[Suggestion] 30 rounds for TR repeater

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gd1w, Jul 9, 2014.

  1. gd1w

    Maybe it's just the server I'm on but I always feel bad for the TR. Their only really impressive thing is the mosquito. Other than that they've got a chain gun but in close range it's more about numbers than weapons and at medium range the VS have it.

    So I suggest that the stock 3 shot repeater pistol that the TR have gets an ammunition change to 30/60 from 21/84. The TR are meant for short range and sloppy kills. This change gives TR troops a second automatic weapon in a way. It also allows stalker TR to make the sloppiest kills imaginable.

    Just a suggestion.
  2. Akashar

    No no, TR is fine, repeater is fine. Everything is fine.
  3. gd1w

    I don't mind if TR doesn't get a buff because I play NC mainly (though the phaseshift does look interesting). It's just that TR seems to be underwhelming all the way around. Maybe, it's just me though.
  4. Akashar

    No, they got plenty of good things, they are ok, as is the rest. Fast firing weapons with lots of ammo is cool, the emperor and the repeater are good guns.
  5. Demigan

    Wait, what? The TR repeater is one of the only side-arms where if I drop behind someone I am CERTAIN of a kill. If I do the same with another ES pistol I know that the enemy can still fight back, especially if I'm in a hurry with the kill.
    30/60 would overpower the weapon even more, I compare it to a mini-shotgun that can also be used at range (trigger discipline and I can beat some people with a carbine at range with it).