Why so much empire specific weapons?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rentago, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Rentago

    I think its gotten real silly, the amount of "sidegrades" we have when only a very few of them actually matter.

    I wouldn't mind if it was more common pool selection of guns but the idea that each faction has like a ton of empire specific weapons just seems really off.

    Maybe its because I'm used to planetside 1, where it was you had your faction specific trait weapons like the NC would get their gauss rifle as their empire specific assault rifle, but then otherwise they have their common pool selection of guns (Shotgun, assault rifle with grenade/shotgun attachment). Not that I don't think we shouldn't have more variety of weapons, I like the idea of not being limited to just a Lasher, but that I also get an LMG.

    But I don't like the idea that I have a lasher, and 10 LMGs that all pretty much look the same and shoot the same, just one shoots a little faster or lower and they are all locked to my empire for whatever reason.

    it would make more sense if it was that we had a single LMG and we had modifcations that would either increase damage in exchange for slower rate of fire, and that single LMG had alternate fire modes that are faction specific.

    Like if the VS got armor penetration, NC could have something like piercing shots so they can hit multiple people if they lined up and the TR could get their mag dump fire mode or something.

    Like I can see the idea of a sniper rifle being semi auto and bolt action, but why do we have like 10 empire specific sniper rifles, and then we also got our "OFFICIAL ES RIFLE" which makes what of the other bunch? Not really empire specific? Well yeah, because they all shoot bullets like the other factions and have nothing to really feel empire specific.

    SO when are we gonna just throw away or redo all the junk cluttering this game?

    Because I'd much rather have a few empire specific weapons that count rather than a bunch that are mediocre reskins from the other faction.

    And then we can throw in some kind of loot function so that people like scrubs can pick up a person's upgraded guns from their own or other factions and use them, and suddenly the game feels a whole lot better.

    (Don't worry, I'm aware that if looting was in the game, smedly would be able to afford his solid gold private jet)
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  2. NyaR

    More weapons = more money potential, especially if players decide to switch factions and repurchase everything.
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  3. Rentago

    why not have things like being able to change your character's race and face?

    why not add real cosmetics that sell that fit the game's military aspect instead of the wacky crazy hood ornaments and neon underlights, I'm pretty sure if they give the sunderer hydraulics people will buy it, but how many more people want serious looking cosmetics?

    Why the hockey masks, and the spiked hot topic helmets? I don't see EVERYONE wearing them, so obviously that isn't the only kind of market to make money from. I'm sure if they added a normal antenna to the flash that isn't a big glowing "shoot me" but more of a radio box on the side people would buy it.

    I just think its a lazy approach to maximizing money revenue, and then they complain about their "limits" and "restraints" while they pump camos, hood ornaments, rims, etc. into the game.

    If it was really about making money they are doing a poor job because they sort of destroyed the implant system to make more revenue, and I don't think anyone is going to spend a dime on it, was better off being a free system.
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  4. Maljas23

    I actually like the "MOAR WEAPONS" approach that SOE is doing atm. I'm itching at the bit to buy the new Empire pistols coming out, probably next week. G18 here I come! :)
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  5. Keldrath

    I don't get what you mean, whenever I've asked for recommendations on guns, I always end up getting recommended ALL of them.
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  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    Listen to the people with better performance. They will almost always agree.
  7. TheBlazing

    I think that the main problem is that there are not enough weapons that are really empire specific. As OP said, most weapons are only different by tiny value differences in some areas. Not wanting to bring in the "things were better back then" argument, but if you look at a game like Unreal Tournament, all guns work and feel very differently from each other.

    The problem, in my opinion, is that our "empire specific" guns are not empire specific enough. Instead of a very slight variant of the Orion, the VS should get a hitscan LMG with high accuracy but low power and maybe reverse damage degratation. The NC should get dart guns that damage health and shield at the same time (but do less overall damage to each). The TR should get belt-fed guns with overheat mechanics.
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  8. Keldrath

    Well for example I asked Vonic what guns he likes for TR LA, and he recommended the Lynx, the Jaguar, the Cougar, and the T5 AMC.

    What else is there really?
  9. Longasc

    They could make a lot of money by releasing an Orion clone with a skin that doesn't look like a barrel.
  10. Plunutsud pls

    Yeah more gun$ = more $medbuxxx

    But more weapons also means more diversity for us, which is great.

    More guns to aurax, more playstyles to experience.
  11. DrPapaPenguin

    Moar weapons means more auraxiums to brag about.

    On a side note, there are only a few weapons which I found to be pointless on TR side, and half of those are sniper rifles, while the other half are very popular with the general player base. So no, sidegrades do actually make a difference.
  12. Codex561

    Is it really just G18? I hate that they stopped tracking it :(
  13. RolandTEC

    I agree, its would be nice to have all the so called ES weapons be made more unique but I certainly do not want more NS weapons. There are plenty of them as it is and we really need to have more ES everything. Especially, ES ATV's, Vanu get hoverbike, TR keeps flash, and NC get a Harley like motorcycle (with sidecar for kicks). I'd also like lightnings, harassers, and sunderers look more tailored to their faction but functionally the same. I think they need more weapons like the MCG, lasher, and jackhammer. One for every class not just heavy.
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  14. Maljas23

    I actually meant Glock 18. Sorry for the confusion lol. I have no idea what update we are on :)
  15. GeneralPeragorn

    The problem is not the number of slightly different weapons, it's the lack of difference between them.

    But I would much prefer this than a bunch of common pool ones.
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  16. DatVanuMan

    I'd like some more CP weapons in the game, but I love ES weapons even more. Why have one weapon that has a few characteristics, when you can have three different guns, each pertaining to a faction's trait. For example, one gun deals more damage the longer the bullet travels (NC). One gun has the ability to totally replace an ammo pool into a magazine, and can increase its RoF at the cost of velocity (TR). One gun becomes more accurate the longer you fire it, and reloads faster depending on the amount of health you have (VS). You see, variety is one of the many reasons why I got this game. Three factions battling for a planet, each with its own special traits and abilities. I wish SOE would place slightly more emphasis on this part of the game (Improving the mechanics, making weapon stats much more synergetic according to the faction, and creating newer weapon models that relate to those factions).
  17. RHINO_Mk.II

    Most likely he was recommending them for different roles. The Lynx is great up close, the AMC midrange, and the other two are less specialized but also pretty good is most situations.
  18. libbmaster

    I find this thread amusing, since so many people complain that there are too many NS weapons and vehicles, and that there is not enough "faction diversity".
  19. Crayv

    I feel that the game does have a good mix of ES stuff and NS weapons.

    Planetside 1 actually had a rather small amount of ES stuff and a small pool of guns.

    It could still be better but it is better than it was in PS1.
  20. Jogido

    i don't mind the side grades, but I would like to see more varied models for the weapons.
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