Poor, erratic hit detection is making me log out of the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Angry Scientist, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Angry Scientist

    Ever since the merger, really, I've been emptying half of a clip into enemies and frequently ending up filled with holes. Firing, seeing shield flashes, but not the hit markers...that's a sure sign that something weird is going on. I find myself avoiding direct confrontations, where my accuracy used to allow me triumph, since I was pretty good at plugging heads. Now? I dread them, since for some reason arcane to me, I just flat out...don't hit anything.

    My accuracy is good. That isn't the problem. Nor is my connection. It all functioned perfectly fine before. I used to be a solid 1.5 KD infantryman. Nowadays, unless I really cheese it or use force multipliers, I find myself scrapping for 1. KD never really bothered me, but what does is getting spanked any time I try to defend an objective.
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  2. Yaesu

    For me, it started after a large patch download last April. And now with the server merge it's even worse. And I know exactly what you mean. You're firing. Your sights are right on them. No 'red x' for hit at all. My pings are good. Frame rate is good. You see enough of it and eventually you say F IT and log.
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  3. Frostiken

    I'm increasingly frustrated with getting killed from behind cover too.
  4. Zotamedu

    Yesterday I hit an infiltrator with three bullets from my underboss at close range and then a knife and he still managed to knife me afterwards. That's one and a half the amount of damage that should have been lethal. It's getting rather annoying with randomized combat.
  5. Plunutsud pls

    It's pretty bad during prime time when there's almost 3000 people on Emerald.

    Not so bad before and after.
  6. kirinohana

    I am on Connery and yes it has gotten very bad again, so this is not a server thing. I find it really up and down. Some days I log on and I'm a damn hero, mowing people down like a madman. Its quite fun. Other days I log on and I can empty a full LMG into a guy and nothing. This also happens at any time of the day, so it is not a time thing, or to many players thing.

    I had one memorable fight with a heavy. We were both about 20 m apart, strafing and shooting. We emptied a full clip, neither one of us much injured. So we reloaded did the same, after the fourth clip we both just kind of stood there and walked away. This game sometimes reminds me of that scene in Hot Shots 2 where they can literally be standing feet apart and just unloading and missing.

    Anyways, for a FPS this is probably the most fundamental and important thing. Hit detection must work, no meta, no alerts, no population balance, or gun will keep anyone around if you take the Shooter out of FPS. What new person will not think this game is a joke if it works like it currently is? What vet wont log off or go play something else?
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  7. hawken is better

    "You're just bad at the game and you have terrible aim."
  8. patricio_z

    Same here, I think that patch introduced some new server side "anti cheat" feature, and hit detection went to hell, I play with relatively high ping 180-220ms, never had a problem, but since april's patch, winning a 1v1 has become nearly impossible, I suspect that high pingers must be suffering a lot more hit detection issues than low pingers.
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  9. Codex561

    Didnt play PS2 in a while cause of this. Drives me insane when a dozen of headshots and 2 knife swings are needed to kill someone... or even worse when it doesn't work!
  10. ShadowViper

    It's already been confirmed to be an issue from devs.

    Sub-par try, kiddo.
  11. FateJH

    I think there's a reason he put it in quotes.
  12. hawken is better

    That post was cringe worthy. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're just pretending.
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