrong direction :p)
  11. Maljas23

    Doesn't have to be a statue tank :p.

    Also, YES to OP's idea. I'd love to have the Banshee on a Harasser!
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  12. AdmiralArcher

    all you have to do to make the banshee be able to be on the harrasser and MBT is make it unable to damage armor.....problem solved
  13. Revanmug

    Why do people still believe that the Air Hammer is a good AI weapon? It's not if you compare it to a PPA/Banshee. The reason the gun was good was because it was a effective AA gun which gave the pilot the possibility to defend himself and even hunt Air...

    It's not even an "opinion", stats show this quite clearly.
  14. Furluge

    I like graphs....
    Hint: The purple line at the top of every graph is the PPA. Problem is though, that you can't really buff the Marauder or the Canister to have the same effectiveness as the PPA because the PPA has the benefits of not having bullet drop and a longer range then other ES MBT AI options. So no matter how much buffing you do for the canister or the marauder you still will have the TR arcing their shots all over the place and wasting ammo trying to find a firing solution, and NC... well they have a shotgun, so their problem will be range.
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  15. GeneralPeragorn

    What I find great about that is that the cannister outperforms the marauder. THAT is how bad the TR's secondaries are.
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  16. dBus

    The PPA is best against infantry, but it sucks against air targets.

    The Banshee is decent against infantry, and OK against air.

    The AH is good against infantry and air, but you have to be at close range.

    They are all different, but IMO they are all balanced on the ESF's.

    So maybe they should just directly translate that to the MBT's and put the exact same weapon (that is on the ESF) on top of the tanks? Including damage against vehicles and people?
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  17. Irrelevant--

    PPA is a joke. Maybe if people cry hard enough it will be "fixed" like the Vulcan and the Marauder.
    You know what, don'f "fix" it. Just give the others some AI that's equitable. Then we can all be happies.
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  18. Kunavi

    No, then we'll have endless rage from people not in MBTs, completely justified too. Just saying.

    The guy's voice on the video though... LOL
    "They are dropping like Space MAHREEEEENS"
    "Follow meeee if you want to LIIIVE FOREVERRR-OOOOH!!!"
    "Air support! We. Need. Air suppaaaaaahrt!"

    Hahahahahahaha is that his normal voice? No offense!
  19. PrimePriest

    You mean...the same as PPA?
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  20. Chrispin

    The marauder has the splash damage of a lightning AP round, the fire rate of a PPA, the damage of a PPA, and the magazine size of a shotgun.

    It's pretty obvious why it's inferior.