[Suggestion] MAXes should operate like tanks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Luminiouscow

    MAXes are extremely overpowered in their current state. They should be nerfed so that once they die, they can't be revived.
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  2. crusaderx11

    One brick of c4, or some heavies that know what their doing (or one REALLY good heavy), and that max is down. You'd be surprised how easy it is to kill a max that over extends, even with small arms fire.
  3. xboxerdude

    and another player who hasn't discovered unlocking conc grenades
  4. MarkAntony

    I could say the same about a tank. Except it would be 2 C4.

    Maxes need to be unrevivable to have any semblance of balance.
  5. crusaderx11

    besides, only the vanu are good at reviving people consistently anyway (at least on emerald)
  6. Tommyp2006

    Sure, as long as you make them invulnerable to small arms fire and have weapons that one shot infantry like tanks.
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  7. DrPapaPenguin

    In that case make MAX suits able to heal themselves effectively like a tank would. You can always climb out of a tank and repair.
  8. The Shermanator

    MAXes in their current state are just superior infantry. They're for bads to feel like they're good.

    This will not change.
  9. Pacster

    Nah...those people either use MBTs or play as Lib-Gunner.
  10. The Shermanator

    Or the MAX that can get close to the battle, has no real weaknesses other than what already kills normal infantry, and a typically larger ammunition pool.

    The NC MAX is the only one that fulfills a niche. The Vanu and TR ones are just infantry++.