how will ps4 work

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBossPro1, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. TheBossPro1

    Hi I got some questions for the planetside 2 on ps4 like will it be cross platform (I hope it is) but if it is will the players have to start all over again? Or will we be able to use our pc profiles? Let's say we will be able to and one of my friends is online on pc and I'm on ps4 he invites me to his squad but I am on ps4 but its not cross platform (if it is nevermind then) how will we be able to play or tell? I hope you can answer my questions and do answer questions that I haven't said in this post thanks! Btw I'm new to the forums.
  2. HadesR

    It's not cross platform .. and welcome run while you can :p

    You won't be able to, not unless you are both on either a PS4 or a PC ..
  3. Maelthra

    It's not cross platform.
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  4. TheBossPro1

    Hey btw how do you get those picture thingies I'm new here
  5. HadesR

    Click on the smiley face above where you type ^ brings up a menu
  6. Regpuppy

    Planetside 2 will not have cross platform servers for technical reasons, according to the devs. Also, accounts will be seperate. Like any other game on the PS4, you'll be going through the usual middleman (PSN) to do transactions and such.

    Whether you can transfer characters/accounts, the current word is no. Again, technical reasons reasons are quoted by the devs.
  7. Camycamera

    it's not cross platforms due to consoles being inferior to pc the mouse and keyboard on pc being unfair to console players with controllers as mouse and keyboards are much more accurate than consoles.

    also, it takes longer for the PS4 version to be updated unlike the PC version, due to additional checks that console games have to go through if they have to update a game.
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  8. TheBossPro1

    Thanks man I really wanted answers I was confused and stuff but thanks
  9. TheBossPro1

    Ok where do I do that sorry!
  10. HadesR


    Hope that helps ................
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  11. TheBossPro1

  12. MasonSTL

    I think he is talkin about your sig
  13. TheBossPro1

    [quote="Hade[IMG]the one with thee stats?
  14. TheBossPro1

    Is that the one with the stats
  15. HadesR

    Siggies are from > tools top right corner > Create signature

    And .. If i remember correctly you have to sign up to the website to " claim " you name for the sig

    And sorry for any confusion was late ( 3am my time ) but had my morning coffee now :p
  16. Liam23490

    Servers will be separate. I think it's a combination of the fact that KBM is superior to the DS4, and the fact that patches take ages to come through on consoles compared to PC, which would mean PC users have to wait for the PS4 to update before we get patches.

    Personally I would like them to merge the two platforms though, because it might be good for population. Do it and see what happens, that's what I say.

    In an interview I read about the PS4 version though, someone from the PS2 team was saying they have a way of controlling the number of players on screen to make sure it doesn't drop below 30FPS... I don't think they are making anyone invisible, so it sounds like the PS4 version could be fundamentally different, and perhaps cap the number of players in each hex.
  17. TheBossPro1

    Ok I did claim my sig I'll try the intel one now thanks for taking time to help me
  18. TheBossPro1

    Yea also ps4 would be so different though and I was also wondering how would the population work I forgot to ask
  19. RadarX

    The PS4 version is going to match the PC as much as possible minus obviously the UI. This makes it easier for the team to update but yes the servers will be separate for both technical and business reasons.
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  20. NinjaTurtle

    I can't wrap my head around how they are going to map all the button and functionality to a controller with only a few buttons
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