Why this game is "dying" & Problems with the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EmeraldShadow, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Drumsticks617

    I've never seen a thread start constructive and objectively well-intentioned and then take a nosedive so quickly into a whine thread that explains EVERY INCH of the vanu arsenal and demands a buff for it.

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  2. Biff!

    Ha ha - as a BR100 NC, I have to agree with this for sure! I would KILL (and kill a lot if I had them!) to have a PPA instead of a modified spaghetti tos-ser for our tanks / harasser. :)

    And - Blueshifts are absolutely deadly (as are Commets) on a VS Max: pretty much it's like having a Gen 2 SMG with over 100 rnds of ammo ready to go and better long range. Nebulas destroy up close. Plus, there is WAY more ammo available than NC shotguns. I have MAXes maxed on both classes and yes while NC Max with Hacksaws are absolutely deadly in close quarters, we need to start doing AI work with Falcons at any range longer than about 10m (maybe 20m with Mattocks). So, if you don't like shotgun MAXes, stay the **** away from us and spam us with your amazing Blueshifts.
  3. IberianHusky

    The biggest problem with this game is that SOE has done absolutely nothing to help with the population imbalances. There is absolutely no advantage or incentive to play the underpopped faction.
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  4. doombro

    The main problem is that the spawn rooms themselves are the only "safe" areas, and that everything around them is (as far as that zepher lib camping the spawn is concerned) just like the rest of the base, including the painfields. Making the shields two-way will not fix the problem. That will accomplish nothing, and could even make things worse.

    All spawn rooms should be covered by a two-way cloak that covers a large radius around the spawn room, depending on the base. It should cover the entire painfield, at the very least, and defenders should have easy access (read: there is a building nearly touching the bubble) to at least one nearby interior. This will prevent outside forces from damaging anything inside the bubble, and will prevent forces inside from setting up invisible flak nests and the like.

    :rolleyes: You were off to a great start, and then you had to go and say this. Great job derailing your own thread, OP. :(
  5. Kunavi

    1) The defenders can't get out and the attackers can't shoot the people in

    2, 2.5) This game is simply not optimized

    3.0, 3.5) Low progression rate
    This. So much this. It's a grind. Level Up Certs, Starter stuff? Make it happen. Uhmmm... Wait we have levels? Since when? :S

    5.0) Vanu Sovereignty (VS) UP.
    *Mister Popo Laugh* Hahahahah NO! Sorry you are very wrong on this one.

    6) Meta stuff
    - Agreed. We'll have to wait for the full implementation of the various systems they are working on AND hope they do it right.
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  6. Nerfav

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  7. Moz

    Sneeky buff VS thread is sneeky.

    Nice try OP, nice try!

    Oh and the stuff the OP wrote about how he sees faction balance is one of the single funniest things I have read on this forum. It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo far removed from anything actual, bloody brilliant.
  8. Paragon Exile

    I agree OP.

    Buff Vanu.
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  9. HolyMohli

    are you serious ?

    VS has the most effective camoflage ingame during night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    VS Scythe best mobility / stability handling ingame... the reason why most of Scythe pilots are farming infantry for hours................

    VS Magrider high mobility / ignores terrain / simply boost out of Lock ON rockets / more Armor compared to a Prowler..................................

    VS Weapons recoil is lower compared to other factions / reload speed is faster compared to other factions ....................
    and you have some aoe blast dmg on infantry weapons...................

    BUT i agree on Faction Balance status... its really bad right now !!!

    REWORK STRIKER = completely useless on Hossin !!!! and

    ah and finally... rethink the population balance pls.... worst i've seen
  10. FieldMarshall

    I think it comes down to SOE. Thats why i think the game is dying. After 11 years with SOE, this is the impression i get from them:

    They cant advertise their stuff properly,
    Not very very good at balancing stuff,
    Bad communication with the players,
    Saying one thing and doing another,
    Obvious cashgrabbing and abandoning games after "milking" it,
    Making random changes to their games that nobody asked for/wanted/needed,
    Seems like they try to make things as confusing for players as possible when giving out information.
    And the last part may be bacause it seems like its run by a bunch of people who doesent talk with eachother.

    Thats just my take on it. It may not be true, but thats my impression of SOE.
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  11. Noppa

    Laughed to that GR22, it has the most freeking jumpiest recoil i have ever seen in this game and is only good to close/close med ranges.. would chose Garnage any day of the week rather than GR22 :D (ROF aint everything in this game)!

    Anyway this thread is only whine whine whine and i cant agree with the thread starter, these days i play mostly VS and i have to say.. it got some fun stuff to play with!

    Dont get me wrong, nothing wrong with NC or TR ether, i perform as well on every faction.. VS just is the most FUN faction atm!
  12. Goden

    This game and the community are so unfriendly to new players that it's no surprise that it cannot hold a steady playerbase. I couldn't get any of my friends to play it for more than 2 hours and I know I'm no the only one who has experienced this. That being said I haven't even played it for several weeks myself.

    With the recent changes being made and SOE's changes to business model I think it's pretty safe to say this game has gone **** up and is only a matter of time before more merges are needed and eventually a funeral. An absolutely fantastic idea that could have easily changed the face of online FPS gaming has been ruined by horrific management and design choices.

    but from what I hear that's just par the course for SOE
  13. Frostiken

    You mean that +4% XP isn't the greatest thing you've ever seen?
  14. irewolf

    Populations are low because it's the summer. This happen with all MMOs every summer.

    By Halloween populations will be back up. It happens every year. In every game.

    P.S. Not saying some servers couldn't use a merger (I honestly don't know as I'm on Miller), but, unless the server is desperate for it i.e. Emerald example, they will probably wait until after the summer before doing a lot about it.
  15. Ragnarox

    I agree with 2 things, optimization is bad and vanu MAX could get better weapons. Rocket launcher and maybe a shotgun for close encounters and some better ability. Compared to NC and TR vanu MAX is crap. NC can oneshot my full upgreaded heavy and thats not good balance vise.
  16. KoS-1

    Amen bro!

    I've had to deal with SoE and their crapola since they took over EQ way, way back. Sadly I'll probably deal with it more when EQN comes out.
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  17. EmeraldShadow

    I've played the factions a bit more lately and I find vanu to be a little less umm underpowered, and I kind of exaggerated that particular complaint it may be best for you to just take no mind of that part.
  18. Noktaj

    This is what's killing the game for me.
    Can't even notice any upgrade in the hit detection system since I constantly run around 200 PING during prime time. All the rest I don't care. FIX the DARN EU SERVERS please.
  19. Diilicious

    grrr, what a shame...
    the op post was really good, I was actually agreeing with everything you were saying until i saw this.

    Then I stopped reading
  20. ATRA_Wampa-One

    As far as VS is underpowered goes... the only VS stuff that needs a balance pass is pistols and assault rifles.

    Our LMG's are fine, our Carbines are fine, the Magrider is fine, the Scythe is fine, everything is fine with the VS except for secondaries and medic guns.