TR. The Brave? The Loyal? The Cowards?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Vertabrae

    Now what I'm about to say applies only to the TR on Emerald. Maybe it applies to other factions, or other servers, IDK. I mainly play TR on Emerald, so I am only speaking to that about which I have first hand knowledge.

    Spawn Rooms. Nice and safe places of peace and serenity. Reload, rearm, try on that nice new camo you just bought, whatever. We TR love our spawn rooms......and that's the problem.

    See, too many TR love their spawn rooms so much, they refuse to leave them. I'm not just talking about when the point is taken and their camped in there getting a few last kills before the timer runs out. That, at least, I can understand.

    No, I'm talking about the point still being red, or even flashing white, and seeing 5......10.....or 25 people huddled in the spawn. Many in MAX suits. This isn't a one time thing. I saw this 5........lemme repeat that....F I V E times tonight, on both Esamir and Indar.

    What the holy mother@#$% are you Terran Republic soldiers doing cowering in the spawn rooms for? Sweet mother of god, are you in there protecting the %$^&^!@ vending machines? Worried about someone stealing your Snickers? GET THE EFF OUT AND PROTECT THE POINT YOU COWARDLY MLG PRO IDIOTS.

    Seriously, the last few days I've seen a bunch of threads about whats wrong with the TR, and how we can fix things. I've seen people say outfits need to change, weapons need tweaked, all sorts of stuff. Well how about this. Maybe if so many of our people weren't hiding in spawn, maybe, just maybe we could be more effective.

    Maybe SOE could design spawn rooms to force people out. Say if you're not actively using a terminal, you have 10 seconds to exit the building. Failure to do so sends you back to warpgate. I know someone will complain that " hey we're surrounded, we can't leave so that's not fair" Well tough, at that point the base is lost. Redeploy. Walk outside and get shot. I don't care, just stop hiding in the spawn room you cowards.

    TL;DR. Too many soldiers hiding in spawn rooms before the point has flipped, or as it flips are one of the reasons TR is doing so poorly.
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  2. Luminiouscow

    I once yelled "GO GO FKIN GET THE FK OUT" in the voice chat and it worked once.

    Guess what? We held the base for 4 whole minutes before the overpopulating NC (outnumbered us 2:1) capped it back. Seriously guys, if you all get the fk out of the spawnroom and work as a team, you can win almost ANY battle.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    Spawn room warrioring isn't exclusive to Emerald TR, every faction does it pretty bad.
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  4. Mekeji

    Forcing people out of spawn isn't the answer. The spawn warrior tactic is needed with the poor base design in most bases where tanks have line of sight. Using the spawn room as a bunker to kill farm tanks is good.

    However I do agree anything past that is just annoying and too many people use it as a farm room to raise the KDR which doesn't matter.

    On a side note spawn rooms need vending machines. I want to get a take 5 before I head out to kill things.
  5. Paragon Exile

    I laughed at this more than I should have.
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  6. Vertabrae

    I just hate seeing so many people trying to protect their kdr at the expense of actially winning a fight. Its stupid. Go out and fight and you get more certa than you ever will hiding in spawn. BUt no, kdr rules al for the mlg pro idiots. All so they can xlaim how leet they are.
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  7. hawken is better

    That's a lie. TR is the only faction that tries to kill people from within the spawn room. This is a proven fact.
  8. reaven2

    Spawnroom camping is caused by faction/outfits/players not willing to lead the "puppies" and of course by players that just stay inside the spawnroom for high KD which i think is the minority.
    Start open platoons, invite them, tell them where to go and what to do -> less spawnroom camping -> more fun for you and them.
  9. metrotw

    tank mines
  10. Phyr

    Spawn room warriors exist because people are still stupid enough to stand in LOS of the spawn room. It is my moral duty to teach these guys what these one way shields mean.
  11. cyb_

    It is also understandable for lone wolf MAXes to stay in or near the spawn. These things cost quite a lot of resources, yet hardly anyone ever bothers to repair or revive them (outside of squad / outfit play). I have died literally 1m outside of spawn rooms and no one revived me ...
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  12. Iridar51

    That's assuming that everyone's goal is to play for objective. Maybe it should be, but it isn't, and it never will be in an open world game.
  13. Pikachu

    Muh snickers. :D
    450g snicker
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  14. patricio_z

    So much this! yesterday I was killed in burster Max just outside the spawn room doing thankless aa work, guess what? nobody cared to revive me so I could continue to chase off the libs and esfs that where farming them back to stonehege. just logged off
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  15. Huxer

    Yep, this is a case of one guy not liking how other people are playing and trying to explain how they are "doing it wrong" in this PVP sandbox game. You shouldn't concern yourself with how other people are playing unless you are squad leader or higher and they are in your squad. Otherwise, you have zero room to criticize what they are doing.
  16. Geneaux

    Or we could have every single base designed a such that defenders always have an available blind spot in which no amount of spawn camping can outright dominate. This is given, of course, some bases are already designed as such, thus no change needed.
  17. Rift23

    They're waiting for an Enclave rescue.
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  18. TriumphOfMan

    Well they're **** out of luck. Until the game is in a decent shape we're not coming back.
  19. david06

    OP sounds like that guy that swears in proximity chat at the clueless new players.

    Don't try to tell people what to do unless you have a plan. "Get on the point!" when pop is 60-40 in the enemy's favor isn't a plan.
  20. Schwak

    It's part of the AOD recruiting process.